COVID-19, General

Economic Impact Payments for People with a Rep Payee, and People Living in U.S. Territories

May 14, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

Social Security issued an update today about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments to certain groups of Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries. Beneficiaries who have their regular monthly payments managed for them by another person, called a representative payee, will begin receiving their Economic Impact Payments from the IRS in late May.

Special rules apply to beneficiaries living in the U.S. territories: American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In general, the tax authority in each territory, not the IRS, will pay the Economic Impact Payment to eligible residents based on information the IRS will provide to the territories. It is anticipated that beneficiaries in the territories could begin receiving their Economic Impact Payment in early June.

“The Social Security Administration has been working with the IRS to provide the necessary information about Social Security and SSI beneficiaries in order to automate and expedite their Economic Impact Payments,” said Andrew Saul, Commissioner of Social Security. “While millions of our beneficiaries have already received their Economic Impact Payments from the IRS, we continue to work hard for those beneficiaries who are awaiting their payment from the IRS.”

For additional information about payments to beneficiaries with representative payees, please visit our website.

For the territories, people should contact their local tax authority with questions about these payments. Please note their website may use the term “Economic Impact Payment” or “stimulus payment.”

The eligibility requirements and other information about the Economic Impact Payments can be found at the IRS’ Economic Impact Payment Information Center. In addition, please continue to visit the IRS Coronavirus web page for the latest information.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Charrone H.

    I have not received my payment though the irs site says the 13th of may no payment as of yet

  2. Patricia B.

    I’m a social security disability and I have not received a payment from the IRS they keep saying the we should have received the payment but I haven’t and I would love too know why all of my information haven’t changed no one have cared me on tax .I have been going on over and over and trying to see what’s the problem. That have my banking information and went and update in the get my payments tool. I have no money and setting here no food because of the covi 19 virus by getting everything I need to staying safe and taking care of my rent, lights and other things that I need. Some people are getting unemployment payments, their stimulus package and other benefits and I can’t get my payments from the stimulus package I get one income please help. P.j

  3. Daniel K.

    The entire systems a fucking joke. Us on s.s.d.i. are last. I can’t feed my 2 kids that’s idiots. China would of had this done. U clo w nd at the I.r.s. deserve a raise. Right out of the chair ya fat ass is sitting in to be fired out of the job u got no clue how to run. Trump u lost my vote. U don’t care. Or do you have people knowing how to do there jobs. Idiots. Fuck u all. I hope you all get cancer. And it eats ya balls and kills ya. . how difficult is it to say ok he gets a.s.d.i. and has for 5 years and has 2 young kids. 2200 due. Nope 2 stupid then web site you should receive check by 13th of may nope not there. No way to call no way to fix it he’ll idiots fuck off Daniel Goldrick 10 crown st Leominster mass 01453

    • Daniel K.

      Fuck off all of ya

  4. Mable

    Cannot update info the website won’t allow

  5. Jaquel C.

    Well what about the people who checks were sent back due to change of addess since last filed …i used a p.o box an forward all my mail to my p.o box which the government dont do amy forwarding i heard so now it went back april 24 an im stuck i cant call the irs or anything please speak on this ..people checks are foing back to treasury due to change of address an irs isnt open to call an straighten things out i think irs needs to open up before they be stressed out with all the paperwork an stuff…

  6. Moses E.

    I’m Louisville Kentucky and SSDI and I still have not received my stimulus check in my direct deposit account not understanding why when my benefits are straight deposit is there anyway to find out besides that get payment tool doesn’t work for non filers as myself moses Israel is my name thankyou for listening

  7. Anthony

    Good morning yes I’m married and I’m on disability and I had got the $1,200 on my disability but I did not get the other 1.200 for my wife do what do I do

    • Mable

      It is so back word the way they handling the Care act all they have to do is put it on debit card and mail it we are suffering waiting for that stimulus.

    • V.V.

      Hi Anthony, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about action your spouse may need to take! Hope this helps!

  8. John A.

    I am SS and SSI and I am raising my 13 year old son who draws a check from my SS. My stimulus check was deposited in my bank account but my son has not received his yet. I don’t have to file taxes and my son can’t be used as a dependent on anyone’s income taxes and i can’t get a reply from anyone in the IRS on what to do. Now if he ever gets his check it will be next year. Did anyone else have a problem with this situation ?

  9. Nakliyat h.

    Thanks for best article.
    Best regards

  10. Andrew L.

    I am anxiously waiting for my deposit to be made into my account. I have direct deposit at my bank Regions in Conway, Arkansas. My wife and all of her relatives have received theirs ,but I have not received mine. My name is Andrew L Balenton Sr. Please send it to me ASAP. I can really use it ! Thank you ?

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