Disability, General, Retirement, Survivors, Taxes

Join the 19 Million People Who Have my Social Security Accounts

July 2, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 6, 2023

A woman uses a computerAt some point in his or her life, almost every American will need, or will at least be eligible for, Social Security benefits. Our website has quickly become our newest hub for many of our customers to conduct their business with us.

Already more than half of our customers who apply for retirement or disability benefits, or who submit a Medicare claim, do so online.

Here’s why:

Our suite of online services is convenient, secure, and easy to navigate. And, we continually refine and add services.

Head to our website to find out what benefits you can apply for by using our screening tool to help identify all the Social Security programs you might be eligible for.

For example, if you applied for Social Security benefits, you can check the status of your application online.

You can also file an appeal on a decision made on your disability claim or get a replacement Medicare Card.

Maybe you want to know if you can get Extra Help with your Medicare prescription drug costs.

What about using our Retirement Estimator for a retirement estimate based on real time access to your earnings record.

Create a free personal my Social Security account to see all the information tailored to you.

You can view your Social Security Statement and verify your earnings records, since missing or inaccurate information could affect the amount of your future benefit.

If you need information from us to complete business with someone else, we make some of that information available with my Social Security. Download a replacement SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S for tax season, or get a letter to verify that you are, or aren’t, receiving benefits.

If you receive monthly benefits, you can easily change the address and telephone number you want to use and start or change your direct deposit information.

If you are blind or visually impaired, choose alternate ways to receive information from Social Security – whatever works best for you.

Join millions who are using our online services. And, personalize your experience by creating a personal my Social Security account account today!

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About the Author

Phil Gambino, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. William W.

    What happens when you move into an apartment and your benefit is just enough to pay for your rent then it get cut do you go back to the street or can you work to cover the costs to live independently I need the help for I gave all of my life away to get better and now I can’t work a full year my body will not let me I always have to stop for at least one month or more

  2. Robert E.

    My wife Has worked in the Texas school system and has not paid in to S.S for last 15 years. She will draw benefits from Texas State when she retires at 62. Will she also be able to draw from S.S on my acct as my wife!

    • ..

      Thank you for your question, Robert. Your wife will be eligible for spouse’s benefits on your record at age 62. She may also qualify for retirement benefits on her own record, if she worked for a different employer before working for the Texas school system. She only needs to have 40 credits, or 10 years of work paying Social Security taxes. However, a pension based on work that is not covered by Social Security may cause the amount of her Social Security benefit to be reduced. Her spouse benefits can be reduced based on the Government Pension Offset. Benefits on her own record can be affected by the Windfall Elimination Provision. Your wife can create a mySocialSecurity account to review her earnings record, and the estimated Social Security and Medicare taxes she’s paid. We hope this information helps!

  3. Robert W.

    Since I live outside the US, what I REALLY need is an on-line alternative to snail-mail for the SSA-7162 form, since the (so-called) postal (so-called) system in my country, Thailand, is unreliable at best. Any possibility of something like this being implemented before it becomes irrelevant, i.e., I die?

  4. Ronnie

    When my cousin turned 68 he went to the local Social Security office and signed up for his benefits. He told me not only was he getting his benefits, but Social Security was giving 6 months back pay. Since then I read that Social Security has a policy of giving individuals age 67 or older 6 months back pay whether they ask for it or not. I am 69 and in the position where I can afford to wait till age 70 to collect my benefits, but I do not want any back pay only my full benefit. Will Social Security automatically give me back pay if I don’t tell them not to?

    • ..

      Good question, Ronnie! When people reach their Full Retirement Age, they can choose to start receiving benefits before the month they apply. We allow up to six months of retroactivity payments, but we cannot pay retroactive benefits for any month before you reached full retirement age. The choice of receiving up to six month of retroactivity payments is yours. You can also wait to apply and start receiving your retirement benefits at age 70 and earn Delayed Retirement Credits, which are an increase in the monthly benefit amount due a beneficiary for each month, after full retirement age, that benefits are due but not paid.

