Online Services

Our Online Benefits Application

October 4, 2018 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

woman relaxing on couch, using laptop Social Security is committed to protecting and securing the information entrusted to us. We’re constantly looking for ways for you to save time by conducting your business anytime, anywhere, using our online services.

Our online benefits application provides a high level of security and protection for the information you provide. Filing online gives you the freedom and convenience to file for various types of benefits including Retirement, Disability, Supplemental Security Income, and Medicare.

Follow these simple steps to begin:

  1. Review the information on our Retirement/Spouse’s, Disability, Medicare, or Supplemental Security Income Benefits page to make sure you meet the requirements to apply for benefits online and have the information you will need to do so.
  2. Create or sign in to your personal my Social Security account. 
  3. File your claim online.
  4. Check the status of your claim by signing in to your personal my Social Security account.

You should be able to complete and submit your application all at once. But if that’s not possible, you can return to your application and continue right where you left off!

After you’ve completed your application, we’ll also give you a confirmation number to check the status, and information on what to do next. If we are not able to process the request, we will provide specific information on how to contact us by phone or schedule an office appointment.

Applying for benefits online is safer, easier, and more secure than ever!

Learn more by watching our videos on our online retirement, spouse’s, and Medicare benefits application and our online disability benefits application.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Sally S.

    I started a Retirement Application a couple of months ago. When I tried to get my re-entry number, this showed on my screen:
    Your Benefit Applications

    We’re sorry, we cannot provide your Benefit Application Status at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again later.

    It’s been that way for a couple of days. I don’t want to start a new application. How can I get my re-entry number?

    • V.V.

      Hi Sally, thanks for using our blog. If you are filing for yourself and have lost or forgotten your re-entry number, you can get it by creating or logging into your my Social Security account.

      Your re-entry number can be retrieved by clicking the “Get Re-entry Number” link found in the “Your Benefit Applications” table.

  2. Susan S.

    I started a application for benefits on January 1, 2021. I change my mind and did not come back to complete. How does this date effect anything. How do I delete and start over? It is now March.

    • V.V.

      Hi Susan, thank you for using our blog to ask your question. A partially completed online retirement application establishes a protective filing date in case you change your mind later. You are protected as of the date you first completed the initial information screens (e.g., Applicant Identification, Contact Information, and Birth and Citizenship Information) and selected the “Next” button. The next page that appears in the path is the “Re-entry Number” screen, which provides you with the 6-month protective filing language. We hope this helps.

  3. Cynthia M.

    I want to start receiving my retirement payments at full retirement age, 66 and 2 months. My DOB is 5/6/1955 so would that be in July 2021 or August 2021? When is the soonest I can submit that application and make sure I am applying for benefits to start on correct date to receive my full retirement amount?

    • V.V.

      Hi Cynthia, thanks for using our blog. If you wait until your full retirement age, you will get your full benefit. If your full retirement age is 66 and 2 months and you turn 66 on May 6, you will attain your full retirement age in July. One exception to that is for individuals that are born on the 1st of the month. We figure their benefit (and their full retirement age) as if their birthday was in the previous month.

      Your full retirement age is determined by your year of birth. You can check out our Benefits By Year Of Birth web page to understand why some people have different full retirement ages and what those ages are.

      Social Security benefits are paid the month after they are due. So, if you want your benefits to begin with July, you will receive your first benefit payment in August. The exact payment date is determined by your date of birth. For future pay days, you may find the Schedule of Social Security Payments calendars useful.

      Our system is set up to take applications four months in advance. You can apply as early as March. When you’re ready to apply, you can apply online.

      If you are unable or would rather not apply online, you can call us at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or you can contact your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  4. john j.

    My friend was born on May 5, 1955 and reaches full retirement age at 66 years and 2 months this coming May 5. She wants full SS retirement benefits. SS says to apply 4 months in advance of when you want the first check.

    Can she apply in May and get her first check in August or does she need to wait until June to apply and get her first check in Sept?

    • V.V.

      Hi John, thanks for using our blog. If your friend waits until her full retirement age, she will get her full benefit. If her full retirement age is 66 and 2 months and she turns 66 on May 5, she will attain her full retirement age in July. One exception to that is for individuals that are born on the 1st of the month. We figure their benefit (and their full retirement age) as if their birthday was in the previous month. Social Security benefits are paid the month after they are due. So, if she wants her benefits to begin with July, she will receive her first benefit payment in August. The exact payment date is determined by her date of birth. For future pay days, she may find the Schedule of Social Security Payments calendars useful.

      Our system is set up to take applications four months in advance. She can apply as early as March. When she’s ready to apply, she can apply online.

      If she is unable or would rather not apply online, she can call us at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or she can contact her local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  5. Tom

    Hello: I am about to receive my first Social Security benefit and I have children under age 18. When will I receive notification of their payment date? Their information is not on mySSA page. Thank you!

    • V.V.

      Hi Tom, thank you for using our blog. The birthday of the person whose record they receive benefits under determines their payment date:
      Date of Birth Payment Day:
      1st through 10th Second Wednesday
      11th through 20th Third Wednesday
      21st through 31st Fourth Wednesday

      Check out our Schedule of Social Security Payments for the payment dates.

