General, Online Services

Building a Better

April 18, 2022 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: April 18, 2022

Social Security Administration LogoWe are excited to share a preview of our new website coming this year. is one of our most important tools for providing service. You told us we need to make it simpler and easier to use. So, we created a new design. It was shaped by information we gathered from customer interviews. We looked more closely at how our customers seek information online, and new design best practices.

The new design – we call it our beta website – seeks to improve your online experience, so you can get to the information and services you need faster. We also include new interactive tools, like our new benefit eligibility screener. It’s a convenient way to learn if you might be eligible for benefits, without needing to know what benefit programs are available from Social Security.

We want your feedback

Your opinion is very important to us. We invite you to explore our beta website at and to use the “Feedback” button on the right side of the screen to tell us what you think. You can visit the website on your computer, tablet, and smartphone.

The beta website is a work in progress. Some links you select may take you to webpages on the current Also, we are still working on the Spanish-language version of the beta website.

What’s next?

We plan to use the feedback we receive from you over the next few months to improve the beta website. Later this year, we will replace the current with the beta website’s design and information.

Thank you in advance for looking at the beta website and sharing your feedback!

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About the Author

Grace M. Kim, Deputy Commissioner, Operations

Grace M. Kim, Deputy Commissioner, Operations


  1. vera l.

    If you receive SS benefits but cannot make more than $1350/month, if I start receiving dividends from older investment, is that considered income

  2. R

    I don’t see Ticket to Work on the Website at all.

    • A.C.

      Hi, R. Thanks for visiting our blog. For information about the Ticket to Work program, please visit our Welcome to Work Site page. We hope this helps. 

      • David M.

        Yes I get SSI but I only get 560 a month something is wrong

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