
Celebrating Our Nation’s Diversity

January 11, 2018 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

family sitting on the couch January 15 is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a federal holiday and a day of remembrance. Martin Luther King, Jr. dedicated his life to creating and fostering equal rights for African Americans, and he died during his efforts to make his dream a reality.

Diversity of skills, knowledge, and perspective is what you want when putting together a strong team. In a way, America is a super team of diverse members, all of whom dream of prosperity and success. Many people honor Martin Luther King, Jr. for dedicating his life to showing us that diversity is a strength.

Social Security’s “People Like Me” website has custom information for preparing for your future. Our diverse country is made up of countless backgrounds, ethnicities, and nationalities, yet we all want the same thing — a secure future. Visit “People Like Me” and see the many diverse people we serve.

Younger people need to know that the earlier you start saving, the more your money can grow. Our website for young workers has many resources that can help you secure today and tomorrow.

Veterans and wounded warriors, as well as their families, sometimes face unique obstacles when saving for their future. Our veteran’s website has great resources and information. Visit today and learn more.

Social Security values your diverse skillset and knowledge. That’s what makes our country a world leader. Now you can take the lead and show your friends and family what Social Security has to offer.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Hospitals &.

    $1 trillion paid for H.R.1 – An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018 Public Law No: 115-97 of December 22, 2018. The press indicates that Treasury Secretary Mnuchin is accountable for the affordable $100 billion annual tax evasion. This bill needs more legal research to be extend to completely alleviate the duty to pay taxes and file for individuals who make less than $1,000 a month, $2,500 for a family, or so, if the United States is to continue to pretend to have a deficit.

    Whereas Commissioner Koskinen has not facilitated a voluntary 1% UN tax on the 1040 or attempted to tax the rich the 12.4% OASDI tax, only conduct unbecoming of student loans, Treasury Offset, and the Attorney General – the Democratic tax collector is challenged under Art. 2 Sec. 2 by the Republican President and temporarily gloating Treasurer. By not taxing the poor at all, the United States Postal Service could theoretically reduce the certainty of death imposed by taxation. HR 1 imposes a moral duty to find laws pertaining to social security non-tax-payment and IRS rules pertaining to low-income payers, to justify the false federal declaration of a budget deficit, at all.

    HR 1 obstructs the vote to tax the rich the 12.4% OASDI tax on all their income and pay the poor SSI by repealing the Adjustment of the contribution and benefit base under Section 230 of the Social Security Act 42USC§430 and replacing it with ‘There is created in the Treasury a Supplemental Security Income Trust Fund.’ To tax the rich the full 12.4% Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Federal Income Contribution Act (FICA) on all their income to pay 16-24 million children growing up poor SSI benefits CY18 and end poverty by 2020

  2. Hospitals &.

    A. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws under Section 1 of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, repeal the rest. The State shall ensure in its legal system that the victim of an act of torture obtains redress and has an enforceable right to fair and adequate compensation, including the means for as full rehabilitation as possible. In the event of the death of the victim as a result of an act of torture, his dependents shall be entitled to compensation under Art. 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. When a person has by a final decision been convicted of a criminal offense and when subsequently his conviction has been reversed or he has been pardoned on the ground that a new or newly discovered fact shows conclusively that there has been a miscarriage of justice – omnibus crime control and safe street act – the person who has suffered punishment as a result of such conviction shall be compensated according to law, unless it is proved that the non-disclosure of the unknown fact in time is wholly or partly attributable to him under Art. 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

    B. From 2009 the United States has been slightly successful at reducing the number of people detained in the United States from an average of about 750 detainees per 100,000 residents in 2008 to less than 693 per 100,000 residents in 2014. The new President doesn’t understand that the objective is to bring the U.S. incarceration rate below the arbitrary legal limit of 250 detainees per 100,000 pursuant to Blakely v. Washington No. 02-1632 of 24 June 2004 as applied in Brown, Governor of California, et al v. Marciana & Plata et al USSC No. 09–1233 of May 23, 2011 when a three-judge panel ordered 40,000 prisoners to be released and qualified the mentally and physically disabled parolees for Eligibility for SSI Benefits in Sec. 1611 of Title XVI of the Social Security Act under 42USC§1382 (E)(1)(A). The federal prison has taken care to account for windfall revenues FY 18 in a rescission. The President needs to pardon, or his Court acquit, the victimless political prisoners of the Blagojevich-Hammond and Maddoff, pay-out Harvard White House of his predecessor under Art. 2 Sec. 2 of the U.S. Constitution.

    Recidivism, re-incarceration within 3 years of release from prison, occurs in 66% of state offenders, 50% in those who earned vocational certificates, 35% in those with an Associates degree and 0% in those who earned a post-conviction Bachelor degree. Several state studies have shown that people who earn a post-conviction Bachelor degree are 100% free of recidivism. Recidivism from federal prison runs about 9%. A civil law system is achieved by lowering law school entrance to high school graduates and the bar exam to the Bachelors of Law. Law school graduate unemployment is higher than 60%. A free Bachelor’s degree program for felons who don’t pay student loans, Treasury Offset, murder by Attorney General infringement, is essential to redress the compulsory Treasury collection of delinquent student loans, that is so obstructive of justice and nerd-slaying, idolized by obese Harvard non-arson lawyer Astrue, Commissioner of Social Security v. Ratliff (2010).

