
Celebrating Our Nation’s Diversity

January 11, 2018 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

family sitting on the couch January 15 is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a federal holiday and a day of remembrance. Martin Luther King, Jr. dedicated his life to creating and fostering equal rights for African Americans, and he died during his efforts to make his dream a reality.

Diversity of skills, knowledge, and perspective is what you want when putting together a strong team. In a way, America is a super team of diverse members, all of whom dream of prosperity and success. Many people honor Martin Luther King, Jr. for dedicating his life to showing us that diversity is a strength.

Social Security’s “People Like Me” website has custom information for preparing for your future. Our diverse country is made up of countless backgrounds, ethnicities, and nationalities, yet we all want the same thing — a secure future. Visit “People Like Me” and see the many diverse people we serve.

Younger people need to know that the earlier you start saving, the more your money can grow. Our website for young workers has many resources that can help you secure today and tomorrow.

Veterans and wounded warriors, as well as their families, sometimes face unique obstacles when saving for their future. Our veteran’s website has great resources and information. Visit today and learn more.

Social Security values your diverse skillset and knowledge. That’s what makes our country a world leader. Now you can take the lead and show your friends and family what Social Security has to offer.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. eric

    oa who what and why you say that no
    mines is restricted and high claasafy man
    no chance hell no turn way change direct
    not playing man woo nope I,m out I
    have reason outta walk anywhere nope
    wow excuse me next

  2. eric

    you know the ssa ssdi card the award everything
    1099 the unemployment mine jobs wages
    certified school that I did mine without pay
    I walk this morning I caught something yo
    you need to mine your buissness man yo
    news report what hey no man I walking
    never be around them I was outside sleep yo
    I,m walking you on you own man therefore
    I walk I walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk
    stillwalk excusepatrenme not noway man thanks
    trying to cross intimilate people not a chance
    no way man good bye check please that’s mine

  3. Candi C.

    This message needs to be drilled it the person in the White House!!!!!

    • Anna V.

      Sadly, he’s not capable of learning or growth. He’s not mentally fit for office.

  4. Larry

    They have the right to get a job like we did.

    • Anna V.

      You might have missed the point that it’s hard to get a job if no one will hire you because of your race, creed, or disability. Get it??

  5. Snarky

    Dr King fought against diversity. Back then it was called segregation.

    • Anna V.

      Your comment makes no sense whatsoever.

  6. Thomas J.

    I am a social security beneficiary that is making the transition from a temporary residency at a nursing health and rehabilitation facility.i plan on going back to independent lifestyle with accommodations of a personal care aide. I have a spinal cord injury,im paraplegic incomplete,amputee,stage four pressure ulcer, and I have a few mental disability’s as well.i need housing assistance and help finding out what grants and charity’s I’m eligible for.

    • R.F.

      Thank you for contacting us, Thomas. Individuals receiving disability benefits may also be eligible to receive social services from the state in which they live. These services include Medicaid, free meals, housekeeping help, transportation or help with other problems. You can get information about services in your area from your state or local social services office. Or you can visit the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) web page for more information.
      We hope this helps!

  7. John D.

    Diversity in and of itself is nothing. Individual ability is to be nurtured and developed, unrestricted by racial, gender or nationality. That’s what MLK worked for.
    Numerical statistics divided by the above prove nothing, as long as individuals can develop their talents.

    • Bob

      I disagree as the very existence of diversity is currently under attack in this country. Visit a diner club in northern WI or the town of Boonesville in MO and you will find diversity is an unknown experience. Across the western world, white populations have targeted people of color to be the source of their unhappiness. Until diversity is valued, reaching one’s full talents is almost impossible.

      • Anna V.


  8. Adelina

    Outstanding changes to your website – Awesome!

    • R.F.

      Thank you for your comment!

  9. Joanne

    Thanks for the post; information helpful. It’s one nation’s diversity, by the way. Not two or several nations.

    • R.F.

      Thank you for visiting our blog, and thank you for your feedback!

  10. Patrick A.

    I am on a short journey to retirement in two years. I don’t have any savings or retirement investments. I live pay check to paycheck. Obtained jobs and lost jobs. I don’t see my future as being too good financially. When I divorced in 2006 I lost all my investments. Now I don’t know how I’m going to get by.

    • Bob

      Sorry to hear about your situation. This may or may not be helpful. My 64-year-old brother was in the same circumstances. In an effort to turn things around, he accepted that he would need to work until 71. He got a statement from SSA on current benefits as a starting point for planning. After being unemployed for two years, he found a lower paying job but with 100% employer 401 matching. By getting rid of his junker car and related maintenance costs plus stopping smoking and alcohol, he has built his 401 plan to $15,000. Retirement is still going to be hard but at least he has a start. He is also beginning to look at subsidized senior living for when he is 71.
      Best wishes

    • R.F.

      Hi Patrick, you can get important information about your Social Security retirement benefits when visiting our Retirement Planner web page. Thanks!

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