COVID-19, People Facing Barriers

Commissioner Statement on Economic Impact Payments

March 25, 2021 • By

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Last Updated: March 25, 2021

A photo headshot of SSA Commissioner Andrew SaulI want to provide an important update about the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) processing of Economic Impact Payments (EIPs) under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act.

At each turn over the last 12 months, immediate delivery of EIPs has been, and remains, a top priority for this agency. SSA’s public service mission is squarely focused on many of those who are most economically-vulnerable in our society and we owe it to our beneficiaries to ensure they receive their EIPs right away. In fact, it was the substantial efforts of SSA that successfully overcame the fact that the IRS did not have a mechanism to automatically identify Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients, some of the most financially insecure people in America. It was SSA that pushed the prior Administration and Congress to allow us to send to IRS a file of those individuals, who do not receive forms SSA-1099, so that IRS could automatically issue EIPs to them.

Since the time that discussions began regarding issuance of EIPs in the ARP Act, weeks before passage, we have worked tirelessly with our counterparts at IRS to provide to them the information they need to issue payments to our beneficiaries. Despite the fact that Congress did not directly provide SSA funding to support our work on EIPs, we have provided countless hours of assistance to IRS consistent with the laws that establish how we may use the Trust Funds that every American counts on us to protect.

SSA discussed with Treasury and IRS, both before passage and after enactment of the ARP Act, that the Social Security Act does not allow the agency to use our administrative appropriation to conduct work on any non-mission provision or program. Accordingly, we were not authorized to substantively engage Treasury or IRS prior to the ARP’s passage. Instead, upon passage, we were required to pursue a reimbursable agreement with IRS because we received no direct appropriation through the ARP Act. From the outset of discussions, we kept congressional staff apprised of the hurdles this approach would create for SSA, and we have continued to update them on our progress with IRS as we completed the required interagency agreements.

Once we were free to move forward, we aggressively worked with Treasury and IRS to issue payments. As a result of our efforts, we successfully signed the reimbursable agreement and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) less than one week after passage, on March 17. That process often takes weeks or months to complete, but we got the job done in a matter of days. A few days later, on Monday, March 22, SSA sent initial test files to IRS. IRS confirmed testing success on Wednesday, March 24. Production files were delivered to IRS before 9 AM on Thursday, March 25 – more than a week sooner than we were able to provide a similar file to IRS during the first round of EIPs.

While we were working through the agreements with IRS that would fund our efforts to support issuance of EIPs, we were also protecting the integrity of the EIP program by updating the files that IRS will use to issue payments to our beneficiaries. Those updates to our files ensure that payments go to correct bank accounts and addresses, and, that those who are deceased are removed from the files. In short, Social Security employees have literally worked day and night with IRS staff to ensure that the electronic files of Social Security and SSI recipients are complete, accurate, and ready to be used to issue payments. There is no one more committed to serving the public than the employees of this agency, and there should be no doubt whatsoever that they are striving each day to serve the vulnerable populations to whom they have committed their careers. I find any insinuation to the contrary to be unacceptable.

I assure you that we will continue to do all we can to support implementation of the ARP Act.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Estella B.

    Hi Wondering why the SS, SSI, Veteran not being able to get a rise to accommodate in the fourth simulate package it would help Senior that can’t work to help them with other needs also nothing against children getting the help and working people so do Senior we need help with rent going up it a wonder that we older people are surviving in these time.

  2. Katrina T.

    . Hello I Receive Social Security For Years And I Didn’t Receive My Third Stimulus Payment Yet And Today Is May 12. I Really Think Saul Didn’t Give IRS All The Information Of All The People On Social Security And SSI And Veterans.

    • V.V.

      Hi Katrina, thank you for using our blog. The IRS, not Social Security, sends all economic impact payments. Unfortunately, our telephone representatives and social media team cannot answer your specific situation about payments. You can find the latest information available from the IRS website. If you don’t see the answer to your question, you can call the IRS’ payment hotline at 1-800-919-9835. Thanks!

  3. Toni E.

    Back again if i some how get the goverment to pay him his stimless 4) check ill take his to move out faster i just remember that im trying to get them for him lol lol lol laf out loud you new that right???? Ha ha well i’ll go now i just thought i’d text you about my light balb momet that funny right thank you again toni JM

