
Let Social Security Help Guide You Back To Work

September 19, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: September 19, 2016

ticket to workThere’s no denying that we all need a helping hand every now and then. Whether it’s to change a tire, move into a new home, or build a tree house, knowing someone is there to lend a hand is always reassuring. Social Security offers this same assurance to all those we serve each day, including beneficiaries with disabilities. When you’re ready to return to work or work for the first time, we’re here.

Our Ticket to Work program offers beneficiaries with disabilities access to meaningful employment. Employment occurs with the assistance of Ticket to Work employment service providers called Employment Networks. The primary goals of employment networks are to assist you with a variety of work-related tasks to prepare you for the workforce. Our beneficiaries get help finding a job and staying employed, as well as instruction on their wage-reporting responsibilities to Social Security. Ultimately, they assist in guiding you back to work!

The program is free, voluntary, and offers help to people ages 18 through 64 who receive Social Security disability benefits. If you’re interested in this program, we’re here to provide support throughout your journey. In fact, this program focuses on your financial independence. Beneficiaries go to work, get a good job that may lead to a career, and become financially independent.

One major benefit of this career starter is that as a beneficiary, you’re able to keep your cash benefits and Medicare or Medicaid. Throughout your transition to work, there are protections in place to help you return to benefits if you find you’re unable to continue working due to your disability.

Take advantage of the Ticket to Work program today, as you connect the right mix of free employment support services and approved service providers that best fit your needs. If you’re ready for the workforce, we’re ready to help guide you all the way!

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. Diana

    I am retired, but I would like to go back to work part time and I am not disabled . Can I joined this program ?

    • R.F.

      Hi Diana. The Ticket To Work Program is primarily designed to help people who receive disability benefits return to work or work for the first time. In the other hand, you can still work and receive your Social Security retirement benefits at the same time. To learn more, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions web page or read our publication: “How Work Affects Your Benefits”. If you have additional questions, please call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. and talk with one of our representatives.

  2. Tony S.

    RE: 2016 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old Age Survivor Disability Insurance Trust Funds and Supplemental Security Income Program. Summer Solstice Instructions. Hospitals & Asylums HA-6-6-16 as conclusively edited for the fall equinox 2016 http://www.title24uscode.org/ss1.htm

    Dear Mr. President:

    This is the first Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old Age Survivor Disability Insurance Trust Funds and Supplemental Security Income Program for summer solstice 2016 as amended for the fall equinox 2016. The 2017 Summer Solstice Instructions shall summarize the OASDI and SSI programs in one easy to understand table. This new edition supplements the United States Code under 1USC§202(c) and amends Annual Reports under Sec. 1161 of Title 11 of the Social Security Act 42USC(7)XI-B§1320c-10 to change the deadline for the Annual Report of the Social Security and Medicare Programs from April Fool’s day to the Summer Solstice.

    The SSA and CMS Actuaries published their 2016 reports with summary by the Treasury, one day late on June 22, 2106. The Acting Commissioner has not submitted a 2016 annual SSI report on the federally funded SSI program, SSI program growth rates were reported in the 2015 report to be actually nearly zero, although written as 1% .

    Public Law regarding Social Security since 1996 has been a crime. The Administration must redress three years without COLA 2009-2011 at $674 mo. SSI with a 6% COLA in 2017 to make up for the COLA the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 drank and ensure beneficiaries receive a 3% COLA every year thereafter.

    Medicare Part B Premium $104.90 in 2015, $121.80 in 2016 (16.1% growth) and $149.00 in 2017 (22.3% growth) is neoplastic, and the HHS budget and Health United States 2015 are unaccountably high. SMI premium increases must again be held harmless under Sec. 1840 of the Social Security Act 42USC§1395s – $104.90 2015 rates through 2016 and until CMS agrees to a 2.5% health annuity of $107.50 if the COLA is 3% or 5% $110.20 provided there is a 6% COLA in 2017.

    In 2016 employee 26USC§3101 and employer §3111 tax rates and deprivation of relief benefits 18USC§246 were hacked because the 2.37% DI tax rate is not legible on paystubs. The IRS and SSA Commissioners must agree in writing to a legible tax rate of 2.4% DI 10.0% OASI in 2017 and 2.2% DI 10.2% OASI in 2018 and thereafter and ensure the public that Actuary has learned how to calculate the OASDI tax rate right for once. The 2016 report was wrong regarding the precise allocation of the revenues from the DI and OASI trust funds in 2016, although he got the apportionment right for 2017 and thereafter, the 2.37% DI tax rate is not right because it is illegible on pay-stubs and it would be irresponsible to never make a withdrawal from the OASI Trust Fund without prematurely depleting the DI trust fund, and must be made right immediately.

