
If We Denied Your Application, You Can Appeal Online

July 18, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: July 18, 2016

q markSocial Security offers you many options to conduct business with us online. Far gone are the days when you needed to visit our offices or call us on the phone to appeal a denial of your disability benefits. Now you can file an appeal online, even if you live outside of the United States!

The online appeals application is simple, convenient, and secure, guiding you through every step of the process. From outlining your rights to an appeal, to publications on the appeals process, a fair review of your Social Security case is right at your fingertips. The online application even allows you to upload supporting documentation, like treatments, doctors, and medical reports, as well as an option to save your submissions.

Submitting all the necessary documents will save time and can help return a faster decision. Here are some things you’ll need when ready to submit an appeal:

  • Doctors, hospitals, medical treatments, and tests since you last gave us medical information;
  • Medicines you are currently taking; and
  • Changes in your medical conditions, daily activities, work, and education.

You can learn more about our appeals process by reading our publication Your Right To Question The Decision Made On Your Claim.

Social Security is constantly looking for ways to make our services accessible and readily available when you need them. It’s part of our commitment to delivering world-class service to you and providing you with more options, like an online appeal, to conduct your Social Security business.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. Kevin

    2000 pages of documentation, ms, afib, degenerative nerve disease, 9 bad discs, regular spasms of pain that cant be controlled, nerves in the hands screaming just after typing for a few minutes due to fine nerve neuropathy, five doctors reports saying she not work and even your own.

    Even the five month waiting period was rough we had to sell nearly everything and move 108 miles away from my work to get through it on just my income so she could still be close enough to her doctors to drive to them. Which she has three doctor visits a week.

    She gets denied because you think she can work, with what, doing what, no employer is going to hire someone who randomly spasms in pain, cant type very long or lift much.more than a glass in her hand because of the nerve issues. 9 bad discs which basically have workers comp written all over them. Even the state would run out of that interview screaming

    Now it looks like another 5 -12 months of appeals. At this point I am going to end up on ssdi as well purely from the stress of already long commute combined with 60hour work weeks. I hope the bi polar in my blood doesn’t catch up to me during this scenario. I’m quite sure the ssa is trying to kill me or the wife.

  2. JeffreyMiller

    I have head trauma back pains knee problems,but in getting over my depression.

  3. Amand

    I have been denied twice already and told to appeal…but I tried and they told me I have to paper appeal… I have Graves eye disease, Hasiomotos disease, Fibromiagia, IBS, ..Thats just my autoimmune disorders….they include sever chronic anxiety and panic attack, depression and in my case agoraphobia. My body is constantly fighting itself… Environmental triggers as well as too, and just regular daily stress causes flare. I have chronic vertigo due to my eyes , so I haven’t driven a car in over 4 years..but the vertigo…depending on the day makes it hard to just walk…and the fibro in my neck and shoulders sometimes makes it to where I can’t even hold my head up…and yet…with all my paper work…and proof…I was still denied…and asked to do a in person appeal….I have turn agoraphobic due to the fact I need a bathroom IBS near at all times…and the panic attacks…which don’t last 5 or 10 mins….no mine last 6 to 8 hours and causes me to physically hurt myself due to tensing up…but yet..they expect it to be easy…..I will appeal…and hopefully they will see me at my worst.. And let see what they say then… Its so sad that people who don’t need it or are faking can get it..but those who try and do right and legal can’t… But I will be appealing…because this is my way of moving forward and getting the help I need…mentally and physically… This is not me giving up or giving in.

  4. Christine

    Filed for SSDI in Jan 2017- denied. Filed for Reconsideration and provided even more medical records, which specifically stated the worsening of my progressive brain deterioration, the fact that it will continue to progress and the irreversible damage to my brain is the direct cause of my memory and cognitive impairment. BOTH denials stated that my condition is not expected to last 12 months!? My claim is now stuck in a queue to wait for an ALJ hearing, which will take at least 2 years in my state. This has to be a case of procedural error or a case of willfully ignoring my medical records, on the part of the DDS.