  4. Toni E.

    My husband hasn’t receive none of the stimless checks. I went to irs. Gov and found get my payment and filled out the applacation then it said that i need to file 2020 taxes and my husband has’nt work in the last 11 years dew to taking care of his father who was a very sick man he pass away if feburary of 2018 and he’s been looking for work but they will sent to a job and are taking tempichers and if someone had a feder they would send everyone home and not call anyone back to come in and all the jobs are threw a temp service and i don’t think they would let the workers know they can go back to any of those jobs all they do is send out new people so thats been going on for months so thats why he has’nt worked but a friend said he can get him a interview at the job where works ( but he said that he’d come and take him there but he hasn’t show up today is 4 times he hasn’t came so i’m going to tack some of the bill money and give it to him for bus fare i’m made when our friends say will help and don’t but this i need him to do he needs to get a job and keep it cause i can’t pay all the bills by myself i even have people (renters) living in my home who pay rent to help me but (they pay when they want to) and not on the date i NEED them ro do. When they first started as renters they payed on time but now they started paying on there pay days and that puts the bills in late payment and i thy to colect the late fees (with no luck) and i end up paying the late fees and takes away from what i need to pay my bills and i have 2 cats that i need to take care of and some times they go without food (that use to happen alot in the passed)BUT NOT NO MORE)they come first so most of some the money gose on medican for me and there are months that i can’t afford to get them cause i put my cats FIRST i make sure they have what they NEED every month and i’ll do whats NEEDED to not let them do without cause they relie on me to tack care of them but there were times that my husband took the money for beer, drugs, scrachie tickets (gambleing) and not even care if me and the cats have food or water to get by. So you see i’ m living in HELL for the last 12 years but as soon as i get that next stimless check i’m getting a home for me and my babyies and he WILL NOT BE COMMInG with me just me and my cats so you i have a plan and this time i’m really going to do it . My husband is a terrise when he can’t get his dope he’ll throw a fit and destory my home you say why don’t i call the cops (well i have and they told me that this house isn’t mine it’s his and he can destory it if he wants to yes thats what they told him and me i use to call the cops at least 2,3 times a week but now i don’t cause won’t do anything to him or make him leave the house i have to go the prosequter to file to get him out of here but at the same i’m moving i’m fileing a restraining order on him so he won’t think he can come to my next home and terrizie me and my cats in our new home you should see my cats trying to RUN to hide and get out of his way so they don’t get hurt there tromatize for days after one of tia fits especilly when hes slaming doos and windows or brakering it terrouble here i’ve beed blacking out and not remembering what i do to him i’ve beat him up a few times and not remember my renters tell me about it and i’m scared that i might kill him in one of those blacks out and not remember i’ve been told that i’ve toik a knife to him a couple of tims but they were here to stop me but some of those people moved out and i have new renters and they don’t know thise things but hes destriy the house in ine of his fit (terrious)acts sence they been here so they are seeing him do that and now they are on a leart if they he thinks breaking , yellung, throwing things etc) so my life is the governent hands u need money to get the hell out of here thank you for lessoning i hope your ok after reading this and say to yourself shes lieing no one gose or lives threw that it’t all true by the way my name is toni ( 5/6/2021) 8:46 pm and heds had his drugs all day so every thing is quiet (for now) thank you JM

    • Toni E.

      Back again if i some how get the goverment to pay him his stimless 4) check ill take his to move out faster i just remember that im trying to get them for him lol lol lol laf out loud you new that right???? Ha ha well i’ll go now i just thought i’d text you about my light balb momet that funny right thank you again toni JM

  5. Josephine

    I receive SSDI and yet I haven’t gotten the third stimulus payment, I had no problem receiving the first two. I’ve called the IRS number and the reps read a generic script and state they’re unable to answer any questions. The “Get My Payment” website tool is a joke. My question is this: Did the SSA release all SSI and SSDI recipient’s information to the IRS or only regular Social Security recipients information? You do know that people receiving SSDI have paid Social Security while employed?

  6. Joan

    I believe I was claimed as a dependent and my social security info was taken . What can I do .

    • V.V.

      Hi Joan, thanks for using our blog. Generally, identity theft issues are handled by the Federal Trade Commission. Visit to report identity theft and get a recovery plan or call 1-877-IDTHEFT (1-877-438-4338).

      Visit our Frequently Asked Questions web page for details on what you can do if you think someone is using your Social Security number.

  7. Grace G.

    As a senior citizen, I feel it is unfair that I and my husband have not received our stimulus checks yet. We too need the money. The IRS phone number and on line just tells us when we become eligible it will sent to our account.
    As with many others I assume who are still waiting, this is not helping us financially.

  8. Michelle

    My daughter was receiving child benefits until July of 2020 when she phased out based on age. Is the third stimulus payment based on being a 2021 recipient or beneficiary? Is she eligible to receive the third payment?

    • V.V.

      Hi Michelle, thank you for using our blog. The IRS, not Social Security, sends all economic impact payments. Unfortunately, our telephone representatives and social media team cannot answer your specific situation about payments. You can find the latest information available from the IRS website. If you don’t see the answer to your question, you can call the IRS’ payment hotline at 1-800-919-9835. Thanks!

  9. carol

    Waiting on my stimulus check. What is the problem? We need the money as everyone else.

    • V.V.

      Hi Carol, thank you for using our blog. The IRS, not Social Security, sends all economic impact payments. Unfortunately, our telephone representatives and social media team cannot answer your specific situation about payments. You can find the latest information available from the IRS website. If you don’t see the answer to your question, you can call the IRS’ payment hotline at 1-800-919-9835. Thanks!

  10. Geneva

    I haven’t received my stimulus for 1400 yet either

    • V.V.

      Hi Geneva, thank you for using our blog. The IRS, not Social Security, sends all economic impact payments. Unfortunately, our telephone representatives and social media team cannot answer your specific situation about payments. You can find the latest information available from the IRS website. If you don’t see the answer to your question, you can call the IRS’ payment hotline at 1-800-919-9835. Thanks!

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