Online Services, Social Security Number and Card

Need to Change Your Name on Your Social Security Card?

October 9, 2018 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

A stack of social security cardsAre you changing your name? If so, let Social Security know so we can update your information, send you a corrected card, and make sure you get the benefits you’ve earned.

To change your name on your card, you must show us documents proving your legal name change and identity. If you are a U.S. citizen, you also must show us a document proving your U.S. citizenship, if it is not already in our records. You must present original documents or copies certified by the agency that issued them. We can’t accept photocopies or notarized copies.

To prove your legal name change, you must show one of the following documents:

  • Marriage document.
  • Divorce decree.
  • Certificate of naturalization showing a new name.
  • Court order for a name change.

To prove your identity, you must show an unexpired document showing your name, identifying information, and photograph, such as one of the following:

  • U.S. driver’s license.
  • State-issued non-driver’s identification card.
  • U.S. passport.

If you don’t have one of those documents available, we may be able to accept your:

  • Employer identification card.
  • School identification card.
  • Health insurance card.
  • U.S. military identification card.

To prove your U.S. citizenship, you must show one of the following documents:

  • U.S. birth certificate.
  • U.S. Consular Report of Birth Abroad.
  • U.S. passport (unexpired).
  • Certificate of Naturalization.
  • Certificate of Citizenship.

Whatever your reason for your name change, Social Security is here to help you with the new… you! Fill out the form online and follow the instructions to ensure your Social Security card is delivered in a timely manner. You can also locate your local field office so you can apply for your updated card and show your required documents in person.

For complete instructions, visit our Social Security Number and Card page, which includes information for non-citizens. And remember, if you simply need to replace a lost Social Security card, but don’t need to change your name, you can — in most states — request your replacement card online using your personal my Social Security account.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Gloria D.

    I got married I need to change my last name how do I do it

  2. KK

    On most websites, it says that in order to change your name after marriage, we must provide “proof of name change” like a marriage certificate. BUT, No where on the marriage application nor marriage certificate did it ever ask me to change my name. Nor did the Judge who performed my ceremony mention it. There was nothing ever filled out saying “I wish to change my name from ____ to ____.” So what does providing the marriage certificate do? Its signed using our current (at that time) legal name and not the assumed future name. So Is it just assumed that by getting married, that’s proof of a legal name change? Through the act of getting married, having a marriage ceremony, and obtaining a marriage certificate I’ll be able to assume a new name and tell these agencies that “I’ve changed my name”?

  3. Jesse

    It says, “Marriage Document” but not “certified copy of marriage certificate.” Why is that?

  4. Bria L.

    I need to change my name for my social security card.

  5. Linda T.

    I need a form sent to change my name, a SS 5 form

    • R.F.

      Hello Linda. To print an application, to learn more on the process, and to see what documents you will need to change your name on your Social Security card, please visit our “Social Security Number and Card” web page. Thanks!

  6. Hildegard B.


  7. Sheila W.

    all I need to do is change of address.
    I’ve tried on line and I’ve waited an hour on the phone
    worse service ever

    • V.V.

      Hi Sheila. We are sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience and we understand your frustration. Our national toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778), has representatives available Monday through Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Our phone lines are busiest early in the week and early in the month. You will generally have a shorter wait time if you call after Tuesday, later in the day or later in the month. Or, for further assistance, call or visit your local Social Security office.

      • David

        Vonda VanTil-have you tried calling SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICE? Why not try to see how long you’ll wait & experience what we, your clients & employers, as were are the one paying your salaries & benefits, go through!
        It’s beyond my comprehension why you can’t answer your phones quickly & provide accurate response to queries the way various MAJOR COMPANIES WITH WORLDWIDE OFFICES can.

  8. Julie Q.

    I have tried to get my name changed 4 or 5 times in the last 28 years and have always had difficulties of one thing or another. The last time SSA sent a letter which said my new card was in the mail but it never arrived. I’ve just been using my original card but my new name. Now, I’ve tried to update my driver’s license and, of course, the social security numbers don’t match. Will this be a huge hassle or a fairly easy fix when I go to the office to try to clear this up?

    • V.V.

      Hi Julie, sorry to hear about the difficulties you are having with your name on your Social Security card. To ensure you have the proper documentation prior to visiting your local office, check out the Frequently Asked Question on how to change or correct your name on your Social Security card.

  9. Elmo S.

    My Social Security Card misspells my name.
    It lists me as Sammuel E Lovato

    My legal birth name is Elmo Samuel Lovato

    • opaban

      U Can Play Arenajackpot Anywhere

  10. Carol D.

    I was recently married, and would like to update my social security card with my married name

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