COVID-19, General, Online Services

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

Please read our press release to learn more, including how to get help from the Social Security Administration by phone and online. You can also visit our website to learn more and stay up to date.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Karina

    I am a bit confused. To receive the 2020 stimulus check a single person can not make more than $75,000 to get the whole amount. They are looking at 2018 adjusted gross income correct? What if you had gambling wins that put you well, well over the $75,000 but you claimed an equal amount in gambling losses? My actual earnings were only about $40,000 but due to a very bad habit & poor decisions I had over $200k in win/loss resulting in a extremely high & honestly IMO inaccurate reflection of my actual income used to support my family. Will I be eligible or loose again?

    • 2ton j.

      No he said he will give all Americans money just no spic and rotten Asian, u got me fam I hope u ain’t one of those two

  2. Elizabeth 1.

    yes it will be direct deposit, it will take two weeks before received. or longer. people who claimed federal taxes will get there from the IRS three hundred per child providing you did not make over 75,000. this money is given to be spent so the stores can make money for the economics. This is sad because Trump is doing this be cause he caused a Blunder he knew for some time but believed it was a hoax till it hit home, this could had been avoided if Trump reacted sooner, so he is trying to make up for his mistakes. Did you know most your drugs come from China and if any dispute between countries there might not be any deliveries for America we do not have the ingredients to which China gets just do research, we things get better we will all suffer with rising prices to help business owners. Once again its during the voting period. this is not about people being rude its about people not understanding about who gets what, don’t worry just stay at home free from illness and wait on the money. we as civilians need to help each other using empathy. we are not at war with each other everyone not sure do research. My country got it bad in Europe and i am here in the States. Italy loss so many people, my prayers are with all.i know no-one on here and yet just by posts i know everyone just by reading. my heart goes out to you all.

  3. drew

    When is this suppose to roll out by? April? So if SSI recipients are already doing direct deposit, they’ll just tack on the 1K? That simple?

    • Robert

      Yea it will be released when my big dick gets a tattoo on its hole to fit all that money

    • Shane M.

      Drew, no.Nothing is all simple. You HAVE to be a tax payer (have filed taxes last year) in order to get this check. SSI is not eligible. For the millionth fucking time.

      • Dave

        Your a ass hole I worked 36 years and got sick and I’m on ssi plus slight pention

        • Shane M.

          No, you’re an ignorant hillbilly douche bag. Your grammar proves it.

          • Dave

            I paid my share of ss all my life pay your you fcking assholes

        • Jess R.

          I’m sorry Dave. My mom worked for about 40, she didn’t make enough so is entitled to SSI, and receives it. It is not fair for them not to include you guys. They should give this to anyone who has worked in the past.

      • red b.

        can you prove that? last i looked no one can predict the future since you cant i suggest you STFU!!!

  4. Mike c.

    That trump ass nigger better given me my dumb ass payment that street wearing cracker ain’t getting my bread

    • Pablo P.

      Yo bro I wuz juss wachin dat newz show frum my jail cell and day sed dat WE BE GETTIN PAID!!!

      • Pee

        Good news for you, sir. You will be getting released soon.Now we will have a major epidemic and criminals running loose. Woohoo.
        Yeah.. 2020 brings the end, to us all.

  5. Jethro J.

    So lissen up yaw. I bean on duh walfare manny yeaz. Dat Trump sed we gettin paid. So I be beeleven him.

  6. Trump.jr

    I heard they will give $2000 dollars in octopus tentacles as a way of payment or u can take it in goat arms.

    • Greg G.

      Dat be soooo crazy. I heard duh same shit.

  7. Mary H.

    Will those who are on social security also receive a stimulus check from the government

  8. Patricia B.

    I dont think people on ssi or SSdi are getting anything which SUCKS@!@@@@!!!+@!!

  9. Dee

    I sware this is freakin ridiculous, nobody will anw the freakin question

    • Joel H.

      Because there is no answer and the what we have been given seems to suggest the fix is in.

  10. Michelle M.

    I for one am ashamed to call myself a US citizen after reading this entire page of UNBELIEVABLE remarks and comments.
    With what we have going on right now, seriously? I would much rather be in another country right now where they actual pull together and support one another in our time if need. My God, you should really be ashamed of yourselves no matter what age you are. All I have to say is WOW, REALLY USA?

    • Michelle M.


      • Ksbfbdja


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