Knowing where you stand now with Social Security will pay off
Reading Time: 1 Minute
For most people, Social Security is a mystery. We see that 6.2 percent deduction on our pay stubs and wonder: What does it mean for my financial future? The answers: A lot. And not enough. After tax season, take a few minutes to go online and read your Social Security statement. Even if your retirement […]
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What is FICA
Reading Time: 1 Minute
FICA taxes help provide benefits for retirees, disabled people and children. This contribution helps your parents and grandparents have a secure retirement while securing today and tomorrow for you and your future family. Learn more about FICA. Did you find this Information helpful? Yes No Thanks for your feedback!
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We’re Working Together to Secure Today and Tomorrow
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Your first job is a landmark occasion. You’re meeting new people, making professional connections, and probably cashing that first paycheck. You might be a little surprised when you see a portion of your earnings go to a tax called “FICA” for the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. This deduction goes to Social Security and is your […]
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Finding Value—and my Social Security—in light of Budget Cuts
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Every payday, you have Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) and Self-Employed Contributions Act (SECA) taxes deducted from your paycheck. Nearly all of these contributions are used to pay Social Security benefits to more than 60 million retired, disabled, and widowed workers and their children, as well as to Medicare beneficiaries. A very small amount also […]
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Own a Small Business? File Your W-2s Online
Reading Time: 1 Minute
If you’re a small business owner, you know you have to file your Form W‑2 information with Social Security every year. You might not have realized you can save time and avoid errors by filing online. The filing deadline for tax year 2016 is January 31, 2017. Getting started is easy. Just register for Business Services […]
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Is Someone You Know Wondering “Who” FICA Is?
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Social Security’s Acting Commissioner, Carolyn W. Colvin, likes to tell this amusing story. A colleague’s teenage daughter came home bursting with excitement after receiving her first paycheck. But she had one question about her earnings statement. “Well, Dad” — she asked him earnestly — “who is this FICA?” Did you find this Information helpful? Yes […]
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Tax Season — It’s About What You Know
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Did you know that your Social Security benefits may be taxable? This includes your monthly retirement, survivor, and disability benefits. About one-third of people receiving Social Security benefits must pay taxes on some of these benefits, depending on the amount of their taxable income. This may happen if you have other significant income in addition […]
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Prepare for Your Future with my Social Security and myRA
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Your future belongs to you. Although retirement may seem far off, life moves quickly, and it’s important to take the right steps now to ensure your financial wellbeing down the road. To help more Americans prepare for long-term financial security, Social Security and the Department of the Treasury are joining forces to launch Envision a […]
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Reading Time: 1 Minute
At some point in his or her life, almost every American will need, or will at least be eligible for, Social Security benefits. Our website has quickly become our newest hub for many of our customers to conduct their business with us. Already more than half of our customers who apply for retirement or disability benefits, […]
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Extra Services For Employers
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Our beneficiaries aren’t the only ones who do business with Social Security. We have a variety of online tools for employers that make managing employee information quick, easy, and secure. Did you find this Information helpful? Yes No Thanks for your feedback!
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