Celebrate Social Security’s Many Spanish-Language Resources
Reading Time: 2 MinutesLast Updated: September 19, 2024
National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated every year from September 15-October 15. To mark the observance, we want the public to be aware of our many resources for our Spanish-speaking customers.
We have many bilingual employees who fluently speak and understand both English and Spanish. While they are critical to serving the needs of a very diverse population, we also offer help online and over the phone.
Whether you’re looking for information for yourself or you’re helping clients or loved ones, we encourage you to check out our helpful Spanish-language resources.
We’ve listed them in alphabetical order.
Disability Starter Kits
We provide online Disability Starter Kits in Spanish for adults and children. The downloadable kits help people get ready for their disability interview or online application.
Many of our forms are available on our website in a downloadable format. They are FREE. Some are available in Spanish, including applications for:
- A Social Security number or replacement card.
- Retirement, spouse, child, and disability benefits.
- Medicare during a Special Enrollment Period.
Other forms in Spanish include the Request for Waiver of Overpayment Recovery and Request for Change in Overpayment Recovery Rate.
Our English-Spanish Wordbank of Social Security Terminology contains technical Social Security terms as well as everyday words and expressions.
Interpreter Services
We provide free interpreter services in many languages, including Spanish, over the phone and in a Social Security office. To request an interpreter, call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. For service in Spanish, press 7 and wait for a Spanish-speaking representative. To learn more, visit our Multilanguage Gateway.
Most of our notices are available in Spanish for people with a Spanish language preference. A Spanish cover letter is included with English-only notices.
Outreach Materials for People with Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
Our online toolkit is for advocates to use to promote our LEP services and materials in Spanish and other languages.
We provide nearly 100 publications in Spanish on many topics.
Seguro Social
Our Spanish-language website mirrors ssa.gov with information about our programs and services as well as answers to Frequently Asked Questions. Learn how to get a Social Security card, plan for retirement, apply for benefits, and much more.
Social Media
We have several social media channels to help us reach our Spanish-speaking audience, including Facebook Administración del Seguro Social and X – Seguro Social (formerly Twitter).
Social Security Statement
The Social Security Statement is a very important financial planning tool. It provides estimates of future benefits and your earnings history. You can request a Spanish Statement using this form.
Please share these helpful resources with friends, family, and clients who may prefer to speak Spanish – and post on social media. And please follow us on our Spanish-language Facebook and X.
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Tags: General Information, online services, Social Security benefits, SSI
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My grandmother was born in Texas n de doesn’t speak English……does that make her ineligible to receive benefits????
Hi, Jay. Thanks for using our blog and for your question. Social Security benefits are based on earnings, not the language a person speaks. We have many bilingual employees who fluently speak and understand Spanish. We hope this information is helps.
Only citizens should ever get a dime from Social Security. Adult citizens should all speak English. Printing material in Spanish is a waste of money and an invitation to fraud.
I thought only Americans, and LEGAL immigrants who became citizens paid into Social Security. Speaking english used to be a requirement for citizenship. Has that changed? If they’re not paying in, they shouldn’t be drawing anything. America, and AMERICANS, First should resonate with EVERY AMERICAN citizen.
Quacy m.
Americans in real life need to set limits or make limitations for immigration or immigrants spending using social security or disability checks. For example Americans need to stop immigration or immigrants from using their social security check from purchase video game products