  5. Joseph A.

    I appreciate many innovations the Social Security Administration have put in place to make online application easy for obtaining retirement benefits.But I think one area they need to look into is as concerning those applying for benefits online outside the Americas who could not provide residential address and zip code like those living in the Americas.I believe this would not be difficult.Thanks!

  6. victor m.

    I.am 68 yrs. old reciving SS benefits, my wife is 60 she never worked in the US, but she has a valid SS#, is she entitled to recibe SS benefits from my pension. ????…thank you

    • Chuck

      Victor, your wife can receive spouse’s benefits on your record when she becomes 62 years old.

      • victor m.

        THANK YOU

    • ..

      Victor, even if your wife has never worked under Social Security, she may be eligible to receive spouse’s benefits on your record. In order for someone to receive spousal benefits, she or he must be 62 years of age, and her or his spouse must be receiving benefits. To learn more and to compute retirement for spouses, please see our Benefits for Your Spouse page.

  7. Jerome K.

    My wife Pauline A Kehoe was born March 26, 1925 and unfortunately is a notch baby and I’m sure our legislators are just waiting for her to die so they will not have to pay her what by rights is legally hers. Why in God’s was this ever allowed that those folks that were born in those unfortunate years were not able to be given the same financial means as someone else before and after them. It is one of the grievous and unfair things are government has ever done, but rest assured she is going on 91 and statistics show she will not live much longer and then it won’t make much difference.

    • Stephen

      I had to look up notch baby to understand what the issue was. According to AARP (http://www.aarp.org/work/social-security/info-08-2009/understanding_Social_Security_notch.html), the notch people were over paid on the COLA (flawed formula) which was passed in 1972 into law. Their benefits were gradually reduced to compensate for that over payment.
      I would trade your predicament over mine. Benefits were reduced for people retiring now when Social Security was reformed in the mid eighties. Also high earners like me pay more in to the program but receive less than actuary would be due to give higher benefits to lower earners. This is where bend points come into play and also the inflation adjustment for past earning years. Higher earners do not have their earnings adjusted fully for inflation. To boot almost all of my and wife’s benefit will be subject to income tax. That is tolerable to me as that tax goes back into Social Security and helps the program actuarially. If it went into the general fund to help billionaires and millionaires get tax cuts I would be livid. If you have lived long enough to collect Social Security you know that life is not perfectly fair. Never was.

      • Gerald T.

        That is the truth. I believe your benefits now should be based off you because the system in its long standing should have gradually changed as it evolved. I myself maxed my social security at age 38 and will pay for two people. I am mentally exhausted with what I have done for over 22 years and those in those that chose to do the minimal will be taking advantage of what I have paid…..This system has not adjusted with the times and it should be what you get is what you put into it……our government elected folks..all jokes truly

  8. RUDY


  9. philip


    • LEROY J.

      What does this mean??

      • HunterSThompson

        it means Philip is a fan of hallucinogens.

  10. Don P.

    If I have noticed an error in the reporting total income for 2014, who do I contact to correct the error?

    • Debra

      I will be glad to answer any questions you have for me anytime. Please email me or call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx . My illness is getting worse so I would like to resolve any questions or issues as soon as possible. Look forward to hearing from you. Thank you

      • J.W.

        Debra, we’re sorry to hear that your condition is worsening. We do not have access to your personal information, therefore, we do not make outgoing phone calls or send personal emails from this venue. If you have a pending disability claim, we ask that you continue working with your local office on specific questions about your case. You can also call our toll-free number at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance. Representatives are available Monday through Friday between 7:00a.m. and 7:00p.m. Generally, you’ll have a shorter wait time if you call later in the week.

        Just a reminder – please be cautious about posting personal information such as your phone number on social media. We hope this information is helpful.

    • J.W.

      Thanks for your question, Don. To correct your earnings record, you will need to provide us evidence of your earnings, such as W-2s, pay stubs, etc. If you don’t have the evidence that we require, call your former employers to find out if they can help you. Once you’ve obtained your evidence, call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778). Representatives are available Monday through Friday between 7:00a.m. and 7:00p.m. Generally, you’ll have a shorter wait time if you call later in the week. You can also take your evidence into your local office. We hope you get this matter resolved soon!

      • Don P.

        Thanks for the info!

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