
Selling Your Business To Help Fund Your Retirement

September 21, 2023 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Most business owners are hyper-focused on growing their business and legacy. But at some point, they must consider and plan for their exit and retirement. If you are considering selling your business, there are some steps you should take now to set yourself up for success later. The NAWBO | National Association of Women Business […]

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women business owner working in a flower shop reviewing items on a pad with another owner

Social Security Services for the Hispanic Community

September 18, 2023 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

We strive to deliver great customer service and helpful information to everyone, including people who are more comfortable reading and speaking Spanish. Our Spanish-language website provides information about our programs and services. You can learn how to get a Social Security card, plan for retirement, apply for benefits, and much more. You can also learn […]

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mother cooking with her daughter

Apply for Social Security Benefits Online

August 31, 2023 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Did you know you can do much of your business online with Social Security? This means no need to call or visit a local Social Security office. You can take your time completing our online applications and even save your progress to return to later. You can apply online for: Retirement or Spouse’s Benefits You […]

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An older couple reviewing information on a laptop in the kitchen

Smart Social Security Strategies for Women

August 10, 2023 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

While many women plan to claim Social Security retirement benefits, they may not know about how various factors could impact their monthly payment. More women are working than ever before, but their average benefits are lower than those for men because women typically earn less over their lifetime. In addition, falling marriage rates mean fewer women […]

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three women smiling together

How Helps You

July 20, 2023 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

We’re excited to announce that we’ve added two screening tools to our redesigned website! provides you with many ways to learn about our programs and do business with us online. These tools are designed to help you determine your eligibility for benefits and help you request a replacement Social Security card. Benefits Screener You […]

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Young couple searching on a laptop

Are You Age 70 or Older and Not Yet Getting Your Social Security Retirement Benefits?

July 6, 2023 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Retirement is not one-size-fits-all. It can mean different things to different people. Perhaps you have not applied for Social Security retirement benefits because you’re still working or are delaying applying so you can get the higher benefit. If you’re age 70 or older, you should apply now for the benefits you’re owed. Your benefits will […]

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Senior man working at laptop to apply for Social Security benefits

Social Security: Learning How the System Protects Your Financial Future

March 2, 2023 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

During Women’s History Month, we recognize women innovators and those who have dedicated their lives to telling our stories both past and present. One important story from the last century concerns the status of women in the workforce. More and more women have entered the workforce every year, into many new professions and more prominent […]

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Photo of Cindy Hounsell

Black History Month and Social Security

February 9, 2023 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

February is National Black History Month. This year’s theme, “Black Resistance,” focuses on Black Americans’ efforts to advocate for dignified, self-determined lives within our democratic society, while bringing attention to their achievements. Social Security is here to help you live freely and with dignity. Our retirement, survivors, and disability programs help millions plan for their […]

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A family photo

Social Security is Here When You’re Ready for Retirement

January 26, 2023 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

When you think you’re ready to retire, we’re here to help you make an informed decision about when to apply for benefits. You should decide based on your individual and family circumstances. Would it be better for you to start getting benefits early with a smaller monthly amount over a longer period? Or perhaps wait […]

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Two older men video chatting on a smartphone

Understanding the Need for a Representative Payee

December 29, 2022 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

You may know someone who gets a monthly Social Security benefit or Supplemental Security Income payment and who also needs help managing their money. If someone you know needs help, we can appoint a person or an organization to act as a “representative payee” responsible for receiving and managing a person’s benefits. When we assign […]

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an older adult and younger adult working together at a computer screen
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