Frauds & Scams

How You Can Help Social Security Protect Your Information

March 21, 2019 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: March 21, 2019

Protecting your information is an important part of Social Security’s mission. You work hard and make a conscious effort to save and plan for retirement. Unfortunately, fraud and scams are a part of our current reality. Scammers try to stay a step ahead of us, but our cyber-security programs help us protect the information entrusted to us. Despite the techniques we use to thwart scams, we can’t do it alone. You can read Social Security’s joint press release with the Office of Inspector General about our new nationwide Public Service Announcement (PSA) campaign. This new PSA campaign addresses these telephone impersonation schemes in a series of video and audio ads. Watch the video above and learn how you can help us protect your information.

Also, earlier this month, we teamed up with the Federal Trade Commission for a Facebook Live event to discuss more consumer protection tips. If you missed this very important session, you can find it on our Facebook page.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Denise W.

    I received a call from someone stating they were from social security and my checks were be stopped and I needed to call Texas to talked to a representative in that office.. I did call and they ask me all kinds of questions. So I told them I would my local office here in Oregon.. and I hung up on them and blocked there phone number.. Social security needs to beef up the security asap.. I’m not sure how they got my information but they had all of it.

    • Marc

      @Denise Wilson: No one got your number from anywhere. These scammers are well financed sophisticated operations that use autodialers – computers that dial numbers in a list in numerical order, one after another, in seconds. If one doesn’t answer it automatically dials the next in order, and so on. Numbers that DO NOT ANSWER will be dropped from the que after another attempt from another autodialer isn’t answered; if you pick up however your number will remain in the list and in the pool of numbers for the entire scammer community. If you simply must answer, don’t say anything, don’t say hello, just remain silent for a few seconds then hang up. This isn’t effective to stop the calls but will save you having to suffer the spiel. If you want the calls to stop, DO NOT PICK UP! Regardless, these people are here to stay, and you cannot expect anyone else to do protect you if you leave yourself vulnerable or open yourself to being scammed. Everyone must do his or her part, take responsibility to keep your information safe. WATCH the videos, READ the materials provided, not just by SSA but your bank and creditors too. If someone robs your house while you’re on vacation because you left the doors unlocked, you’ve no one to blame but yourself. Same principle here; SSA, doctors, banks, credit card companies, etc all spend millions on security systems but it’s up to you to generate secure passwords, use virus protection, take responsibility for your end of things. That’s all this post is trying to do, provide resources to help us understand what we can do to be as secure as is possible in an ever more rotten world.

  2. Mario A.

    got twp calls today from phone # +607 878 91230 and +514 878 90276 both are from Canada. When I answered to the second call they ask me for my name and I respond that tthey should know my name, they got upset and they hang up. if it is from the social security administration why are they calling from Canada?

  3. Maria L.

    Good morning, it’s now 9:39 am NZ time, I am wondering why/and who are using my benefit on my US SOC> Sec. Card.No. was my permanent No. since I work at Miami/Fla. until now why they can not catch those “Frauder” I am registered at please let me know who is getting that monthly payment coming from my Soc. Sec. Card and I did not change my name still the same all my documents was stolen like Marriage Contract and US Army Discharge and I am the “ORIGINAL” legal wife w/ son and I work at Miami/Fla. 1981 but the Factory was already shut down. Please let me know if someone using my identity and the benefit there”FRAUD” why can not catch them? My name still the same even on my “MEDICARE A” I have my “ORIGINAL” card on my name “Mrs. Maria Lolita Litt. please let me know if someone is using me. In NZ I can not open my acct. yet at “HEARTLAND Bank” because I am waiting for my passport. I do not know if my eldest sister Elena Dulay (Teaching at RedHill Primary School) is using me. Please help I only got “Original” documents of my ex-husband was the DD214/his Birth Cert./Death Cert. and my Cert. of Eligibility for Housing Loan we need to get our roof over our head, because I am paying rent of $800.00/m at my eldest sisters house Elena Dulay’s partner died Mr. John Johannes Berg and he left this house still she is paying the mortgage on her name. My two son’s w/ me still both student ! Please help we are struggling overhead in Debt’s. Thank you for this email. my mobile no. 02108352843 Maria Lolita Litt.

  4. Jason M.

    Your suggestion how taxpayers can help protect their identity is great but the Social Security Administration itself puts many at risk. When year end 1099’s are mailed out the SS# of the recipient is not blacked out. It is very obvious especially for a predator to know what that piece of mail looks like.

