COVID-19, General

Economic Impact Payments for People with a Rep Payee, and People Living in U.S. Territories

May 14, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

Social Security issued an update today about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments to certain groups of Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries. Beneficiaries who have their regular monthly payments managed for them by another person, called a representative payee, will begin receiving their Economic Impact Payments from the IRS in late May.

Special rules apply to beneficiaries living in the U.S. territories: American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In general, the tax authority in each territory, not the IRS, will pay the Economic Impact Payment to eligible residents based on information the IRS will provide to the territories. It is anticipated that beneficiaries in the territories could begin receiving their Economic Impact Payment in early June.

“The Social Security Administration has been working with the IRS to provide the necessary information about Social Security and SSI beneficiaries in order to automate and expedite their Economic Impact Payments,” said Andrew Saul, Commissioner of Social Security. “While millions of our beneficiaries have already received their Economic Impact Payments from the IRS, we continue to work hard for those beneficiaries who are awaiting their payment from the IRS.”

For additional information about payments to beneficiaries with representative payees, please visit our website.

For the territories, people should contact their local tax authority with questions about these payments. Please note their website may use the term “Economic Impact Payment” or “stimulus payment.”

The eligibility requirements and other information about the Economic Impact Payments can be found at the IRS’ Economic Impact Payment Information Center. In addition, please continue to visit the IRS Coronavirus web page for the latest information.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Temika B.

    I checked to get my payment and it said April 24 and I haven’t received it yet can u tell me we’re it’s at I haven’t received any letter yet

  2. Ricky

    I want to know why older people on ssi who was claim are not getting a check most people on ssi an ssdi only receive between 800 to 1200 dollars a month real low income Congress hve ssid everybody get one we always forget the older generation or veteran think you

  3. Sandra d.


  4. Deborah A.

    I filled out the form Get my Payment.I am getting Social Security.when I went on Get my payment I did not recognize the bank in which the money went to.I’m still waiting for my stimulas money.

  5. Teresa P.

    I get ssa and SSI I have direct express card but no payment from irs and just found out today that someone filed taxes with my lost social security card and it’s under investigation and I gotta call back Monday to get it removed off my taxes which I’ve never filed taxes in my lifetime except the free fillers on the night of the 12 or 13 I believe it was so when will I get my pay from the irs??

  6. Janet C.

    I live in Rocky Mount,NC and I’m on Social Security Disability and was not a dependent on anyone’s taxes and haven’t received a check yet from the stimulas payments. I go on the website every day and still can’t tell me anything but they need more information and they’re working on it. Help please?

  7. Vergil L.

    I would like to know why I didn’t receive a stimulus check? I am behind in my Bill’s as well. I only received my social security disability for me and my daughter.
    Someone please help us.

  8. Patricia B.

    I’m on SSI waited didn’t get it at all not the beginning or mid – May I have direct express but it never came on. I’m also a payee to my adult son that pays rent for an apartment and he haven’t received also. What should I do? Did we did something wrong? Why we not getting the EIP?

  9. Malinda P.

    My Check have not received it.

    • Temika B.

      I checked to get my payment and it said April 24 and I haven’t received it yet can u tell me we’re it’s at I haven’t received any letter yet

  10. Malinda P.

    I have not received my church and can’t get any information. And I’m on ssi, and society security. I have a bank why my money is not in my bank.

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