    1. For the United States to afford to win the loyalty of all their citizens it is necessary for Congress to tax the rich the full 12.4% OASDI tax on all their income, to provide 16 – 24 million, 22% – 33%, poor American children supplemental security income (SSI). The local SSA office respects Court social work referrals for poor people who are so mentally or physically disabled they are not expected to be able to work for at least a year. Appeals to the administrative law judge may be unpleasant. The federal court may award petitioners benefits on the merits of a $5 in forma pauperis filing. The term ”disability” means the inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months as set forth by Sec. 223 of the Social Security Act under 42USC§423.

    C. The Commissioner of Social Security has been ordered to develop a Pre-release procedure for institutionalized persons under which an individual can apply for supplemental security income benefits prior to the discharge or release of the individual from a public institution under Sec. 1631 of Title XVI of the Social Security Act under 42USC§1383(m). If their conviction is ultimately overturned back payments to the date their social security benefits were terminated are due under Bloom v. Social Security Administration (10th Cir.) No. 02-3362 (2003). When a person has by a final decision been convicted of a criminal offense and when subsequently his conviction has been reversed or he has been pardoned on the ground that a new or newly discovered fact shows conclusively that there has been a miscarriage of justice – omnibus crime control and safe street act – the person who has suffered punishment as a result of such conviction shall be compensated according to law, unless it is proved that the non-disclosure of the unknown fact in time is wholly or partly attributable to him under Art. 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

    1. Social Security is more cognizant regarding non-compensation of criminals under the 13th Amendment than the Public Safety Officer Benefit Program. Martinez et al v. Astrue No. Cal. No 08-CV-48735-CW of August 11, 2009, led to the passage of No Social Security Benefits for Prisoners Act of 2009, Public Law 111-115 which clarifies the prohibition of retroactive payments to individuals during periods for which such individuals are prisoners, probation or parole violators, or fugitive felons written in Eligibility for SSI Benefits in Sec. 1611 of Title XVI of the Social Security Act under 42USC§1382(E)(1)(A) and OASDI in Sec. 202 of Title II of the Social Security Act under 42USC§402(x)(1)(a). Eligibility for SSI Benefits may however continue while a person is detained in public institution if such person needs to continue to maintain and provide for the expenses of the home or living arrangement to which he or she may return upon leaving the institution or facility, usually for a period not to exceed 3 months under Sec. 1611 of Title XVI of the Social Security Act under 42USC§1382 (E)(1)(G).

  3. Joe P.

    Will the new tax bill get rid of the windfall tax that you put on my British pension ?????

    • R.F.

      Hi Joe, for any income tax related questions, you will need to contact the IRS. Their toll-free number is 1-800-829-1040.Thanks!

  4. Martha S.

    Yes to diversity of legal immigrants who come to the USA to work, Not to damage the economy by expecting government handouts that drive up the national debt!
    And No Stealth Jihad!!

    • Anna V.

      If you’re so concerned about “handouts”, you’ll certainly want to start looking into the massive corporate welfare programs:

      These handouts to already profitable industries and corporations amount to almost 100 BILLION dollars a year – double what the government spends on the public assistance.
      This is the opposite of how things work in Europe and the rest of the developed world.
      And stop blaming immigrants for the economy. This county was built by the immigrants – after they stole it from native americans and committed genocide, that is.

  5. Lic. P.

    Congratulations to our President Donald John Trump, because he signed an Executive Order in order to celebrate January 15 as Federal Holiday in honor the birthday of Martin Luther Kim Jr.


    • Anna V.

      What are you talking about?

  6. Lic. P.

    It’s truth Martin Luther Kim Jr. every time around our country had a hard work in order to have the equality of all Americans people.
    No matter of our skin, or the place of birth, we are ALL created by God.
    Kim’s dream is the American dream in reality… love for each other, for all Americans people, and the humanity.


  7. Christy

    While Dr King supported equality for all his primary concern was ending segregation and the sytemic abuse (including legally sanctioned rape torture and murder) of African Americans. It would be laudable for the US government to celebrate diversity but MLK day honors the sacrifice this man made for this cause, primarily. I was so disappointed to see how this blog watered down this specific honor into something else. Also appalled in light of the repeated egregiously racist comments of the president.

    • Martha S.

      MLK was a Republican! 😉
      He would not recognize the Democrat Socialist Party!!
      Thank you POTUS Trump for all you have done to improve the disastrous obama economy!

      • Christy

        That piece of silliness is making the rounds again? If you check the public record he made statements pro and cons candidates from both parties and did not take a stand on either saying neither was God’s Patty. He does have a relative who is a republican who says he was. Other relatives say otherwise. BTW speaking of facts where were you in 2008 when the economy crashed under Bush?