  5. Richard J.

    This e mail communication has asked me to submit certain personal identity information but I have no assurance of the validity of source.

    If your communication is valid I need some official substantiation which can be verified.

    Thank you

  6. Frank

    I’ve been getting a lot of calls telling me my ss has been discontinued and to contact them right away. Some call a very threatening if I don’t call back. Also calls that tell me I must get more out of so then I already have. I’m getting tired of these calls and I keep blocking them. I’m I doing the right thing.

    • John

      I have received the same type of call, from (620) 842-9488 in Anthony, KS. Their automated system left a message saying my ss# was suspended, and that I should call back for more information. I will also continue blocking these numbers.

  7. Cathey J.

    I have been connected twice.saying there was an arrest warrant.issue.

    Today I was asked new social security number.
    And. Wanted it hung on them both tiimes

  8. Jeanne D.

    I have been getting 2 of these calls per day every few days for weeks mostly on my cell phone and I rarely give out my cell #. I can’t figure out how they managed to get it. Have also received a few on my landline which is readily available. I report them as scam/phishing to both phone companies and block the #s but they continue to call using different #s from different states. I do not answer any calls if I don’t recognize the # and they always leave a voice mail. Something definitely needs to be done about this problem and the perpetrators need to be prosecuted to the max amount possible. This is definitely harassment of the elderly. I just cringe to think about the number of elderly people who become victims of this scam. By the way, I tried to report the first calls to your online site but it just sent me to a different phone number which sent me back to the one you said to call. Seemed to be a loop process which never connected with anyone or any place to report the problem or the phone numbers. I finally made a trip out to my local SS office to be sure my SS # had not been compromised….just to be on the safe side!

    • C A.

      They have auto dialers that call all numbers and spoof their number so just continue to block as they come in. No matter what; do NOT answer. Their system tabulates answered calls and will continue to call if anyone answers (which indicates it’s a ‘live’ number). Let all calls go to voicemail and never call someone back that you don’t recognize their voice or you recognize why they are calling you.

  9. Ronald N.

    + Two Step Authentication onto the SSA web site is the best secure feature to protect online user information and stop scammers. I never respond to emails calls texts or otherwise. If the Social Security Administration need to contact mre they send a letter via US Postal System
    Cyber-security programs in place via the SSA web servers are essential as is users efforts to protect their local area networks.

  10. Deborah L.

    I received one of the scam calls from phone number 800-381-0787.

    • A.C.

      Thanks for letting us know, Deborah. We do not usually make random calls. If anyone receives calls saying that they are from Social Security, do not give out any personal information. Suspicious calls should be reported to the Office of the Inspector General at 1-800-269-0271 or online. You can find additional information here. We hope this helps.

      • A. T.

        I received a call from someone claiming to be from SSA. The caller said that my SS number may have been compromised and then asked for my first name.
        I told the caller that I was not providing any personal info. Caller said goodbye and hung up.
        Call was from (929)162-0106

        • Donald S.

          This happened to me as well

          • Michael

            Happens to me everyday

        • Cheri H.

          I received that same message on my voicemail from 801-772-1213. I called it back from a fax line and received the message that the call could not be completed as dialed.

      • Joe D.

        Ann…..our country needs to OUTLAW in every state, the software or whatever it is that allows sleazy telemarketers to phone people from God knows where and have it appear that they are calling from your local area code – – it is nearly NEVER a phone call anyone wants. How about YOU and your people get it started? Elected officials would likely agree on both sides of the aisle.

      • Stephanie


        I received two prerecorded phone calls today, May 13, 2019, from phone numbers -(512) 859-4854‬ (Granger, Texas) and (724) 610-9152 (Greenberg, PA). Both calls stated there was fraudulent activity on my SS # and that my number was suspended. One message suggested I press one to speak with someone and the other repeated their telephone number and informed me I should contact them regarding this matter. People need to aware and diligent!!

        • Olethea

          I received one today from (512) 333-7626. I told him to stop playing on people phones pretending to be the SS Office. I told him he was fraud and not to call my phone anymore. I told him I was recording the call and I hope he gets arrested, put in jail, and bent over by an inmate. He asked me “how would they catch me” and stated “I will call your phone again.” How bold is that? I wish I there was a way of finding out who these people are. I’m so angry right now.

        • gary D.

          I got this same message today from what the caller ID claimed was the SS office. It told me to press “1” which I did but hung up before anybody responded. Don’t think the SS Admin “suspends” SS#’s and also it did not state who the call was directed to so knew it was a scam

      • L S.