    Actuarial propaganda about raising tax rates or reducing benefits must cease. The Actuary must account for the fact that the tax on the rich will end poverty in the United States by 2020. The United States is obligated to tax the rich under 26USC§7201 to pay child SSI to 16-24 million poor children in 2017 under 18USC§228(b). Passing the Social Security Amendments of January 1, 2016 in September 2016 will leave the winner of the Presidential election an estimated $20 billion federal budget surplus in FY 2017 – The Harmless Deal.

    The Senate and President may choose to confirm the author under Art. 2(2) of the U.S. Constitution provided the term of Commissioner will have to be amended from 6 to 2 years under Sec. 702(a)(3) of the Social Security Act 42USC(7)VII§902(a)(3).  Furthermore, maximum allowable disability and retirement, $2,639 a month in 2016, may be a more economical, academically free and culturally competent method of compensating the author, than Level I executive compensation of $201,700 a year.

    $700 a month is all that is needed to comply with the 42 month limit on $600-$699 in (Revelation 13:10). A 3% COLA in 2016 would have been exactly $700 but a 6% COLA in 2017 and 3% every year thereafter is amicable.  This work can be purchased in good faith by the Acting Commissioner for $69 a month back-pay five years from the Defense of Social Security Caucus of 2011 to the first day of accountability dated January 1, 2016, thanks to the 6% COLA 2017 -$4,140 under Section 204(c) of the Social Security Act 42USC§404(c), whereas OASDI has a 303% (2016) trust fund ratio under Sec. 215(i) of the Social Security Act 42USC415(i).

  3. Brian

    The DHRS Illinois watches me do all the job hunting while they collect Federal funds for doing not much. I have a great resume , and have disabilities but work part time under the SGA. I don’t know if I can work full time and am afraid.
    I am 56 and I know it is age discrimination that prevents me from a chance to try and have a brighter future.

    • tony

      The State’s Rehabilitation Services doesn’t do anything for people and collect almost $19K in Federal Funds.

      People who were unemployed looking for work never got any assistance from the State. They decided to go on disability after their unemployment ran out. They are too scared to even go back to the State and ask them to find a job because they know they will do all the leg work and end up reapplying at the crappy job like the ones they were looking at with unemployment.

      Careersource of Florida is just as bad. They have job listings on the website, but warns you that the job might be a scam. They don’t even bother to research the job to see if it is legit.

      If it wasn’t for the private Employment Networks, then there wouldn’t be many people using the Ticket to Work program because the State sucks at finding people a good job.

      • tony

        The States are always trying to get the Federal Government to pay for everything. They get people on welfare to sign up for SSI, so the State doesn’t have to use State Funds for Cash Assistance.

        The States and it’s people already know how to scam Social Security disability. Social Security is the Cash Cow. I get the free disability money.

        Many States had the Disability Advocate Services like New York to get people off TANF and onto SSI. New York has a high approval rating at the ALJ level above the National average.

        It will be hard for Social Security to get people off SSI and back to work. The States got them off TANF because they will receive more money on SSI.

        The people on SSI don’t have much work experience. The job they get won’t pay that much. When you add up their benefits like SSI, Medicaid, food stamps, and Section 8 housing, it is better to stay on SSI than working for $10/hr.

        Two weeks paycheck would go to housing, food, transportation to work, and medical insurance. After they tax you on the other two weeks check, it would be less than SSI.

      • tony

        It is easy to get free Social Security disability money. All you have to do is make a few visit to the psychiatrist/psychologist offices. You will probably be diagnosed with multiple mental illness. The psychiatrist/psychologist get paid by the pharmaceutical companies, so they will diagnosis you with multiple mental illness in order to prescribe you multiple medications.

        Most people get free Medicaid from the government, so they don’t pay the psychiatrist/psychologist or for prescriptions.

        Once they get that free Social Security disability money, they won’t ever work hard manual labor because it doesn’t pay. They will just collect disability for the rest of their lives.

        • R.F.

          Hi Tony. The Social Security Act sets out a strict definition of disability. Our agency pays benefits to eligible individuals who can’t work due to a disabling mental or physical condition that is expected to last at least one year or result in death. Those who qualify based on our strict definition of disability are among the most severely disabled people in the country. No benefits are payable for partial disability or short-term disability. Furthermore, the Social Security Administration conducts Continuing Disability Reviews from time to time to make sure the individuals receiving checks are still eligible to get them.

          • tony

            It is not that strict because everyone is getting the free Social Security disability money. Obviously the attorneys knows the strict definition and has ways around it. The attorneys get their clients to go to their doctors to fill out Residual Function Reports and Medical Source Statements. Scammers know how the system works. They even get the Congressman involved in their scam to expedite their case to get the free Social Security disability money faster.