      • Anna V.

        You are so brainwashed with wingnut gobblety-gook you don’t even make sense.
        Obama didn’t wreck the economy, the Cheney-Bush cartel crashed it in the fall of 2008, in case your memory is failing. This was due in large part to gop eliminating Wall Street and financial safeguards that had been in place since the great depression. And the gop is working hard to gut what rules remain, even now.
        You might want to start paying attention, and try to plug into reality rather than Faux Noose or Breitbart. Trump is an unmitigated disaster, and he’s a mentally ill lunatic to boot. Our country is the laughing stock of the world, thanks to this ignorant cretin.
        And when he and his cronies destroy Social Security and Medicare, don’t come crying to us.

  8. Hospitals &.

    Drug Regulation. 15th ed. HA-11-1-18

    To supplement Chapter 8 Gorgas Hospital §300-320. To legalize marijuana worldwide. To reverse the 1,000% increase in fatal opiate overdose respiratory depression since 2001 with Narcan injections, naltrexone pills and prevent opiates from being adulterated with fentanyl and cofentanyl under Sec. 301 of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act under 21USC§331. To exempt corticosteroid inhalers from the Ozone export ban in 2020 under the Montreal Protocol.

    To ensure Americans have access to chemically tested generic prescription drugs without prescription online and by vending machines in hospitals and by licensed blind persons on Federal property by the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Stand Act (Pub. L. 74-732) under 34CFR§395.30 et seq. and 20USC§107 et seq. – Amantadine for human influenza A and the extra-pyramidal side-effects of antipsychotic drugs; corticosteroid inhalers for asthma; antibiotics for endocarditis and those antibiotics that solve antibiotic resistance: ampicillin for pneumonia and meningitis, doxycycline, the once a day antibiotic, for bubonic plague, Lyme disease and hospital acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus and metronidazole, pre-surgery for gastroenteritis and joints.

    To regulate the $1 trillion global drug market with $600 billion in pharmaceutical sales and $400 billion in recreational drug sales, other than alcohol ($1 trillion and $890 billion tobacco sales, worldwide; $160 billion pharmaceutical and $65 billion recreational drug sales, other than alcohol $400 billion and tobacco $59 billion in the U.S.

    To delete Drugs from the UN Office of Crime. To transfer International Narcotic Control Board (INCB) to World Health Organization (WHO). To create a Bureau for Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana (ATM) from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. To abolish the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and create in the FDA a Drug Evaluation Agency (DEA) to receive Office of Diversion Control license fees. To eliminate sentences for illicit drug possession and trafficking, and release all nonviolent drug offenders. To abolish DEA Form 222.

    To prohibit dimethoxy-methyl-amphetamine (DOM) water soluble, three day panic attack, then six months recovery from severe mental illness. To limit use of monoclonal antibodies to cancer drug manufacturing. To promote tractor roll-over protection (ROPS) and seat belt use. To wear a respirator when working in the dirt. To avoid Roundup, rBGH or rodenticide exposure. To limit exclusively for medical use, antibiotics in animal feed, pesticides and chemical fertilizers. To protect data with Open Source software, encrypted wifi and files.

    To ensure high risk forest labor careers in mining, wildfire fighting, agriculture, commercial fishing and forestry, from least to most dangerous rural career, since the Mining Safety and Health Act of 1977, are insured for disability under Sec. 223 of the Social Security Act under 42USC§423. To account for Agriculture and Interiors Department undistributed offsetting receipts and sustain 3% annual spending growth for SNAP and Indian Affairs (IA). To fire +/-33,000 Forest Service (FS) employees and contractors for arson under 18USC81 with disability retirement under 5USC§8337 and donate remainder of $5.3 billion FS FY 18 budget to Park Districts under 24USC§423(b) and 54USC§302904. The President must demote the right to bear arms under 16USC§1a-7b to the Chapter on Obstruction of Lawful Hunt §5201 et seq with reference to Obstruction of Justice Rule 96 (Art. 134) of the Manual for Courts-Martial.

    • Martha S.

      Your ideas were a Disaster in Netherlands!! Drugged Zombies Everywhere!

      • Anna V.

        Actually, the Netherkands is a very advanced country, and their citizens enjoy a plethora of benefits what we do not – THEIR government makes public well-being a priority, unlike ours, which makes corporate profits THE priority.
        They enjoy free health care, paid family leave, guaranteed pensions, free college, etc.

        Meanwhile here, the gop is working overtime to gut what little of the social safety net remains. And their STATED GOAL is to DESTROY Social Security.

        26 states have legalized medical marijuana, and others have legalized recreational marijuana, which has brought in lots of needed revenue. And if you’ll note, citizens there, like those in developed nations with SANE marijuana laws, are NOT walking around like zombies.
        Please educate yourself before making such ludicrous statements.

  9. Myra B.

    Dr. King’s efforts were not just for African Americans, but for the racial equality of all.

  10. eric


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