        My call today was from 256-716-8847

      • Dora

        Received several of these calls from 1800-571-5905 and 1800-096-9211

        • Kia

          I’ve received several calls recently, today from 1800-107-1944. The voice message is always the same. Suspicious activity…press one to be connected…social security number will be permanently suspended.

      • johnny l.

        I got a call from a 2543006898 saying my social security number is ceased and I have a federal warrant out for my arrest.

      • Cyndi

        I just received a call from 315-284-5525 Adams Center, NY; I don’t answer calls if I don’t recognize the number. They left an automated message stating that they were the Social Security Administration and I needed to call the above number back as soon as possible to reach the department. I didn’t call it back because I don’t know if it is real. Two nights ago I was on the SS administration site trying to help my husband get a replacement card. I put my phone number on the site. How can I tell what is spam?

    • miriam b.

      I have received a phone scam phone call from numbers 60787838940 and 2028562258

    • Kathy T.

      I received a scam call from the phone number 1-281-234-5643 today stating my SSN has been suspended. Press one to find out more. I did not pick up call let if go to voice mail because I didn’t recognized the number. 3-26-19 at 3:25pm.

      • Mounika

        same was the case with me from a different number 914-228-08103,914-787-4730

      • Parley

        I received a call from 1-281-763-3894 claiming that my SSN has been suspended due to fraudulent activity and to press 1 for more details. This message was left on my answer machine and I didn’t call it back, instead I logged onto my SSN account to find out more detail thus I am reading this information.

        • Constance

          I received the same message today. This is why I logged onto the SSA website and read this. It was left on my voicemail because I don’t answer numbers I don’t know. It came from a Texas number ‭+1 (210) 765-3344‬

        • Lynn

          Same here. I received a phone call from Texas 1-214-325-0215 (I let it go to voice mail) and the message said my SSN had been suspended due to suspicious activity and to press 1 for more information.

          • L.A.

            Hi Lynn. Thank you for letting us know about these calls. We do not usually make random calls. If you or anyone receives calls saying that they are from Social Security, do not give out any personal information. Suspicious calls should be reported to the Office of the Inspector General at 1-800-269-0271 or online. You can also report these scams to the Federal Trade Commission through a new site specific to Social Security scams here. We hope this helps.

          • Sharon

            I received the same message from multiple phone numbers: Los Fresnos, TX 1-956-410-5012, McAllen, TX 1-956-631-4192, Myanmar, Burma +9561801256 and two Unknown Callers. The calls came in between 9 am and 2 pm today.

    • Angela

      I received 3 calls the last two weeks including today


      with the message you posted


    • Linda H.

      I have received several calls from: 1(800)772-1213; 1(800)337-4425; and 1(510)112-7485 noted as United States.
      The automated message identified themselves as the Dept of Social Security, said there was suspicious activity pertaining to my SS number and my SS number was being Suspended. What is going on? Should I be concerned? Is this a scam?

    • Ingrid L.

      I received scam calls as well. Here are the numbers they have been calling from. I hope this stops soon. This is very frustrating.

      (+1(1) (888)-784-398) (516-209-3570) (518-735-3636) (773-887-1060

    • CLAUDIA S.

      My mom has received two calls today. Saying that he Social Security number has been suspended due to suspicious activity to get more information press 1. The number is 1888 718 4188
      . I tried calling SSA office to report and was given the run around. I tried online but the form needs information I don’t have. It seems so hard to report.

    • RS

      Received call from 832-292-9493

      Caller stated they were from the Department of Social Security administration and they just suspended my SS number because they found suspicious activity. If I want to know more about this case just press one.

    • SKG

      I have also received a scam call from the number 8882432560.I accidentally gave my personal info and ssn number then I realized and ended the call what should I do now ?

    • Christine B.

      I just got a call from 1-800-279-0271 with the same claim from the social Security Administration. I did not provide any of my information, however.

      • L.A.

        Hi Christine. Thanks for letting us know. Generally, we will only contact you if you have requested a call or have ongoing business with us. Recently, scams—misleading victims into making cash or gift card payments to avoid arrest for Social Security number problems—have skyrocketed. Our employees will never threaten you for information or promise a benefit in exchange for personal information or money.
        If you receive a suspicious call like this: 1) Hang up. 2) Do not provide personal information, money, or retail gift cards. 3) Report suspicious calls here. For more information on how to protect yourself, check out our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps.

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