Online Services, Social Security Number and Card

Need to Change Your Name on Your Social Security Card?

October 9, 2018 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

A stack of social security cardsAre you changing your name? If so, let Social Security know so we can update your information, send you a corrected card, and make sure you get the benefits you’ve earned.

To change your name on your card, you must show us documents proving your legal name change and identity. If you are a U.S. citizen, you also must show us a document proving your U.S. citizenship, if it is not already in our records. You must present original documents or copies certified by the agency that issued them. We can’t accept photocopies or notarized copies.

To prove your legal name change, you must show one of the following documents:

  • Marriage document.
  • Divorce decree.
  • Certificate of naturalization showing a new name.
  • Court order for a name change.

To prove your identity, you must show an unexpired document showing your name, identifying information, and photograph, such as one of the following:

  • U.S. driver’s license.
  • State-issued non-driver’s identification card.
  • U.S. passport.

If you don’t have one of those documents available, we may be able to accept your:

  • Employer identification card.
  • School identification card.
  • Health insurance card.
  • U.S. military identification card.

To prove your U.S. citizenship, you must show one of the following documents:

  • U.S. birth certificate.
  • U.S. Consular Report of Birth Abroad.
  • U.S. passport (unexpired).
  • Certificate of Naturalization.
  • Certificate of Citizenship.

Whatever your reason for your name change, Social Security is here to help you with the new… you! Fill out the form online and follow the instructions to ensure your Social Security card is delivered in a timely manner. You can also locate your local field office so you can apply for your updated card and show your required documents in person.

For complete instructions, visit our Social Security Number and Card page, which includes information for non-citizens. And remember, if you simply need to replace a lost Social Security card, but don’t need to change your name, you can — in most states — request your replacement card online using your personal my Social Security account.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Dawn A.

    Can you mail me an application for name change

  2. Floy C.

    How do I change my address for Medicare

  3. pengeluaran h.

    Saat ini mungkin anda sangat ingin mengetahui bagaimana cara memainkan alat musik Angklung, dapat dipahami saat ini siapa yang tidak kenal alat musik sunda satu ini, tidak hanya di Indonesia, alat musik Angklung juga dikenal oleh beberapa negara karena banyak orang Indonesia yang selalu mengenalkannya.

    Suaranya yang indah nan merdu membuat siapa saja yang mendengarnya akan merasakan suasana kedamaian seperti berada di tempat alat musik ini berasal yaitu di Jawa Barat.

    Tidak hanya itu, pada 17 November 2010 Alat musik Angklung dinobatkan sebagai warisan budaya dunia oleh UNESCO yaitu organisasi yang menangani tentang budaya, kita sebagai orang Indonesia tentu bangga bukan.? oleh sebab itu ayo ketahui lebih mendalam Alat Musik Angklung.
    Alat musik Angklung adalah alat musik yang berasal dari Jawa Barat khususnya berkembang di suku Sunda, secara sederhana cara memainkan Angklung yaitu dengan digoyang atau digoncang sehingga mengeluarkan nada not-not balok yang Indah.

    Tidak diketahui secara pasti kapan alat musik Angklung berada di tanah sunda, namun alat musik ini sudah tercatat keberadaannya mulai dari abad ke-12 sampai ke-16, yaitu ketika kerajaan Prabu Siliwangi masih berjaya.

    Alat musik ini diciptakan didasarkan atas pandangan masyarakat sunda yang mayoritas sebagai petani padi, terdapat suatu mitos kepercayaan bahwa kesuburan padi yang dilambangkan dengan Nyai Sri Pohaci sehingga disematkan sebagai Dewi Padi pemberi kehidupan.

  4. pengeluaran h.

    pengeluaran hkAt this time maybe you really want to know how to play Angklung musical instrument, it can be understood today who doesn’t know this Sundanese musical instrument, not only in Indonesia, Angklung musical instrument is also known by several countries because many Indonesians always introduce it.

    The beautiful and melodious voice makes anyone who hears it will feel the atmosphere of peace like being where this musical instrument originated, namely in West Java.

    Not only that, on November 17, 2010 the Angklung musical instrument was named a world cultural heritage by UNESCO, an organization that handles culture, we, as Indonesians, are certainly proud, right? therefore, let’s find out more about Angklung Musical Instrument.
    Angklung musical instrument is a musical instrument that originated in West Java, especially developing in the Sundanese, in a simple way to play Angklung that is by rocking or shaking so that it emits beautiful notes of musical notes.

    It is not known exactly when the Angklung musical instrument was in the Sundanese land, but this musical instrument has been recorded from the 12th century to the 16th century, when the kingdom of King Siliwangi was still victorious.

    This instrument was created based on the views of Sundanese people who are majority as rice farmers, there is a myth of belief that rice fertility is symbolized by Nyai Sri Pohaci so that it is pinned as a life-giving Rice Goddess.

  5. pengeluaran h.

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  6. pengeluaran s.

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  7. Kartupelangi

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  8. Marge Z.

    How do I get a state ID with my maiden name.. when they need me to bring SS card.. I have court document.. for OK to change name and marriage certf..

  9. marletta l.

    I was born in Flint Michigan. I was not born in a Hospital but at home. Thus no record. My mother than sold me to a couple who did not get a birth cert. for me. When I finally did meet her we did go and get one made so I could go no Public Aid. But I don’t have a copy anymore and Flint is giving me a hard time in getting a copy. Because I can’t remember some of the stuff on the Birth Record. There is a copy with the public Aid Office. I just don’t know how to get it. I just need to change my name sense I just got Married in 2018… Can you help me Please?

  10. Connie

    I need to change my name on my social security card
    because it says Constance Zorado Skees and my birth certificate and everything also says Zorado Constance Skees. What do I need to do. I have also lost my medicare card I need a replacement.



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