      If you need to check on the status, you can call your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  6. Marilee A.

    I applied for SS retirement benefits in January and it still says it is processing my application, what do I need to do to complete this process?

    • V.V.

      Hi Marilee, thanks for using our blog. You can call your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  7. carlos c.

    I submitted my application for social security benefits online yesterday. I have changed my mind. How do you cancel an application?

    • V.V.

      Hi Carlos, thanks for using our blog. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or you can call your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  8. Denise M.

    I am receiving spouse benefits now. I will be turning 70 this August and want to receive my benefits then not spouse benefits. Please advise what I should do. Thank you in advance.

    • V.V.

      Hi Denise, thanks for using our blog to ask your question. You can apply four months before you want your Social Security retirement benefits to start. Once you’re ready to apply, the easiest way to complete your application is online.

      If you need further assistance, call us at 1-800-772-1213 or you can contact your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  9. Judy O.

    I will be 65 on March 8 2021, I am still working and want to receive benefits beginning in June, after I retire May 23rd. I started my application 2/3 but saved it due to the questions about my earnings, I don’t want to lower my benefit because I applied early.

    • S.D.

      Hi, Judy, and thanks for using our blog. If you want to wait until you stop working to get your first Social Security check, you should return to your online application and choose June as your month of entitlement. We always pay benefits a month behind, so you’ll get your June check in July.

      A special earnings limit rule applies to those who retire mid-year, like you, and may have already earned more than the yearly earnings limit. The special rule lets us pay a Social Security check for any whole month your earnings are $1,580 or less and you did not perform substantial services in self-employment, regardless of your yearly earnings.

      Your benefit amount will not be reduced due to your earnings from January through May. However, it will be reduced because you are taking your benefits before your full retirement age. Since you were born in 1956, your full retirement age is 66 and 4 months. You may wish to use the online Retirement Calculator in your my Social Security account to see different estimates by choosing a future age (in years and months) or a future date to begin receiving benefits.

      A final note, if you decide to delay your benefits until after age 65, you should still considering applying for Medicare benefits within three months of your 65th birthday. If you wait longer, your Medicare medical insurance (Part B) and prescription drug coverage (Part D) may cost you more money.

      We hope this information helps.

  10. Dennis E.

    Hello, I attempted to file an online application for regular social security retirement benefits when I turn 62 exactly 4 months from today and I was blocked with an error message saying that I must indicate that I am “disabled” in order to continue. Today is January 30th, 2021 and my 62nd birthday is on May 30, 2021. Can you explain why I am unable to continue with my application at this time? Thank you.

    • V.V.

      Hi Dennis, thanks for using our blog. The minimum age for Social Security retirement benefits is 62. To begin receiving reduced retirement benefits at 62, you are required to be age 62 for the entire month. For SSA purposes, individuals born on the first or second day of the month are considered age 62 for the “full” month and could be entitled to benefits for the month of their 62nd birthday. However, if born on the 3rd or later, you must wait a month. If you’re 62 on May 30, you’re eligible for Social Security retirement benefits beginning in June. Social Security benefits are paid the month after they are due. So, if you want your benefits to begin with June, you will receive your first benefit payment in July. You can apply four months in advance of when you want your benefits to start. The exact payment date is determined by your date of birth. For future pay days, you may find the Schedule of Social Security Payments calendars useful.

      • Dirk F.

        I ran into the same “problem” so this answer was helpful. But I am still unclear about the earliest possible date to apply online. In the above example of someone turning 62 on May 30, 2021, the earliest possible retirement benefit payment would occur on July 28, 2021 according to the 2021 Schedule of Payments – is that correct? And would this mean that the earliest possible date to apply would be on or after March 28, 2021 (4 months before first payment), or would it be on or after February 28,2021 (4 month before they have been 62 for a full month), or ??

        • V.V.

          Hi Dirk, thanks for using our blog. If you want your benefits to start at age 62, you can apply at age 61 and eight months, any day of the month, it does not matter. Check out our Retirement Benefits web page for more details.

          • Dirk F.

            But just like Dennis Enderson explained, this is not true. I am past age 61+8 moths and I get the same error as him. I will eventually find out just by trial and error on which date the the system will take my application, but it would be useful to know in advance.

          • Julie K.

            Same problem here !!!!!! Julie K
            July 14 birthday # 62. When can I apply ???

          • V.V.

            Hi Julie, thanks for using our blog. The minimum age for Social Security retirement benefits is 62. To begin receiving reduced retirement benefits at 62, you are required to be age 62 for the entire month. For SSA purposes, individuals born on the first or second day of the month are considered age 62 for the “full” month and could be entitled to benefits for the month of their 62nd birthday. However, if born on the 3rd or later, you must wait a month. If you’re 62 on July 14, you’re eligible for Social Security retirement benefits beginning in August. Social Security benefits are paid the month after they are due. So, if you want your benefits to begin with August, you will receive your first benefit payment in September. You can apply four months in advance of when you want your benefits to start. The exact payment date is determined by your date of birth. For future pay days, you may find the Schedule of Social Security Payments calendars useful.

    • John D.

      How do you find a form to receive Social Security Benefits.

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