  5. Alfreda S.

    Ms Anferson Family Court Dss Yonkers now! CPS Glenda Bryan 914-995-6028 Ada Martinez Chase 47 S Broadway Yonkers Ny 10702 http://www.socialsecurity.gov Ms James Security Guard watching you come with Forms. Keeping appoinments. lobby 20-26 S Broadway Yonkers Ny 10702 e-news letter Budget Request Lawyers Srewart Fisher 33 S Broadway Yonkers Ny 10702 Jeffrey Salant 81 Main St White Plains Ny 10601 donmshalley@maurray.com Trans Union Report Correction Leave job Marriage Co Jones does Time Calculation Fl Nancie Stauch po box 97 Briarcliff Ny 10510 Ms Anderson Supervisor Family Court No Business Letter should have Adoption address Family members name on it not signed. Ms James say,s it does http://www.sicialsecurity.gov Now New Rochelle. Housing Urban Develoipment Meeting Zeca Real Estate Nepperham Ave Yonkers Ny 10702 jaaplc@Hotmail.com,aubreyc.gmail.com Jared Altman esq Montrose Ny Contracts cc rebeccabergman@ishv.org Non Compliance Dss White Plains cc mayobarlet@lawfirm.com OWIG

  6. Alfreda S.

    20-26 S Broadway Yonkers Ny 10702 Security Guards Denied application For: Hired job donmshalley@maurray.com Leave job @ Correction e-news letter 2001 Co Stawllworth http://www.chase.com Police Report YPL Leave job Mptor Vehicles. address Warburton Ave Investigation Send To: Donald Trump. Programs Correction Solution New Focus 70 Ashburton Ave Yonkers Ny 10702 Charles Fine NYC Foreclosure in a Business Family Aide Society 30 S Broadway Yonkers Ny 10702. Business Letter Sharing Community inc 1 Hudson St Yonkers Ny 19702 914-963-2626 ext 201 cc aubreyc.gmail.com,jasne@glorio.com 914-663-0911 914-997-1212 311 Westchester County Police Dept Dss Whiye Plains Lasano 914-995-3333 ask For: Jasper Hired job Budget Request Non Payment Peter Davis 10 Fisk Pl Mt Vernon Ny 10552 http://www.socialsecurity.gov Ms Miles Yonkers Local Office Non Payment Form. I Lived 404 N High St apt L Mt Vernon Ny 10552 Ada Martinez Chase JP Morgan 47 S Broadway Yonkers Ny 10702 914-966-0385 Comments Westchester.gov For: Unearned income http://www.socialsecurity.gov Contact Us Green Dot Corporation Bank Down Load I work. Beverly Nursing Home Regency Extended Care 65 Ashburton Ave Yonkers Ny 10702 Cashed Checks For: Alfred @ Charles Smith cc aubreyc.gmail.com. Mr Dexter Smith approved Social Security Disabilty Case Managers VOA 26 Operation Dr Valhalla Ny 10595 Mr Roberts @ Phil @ Karen. They all speak on the Check 914-231-4200

  7. Alfreda S.

    Peter Ackerman 222 Marmarnek Ave White Plains Ny 10601 Post Enforcement Lawyer 914-686-1200 on Banks Law Suit Stephan@hansenlaw.com 914-663-1947 Greivance OWIG Dear Sharon Uhaul 518-474-1010 Albany Ny

  8. Alfreda S.

    Charles Fine Esq NYC Foreclosure Muffurd Gaden,s e-news letter F Inviting Men to their address in Dss Yonkers now. Clusters Mediatiobn House Resource 20 S Broadway Yonkers Ny 10702 John Shank 60 Buildings F got on Bus Like they tricks. Legal Aide Society Susuki. Putnam St Mt Vernon on Elm St Yonkers Ny 10702 Mt Vernon Residents @ VOA Officer Bosan Westchester County Police Dept put them out

  9. Alfreda S.

    Clinton Correctional Facilty Dennmora Ny Mr Thomas Williams Is Not Released Per Hon Martinelli Yonkers City Courts 100 S Broadway Yonkers Ny 10702 Offer 10 years per Hon Doraine Attorney General Complaint 25 years For: Supreme technicality Law Judge remains same NYC Post Misconduct Law Judge Doraine http://www.socialsecurity.gov Ms Miles Yonkers

  10. Alfreda S.

    MD Welch MD Weintraub St John,s 2 Park Ave Yonkers Ny 10702 has YPO Officers West coming To: Riverdale note. Case was For: appearances. Use of notice. Did not appear in Yonkers Local Court I Lived 258 Wood Worth Yonkers Ny 10702 Husband Lived on Riberdale Brendan Omerra 304 Grand Con Course Bronx Ny 10548 Westchester.gov Ms Carol called 911. West came by Ashburton Ave Yonkers Children stopped Edta I had Company she was Laffeyeete newr Martine Luther King School Dss Yonkersa 914-995-3333 HHS Dss Mt Vernon use of St John,s Hospital. JZ Time Served came by Getty Square @ Mt Vernon For: Heavy D Memorial OWIG 518-474-1010 Albany Ny Dear Sharon Mohaul e-news letter tresspassing

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