          • tammy

            Mr. Fernandez, you wrote “Our agency pays benefits to eligible individuals who can’t work due to a disabling mental or physical condition that is expected to last at least one year or result in death. Those who qualify based on our strict definition of disability are among the most severely disabled people in the country”. To the contrary, I am a totally disabled individual who has applied for social security, for years and have always been denied, every time! I have severe Cerebral Palsy and have a lot of mobility issues / physical limitations and because of that NO ONE WILL HIRE ME FOR WORK.

            Let me educate you on the brilliant social security process that is a complete and total failure. Being a physically disabled person, no one will hire me to work. Because no one will hire me, I cannot build up any “POINTS” or “CREDITS” in the socialist system to “qualify for benefits”. So you can see this “ENDLESS LOOP” that the Government has created, keeps people like me out of that program.

            My disability STARTED WHEN I WAS BORN, I cannot make that any more clear. The people at the Social Security Office always want to assume that a disability started on “some date” and they are incapable of understanding that I was born with this disability. Maybe they cannot comprehend the fact that there is a physically disabled person out there who slipped through the crack, but there is and that physically disabled person is me.

            My parents tried to file for disability for me but were turned down. I was born in a hospital in Houston, Texas in the 1970’s, so it’s not like I was born outside the US.

            I am- by the socialist security definition- an “adult disabled child” and should qualify for benefits under that program, right? Well……NO, all because of a little loophole, the three little words in a bureaucratic rant which state “must be unmarried”. Why?

            I tried to apply (several times) for disability, but I have been denied all based on the fact that I married an “able bodied person”.

            So, how does me getting married to an able bodied person, make me any less disabled?

            How does getting married somehow magically make people overlook my physical disability and want to hire me for work?

            I really wish at the next “disability review”, you would bring up to your supervisor, the topic of how the “marriage rule” in the adult disabled child definition, is a discriminatory rule that needs to be eliminated.


          • Geri

            C’mon over Dearest ML I got so many juicy stories getting tossed here we could tear UP that ol’ Mirror… the we-she thn0is&#823n;akd thinks…and thinks. :O♥

    • Peggy

      Ahh the amazing al&0iatorl#823g; Now that means so much to me to see these pictures since I am the birth mommy for Lukas! You did a beautiful job with the pictures with Tom and Cindy and baby Lukas!!!

  4. Johnston P.

    Is the program works in Guam? And how can we apply for the and family members and relatives that are getting disability benefits here in Guam?

    Thank you!

  5. JAMES C.

    would like to know why I am not getting disable no one told me that I could get disable when I got hurt in 1984

  6. Ekopimoh M.

    Hello client,I ‘ll like to apply for a job at get back to work with this new possibility it s that easy for me to earn salary as a part time worker.with my present condition i could describe my self as orfanage being faced with tribal coincidence .i would say my situation is improving as at now.its been worst for the past 6yrs i was faced with afflek.it was just like i ‘ld go with oxygenated port so as to breath soom fresh air.apart frm that it was like hell of a thing. I live here in akwa ibom state, nigeria. I ‘ve not seen my biological father. I dont even ‘ve access to a good apartment. Just earlier this yr i managed to start a Small business.to be able to further my education. Any help?

    • Gilbert

      Are you referring to the VA’s Voc/Rehab Program and if so are you a VR Specialist?

  7. Anne H.

    My son suffered an injury that was not enough for him to be declared disabled. But it did make it impossible for him to return to his previous employment. He has chosen to return to college with the help of a stipend. He won’t be eligible for full Social Security even if he finally graduates: he’s now in his mid-fifties. Do you have a program that would help people in his situation?

  8. Manuel S.

    Anyone having an existing handy cap or disability, military acquired or Non, and are willing to accept re-training, employment, become productive in a new occupation are eoig8ible for services through our local Department of Rehabilitation Office, one can apply in person, or apply on line, to set up an appointment, get testing, career guidance, and re-training..

  9. Geoffrey R.

    I’m 37 and I have 2 herniated discs in my neck that are pressing on a nerve root, my ring and pinky fingers on left hand are completely numb. The neurologist told me that the most I can pick up is 15 lbs. I also have PTSD, depression and anxiety disorder, I never know how I’m going to feel when I wake up, which it could change in a matter of minutes or hours. It all depends on what triggers it.

    • Manuel S.

      What about working a home based business, from home, within your are of expertise, look into SBA through the Department of Rehabilitation Program Office near you.

  10. Jor W.

    I’d like to know if this program can help me get medical care that could help me be more employable.

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