
Discover a Whole World of Retirement Possibilities

September 1, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

Dreamy vintage shot of senior couple enjoying a leasure cruiseChristopher Columbus might be one of the most famous explorers in America. He’s credited with discovering the New World, though Native Americans were here long before the Italian sailor.

Centuries later, there are new horizons to explore and you can do it from the comfort of your home or office. With Social Security, you can discover a new world of information and services on our website.

For example, you can apply online for Social Security retirement benefits. Not sure whether you’re ready for retirement? We can help you plot your course with our online benefit planners. Perhaps the most impressive of these planners is the online Retirement Estimator, which you can use to get quick and accurate estimates of your retirement benefits based on different scenarios. You also can apply online for disability benefits and even apply online for help to pay the costs of the Medicare prescription drug program on our website.

One of our most powerful tools is our website: my Social Security. Create your personal my Social Security account and then you’ll always have quick and easy access to see and update your information. You can use my Social Security to get estimates of your retirement, disability, and survivors benefits; view your earnings record; and get estimates of the Social Security and Medicare taxes you’ve paid.

If you already receive Social Security benefits, you can use your account to get an instant benefit verification letter, check your benefit and payment information, and to change your address, phone number, and direct deposit information. If you receive Medicare, you can get a replacement Medicare card using my Social Security. Whether you receive benefits or not, you may be able to apply for a replacement Social Security card in certain states, all online.

We’ve made exploring your bright future secure and easy on our website.  Remember, we’re with you through life’s journey. Social Security online tools will help you decide when to weigh anchor, and venture into the seas of retirement.

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. Thelma

    Nothing beats retiring to something tangible.

  2. FaceTime f.

    I’m totally in love with your content and writing skills. I found this blog very useful for my work as well. Thanks for sharing this great post. FaceTime for PC

  3. Matteo

    Recently i’ ve obtained my italian cityzenship through the italian consul in Buenos Aires, can i keep my social security benefits if i stay in USA? Thanks.

    • V.V.

      Hi Matteo. Thank you for using our blog. Our publication, “Your Payments While You Are Outside the United States”, explains how being outside the United States may affect your Social Security payments.

      If you aren’t a U.S. citizen, you must meet one of the conditions for payment described in this publication.

      You may use our Payments Abroad Screening Tool to see if your benefits will continue indefinitely, stop after six consecutive months or if certain country specific restrictions apply.

      We also recommend that individuals planning to leave the United States visit our Office of International Operations web page, which provides additional information for our customers living abroad. We hope this information helps!

  4. binyam A.

    If I saved good amount of money for SS and if I die on age 66 or 67.
    scenario 1
    How much my 15 years old (at that time) son got every month and for how long?
    scenario 2
    How much my 40 years old (at that time) son get every month and for how long ?

    • A.C.

      Thanks for your questions, Binyam. You can create a personal my Social Security account to review estimates of your retirement, disability, and survivors benefits, your earnings record, and the estimated Social Security and Medicare taxes you’ve paid. Keep in mind only eligible survivors can receive monthly benefits. For more information, visit here. We hope this helps.

  5. John f.

    Can my wife get funds from my account when she becomes 62 and is she limited to what she can earn


    Looking for options and information
    I have been receiving SSD benefits for about
    10 years. I will be turning 62 in January 2019. Do I continue to receive SSD? complete the process to
    formally retire? what is required? what are the benefits
    to SSD over SS? THANKS

    • R.F.

      Thank you for your question. Social Security disability benefits automatically change to retirement benefits when disability beneficiaries attain their full retirement age.
      Benefits are not interrupted with this transition and the benefit amount will generally remains the same.
      We hope this helps to clarify this issue.

  7. John t.

    I am about to adopt my grandaughter, is she or am I entitled to any kind of financial assistance. I am disabled and receive ssi benefits already but that gets spent faster than it comes in.

  8. Lynne R.

    I have my medicare through Univera. I also have their prescription help plan. Is there anything to help pay copays? Before Medicare i was on Medicaid, and now i am seeing specialists and it has gotten very expensive.

  9. SSRU

    very helpful post. thanks for sharing

  10. Jay W.

    Please provide assistance to open a personal SS account! I have been attempting to do so for days! I am in need of a verification letter ASAP!
    Thank you!
    Jay W Stephens
    1418 Pacific Street
    Santa Monica, CA 90405

    • R.F.

      Please call 1-800-772-1213 for assistance. After you hear “Briefly tell me why you are calling,” say “Help Desk” for help with a my Social Security account. Also, visit our Frequently Asked Questions web page for information on this topic. Thanks!

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