Frauds & Scams, General, Online Services

Don’t Stand by … Speak Up!

August 20, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

A concerned woman on the phoneAugust is National Bystander Awareness Month. As a bystander, you can play an essential role in preventing violence, wrongdoings, and fraud. Have you ever witnessed something that you knew was wrong and wondered if you should report it? Did you want to say something, but didn’t because you were afraid of negative consequences? Don’t be afraid, because there are federal laws to protect you.

Reporting information or activity that you suspect is illegal, dishonest, or false is your right. Reportable violations could be abuse of authority, gross waste of funds, a specific danger to public health or safety, or gross mismanagement.

Social Security’s programs were originally created to serve the American public, and 80 years later they still provide critical support to people of all ages. As good stewards of the tax dollars you entrust to us, we design our systems to protect the program against fraud, waste, and abuse.

But, our systems can’t catch everything. And that’s where you can help.

We need you to help us detect and deter fraud, waste, and abuse. Reporting wrongful acts can save lives and taxpayers dollars. Don’t let illegal or dishonest behavior happen on your watch. Learn what we are doing to fight fraud and how you can report fraud.

For more information about whistleblower protections, go to our OIG’s website.

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. Frances M.

    I got a 2.00 raise last yr I was so Happy I tried to buy a Gallon of milk but it was 3.00 a G pretty sad for all of us

  2. Joy W.

    There are lots of people that have jumped on the disability band wagon. It used to be SS had people check on their disability to see if they still qualify. I think that should still be done and if they are NOT permanently disabled Guess what they can go to work at something. I know people that work and they have no arms or legs. I think this society has become very lazy and they just don’t want to work. I don’t care to keep supporting them. Benefits are to be earned NOT given. There are NO free lunches. I think they are in for a huge surprise though when they start cutting.

    • Briana

      My husband of 29 yrs & his 1st wife separated after 6 yrs. She agreed to divorce in 1983, 1 wk after10 yr anniversary. FLA awarded her $1,070/mo perm alimony, 1/2 all home costs & 1/2 of his then accrued pension on his $37,500 salary.
      She worked 4 yrs total as receptionist yet receives over $2,000/mo SS disability. Now he is told she is eligible for:
      A – 1/2 of his SS monthly retirement benefit now, even though HE can’t feasibly collect until 72 as raising our 6 yr old grandson w/out assistance;
      B – her $2,000+/mo SS disability (she’s never had dependent) AND
      C – his $1,070/mo perm alimony.
      Her boyfriend of 32 yrs is, ironically, a FLA state employee.
      Since ’83, she has continuously enjoyed a ZERO TAX OBLIGATION income, sole ownership of their former 3,000 sq ft (paid) lakefront home, 2 or 3 paid off cars & a small cash business. It costs a min $8,000 to again retain a decent, experienced FLA attorney to revisit this matter, always followed by the court order to reimburse her associated legal costs & fees. We live in the southwest.
      She loves to brag that she would be stupid to get married. She’s right!
      This is a broken, sexist system from word GO, & it is outlined in the SSA publication ‘What Every Woman Should Know’
      Why IS the SSA brochure titled ‘What Every Woman Should Know’???

      Reply ↓

      • HunterSThompson

        Briana, #2 and #3 can not both be paid at once, its one or the other.
        also, move on, seriously, don’t be so obsessed in what your spo’s ex does or doesn’t do, to know someone paid taxes or not is a bit crazy.
        lastly, it is entitled that , one would assume, do to targeting the baby boomer generation and prior, where in the wife was a home maker more often than not, and may not be savy to what all is available.
        Lastly, I believe the pamphlet it very clear that it applies to men and women.

      • Comp.bil

        You can thank HRC ,and her counter part at US justice, for that one.

    • R.F.

      Hi Joy, Just want to let you know that the law requires Social Security to conduct disability reviews periodically to see if individuals receiving disability benefits are still disabled. How often we review cases depends on the individual’s medical condition. Also, even though the Social Security Act sets out a very strict definition of disability, we have work provisions that can encourage people on disability to return to the work force and fulfill their desire to be productive.

  3. Gaston B.

    Genuine Owners To: FBI Tips and Public Leads
    Defrauded HATE CRIMES Victims Plaintiffs’ Claims Assets and Estates at Operation RetroActive Recognition by NOTICES at
    @GastonBonSaint c/o NOTICES
    c/o $1 Million Reward* at FUGITIVES HUNT …
    * for arrest and conviction of perpetrators Elder Abuses
    and Racketeering Murder Conspiracy; Murder to Obstruct Justice; Passports Fraud; Fraud by Wire;
    Social Security Checks transfer; TAX fraud; HOA’s
    Mortgage Fraud; Civil Rights Violations; Civil Rights
    Murder; Color of Law Abuses; CORRUPTION; -more-.
    x _______________________________________
    Citizens Against Murder – HATE CRIMES Victims
    Plaintiffs’ Insured Names at FARMERS Insurance Company of Arizona: Location of loss Property – more-
    Any New Information Rewarded by *** at Open House
    Scottsdale Ranch Community Association in ARIZONA
    **** 10603 E. Fanfol Ln Scottsdale AZ 85258 USA.****
    Thank you. x ___________________________
    Claims by Genuine Owners Acts ‘s File: CCF/86/HR07.13
    Send Facts:

  4. Sp

    I am sure you are suggesting we report fraud, waste and abuse by our fellow private sector citizens (brothers, sisters, neighbors, etc) as reporting such activities against fellow public sector government personnel will result in a destroyed career, threats of prosecution, and other strong arm tactics if those involved are general officers or high ranking govt civilians! Internal government whistleblowers who take this advice better do a lot of research first. Read such example as Blowing into the Wind or the books available at for how the process really works.

    • Sp

      Ps: I bet there were many who attrmpted to blow the whistle on Hillariy’s illegal server but their probably in hiding too!

  5. Gaston B.

    “Murder She Wrote on 10603 E. Fanfol Ln Scottsdale AZ 85258 USA” hello, I’m born Canadian Citizen that I
    married a KIDNAP-US Citizen’s held hostage for ransom and killed for her money at US FEDERAL and Superior Courts-Maricopa County AZ. Details: on the Web at = Facts +.

  6. Mike

    Just remember this can also be used by someone who has an ax to grind and reports non truths slandering the person who has done nothing wrong. SS needs to vet this out as reputations and false accusations can ruin a persons reputation and livelihood.

    • Sp

      am sure you are suggesting we report fraud, waste and abuse by our fellow private sector citizens (brothers, sisters, neighbors, etc) as reporting such activities against fellow public sector government personnel will result in a destroyed career, threats of prosecution, and other strong arm tactics if those involved are general officers or high ranking govt civilians! Internal government whistleblowers who take this advice better do a lot of research first. Read such example as Blowing into the Wind or the books available at for how the process really works.

  7. MJean

    How about all the fraudulent people who receive Social Security checks?!

    • Greg

      :Until we get back to the way it was in the good old days, Social Security will always be around for the moochers of society to scam. Social Security is one of the biggest Ponzi schemes in the world. If it was not the U.S. government doing it, it would be illegal.

      • MJean

        Too true – but government workers do not care enough to verify – they just get paid to shuffle papers, and supervisors go on expensive jaunts at taxpayer expense!

        • HunterSThompson

          Yep, you are SO right, the THOUSANDS of supervisors in all the field offices , call centers, at the Baltimore headquarters, all got to go on these luxurious jaunts. are you out of your mind ? don’t blindly persecute all for the crimes of a few. was it wrong, yes. was it all of them ? no.
          You want to blame “all” look at the heads of the bailed out banks and auto industry, THEY abused it. but they aren’t government workers, so why attack them ?
          side note, this has to do with this topic how ? Were you the news outlet that broke that story ?

    • Comp.bil

      If you know someone who you think is defrauding S.S. call your nearest office,and file a complaint with the enforcement officer .

  8. Bob

    It should have read eight MONTHS…

    • Comp.bil

      every one else figured it out, why not you?

  9. Bob

    Several years ago I complained when a doctor I had seen twice but stopped seeing, put in a claim and was paid for a flu shot. Medicare said there was no national system but four regional systems and four people could file for the same thing and get paid. I had to go to my congressman to get action…took eight but the doctor repaid Medicare. That’s not the worst part, a couple of years later that same doctor put in a claim for a hospital visit on Christmas day and was paid. I had to go back to my congressman to get it refunded. I did my job, why doesn’t the govenment do its job of policing the claims?

  10. Curt

    Gov’t should pay back SS with interest rather than sending money oversees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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