Disability, Medicare, Online Services, Retirement

Between Festivities, Visit My Social Security

November 17, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

man and woman drinking coffee on computer The holiday season is upon us, bringing with it family gatherings and familiar traditions. As you bustle about from place to place, sharing turkey dinners and catching up with loved ones, there’s one errand you can avoid — a visit to the Social Security office. Why take time out of your busy holiday schedule to visit an office when you can conduct most of your business online?

On our website, we have a variety of services available to you, all from the comfort of your home. You can apply for disability benefits or appeal a disability decision. You can also file for retirement benefits, spousal benefits, or Medicare-only benefits while enjoying leftover pumpkin pie. Our secure, easy-to-navigate website is sure to add plenty of comfort and joy to the festivities.

Even if you’re currently receiving benefits, or aren’t quite ready to file, Social Security has services to bring you holiday cheer. With a personal my Social Security account, those receiving benefits may change their address and direct deposit information, get proof of their benefits, and request replacement documents like a Medicare card. In addition, if you aren’t currently getting benefits, you can still check your earnings record, get estimates of your future benefits, and view your Social Security Statement. In some areas, you can even request a replacement Social Security card online. Open your personal my Social Security account today.

With the New Year just around the corner, it’s never too early to start planning for your future. Once you’ve conducted your business at on our website, you may want to visit myRA.gov. myRA is a retirement savings account from the Department of the Treasury designed to help you put aside money for your retirement. You can invest in the fund according to your budget, putting you in control of your financial prospects. Give yourself a gift this holiday season and invest in your future.

Holidays are fun, and sometimes stressful, times. Let our online offerings reduce the holiday stress so you can focus on what’s important — your loved ones. When you need services from Social Security, start a new tradition. Go online on our website.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. Phyllis B.

    Better use of time is to make the government system stand up and not out.That includes better healthcare,and making sure that the social security forum keeps its profile as being one of the largest independent government within the states and nations.It keeps its profile when people can beneft from employment and benfits.That’s how the government works-everyone should have DOT..if you know what that that mean-Today the elderly is beginning to become just as powerful as the younger and middle age generation because of changing rise of inflation to live.They remain to keep their DOT or employment status pass 72 some citizens and they money become tax free and they become more eligible for different programs. So don’t let small things worry you nor Truimp being President because he must make the ball bounce as equal opportunity ……

  2. MajJohn

    I opine that the last thing most of us think about between the holidays is social security. This is another waste of taxpayers dollars. Good grief, can’t you make better use of your time?

  3. shevonda

    Wow, Smh is all I can say @ this moment

  4. Ernie J.

    Forgot my user name and password.

    • ata

      To the “Home” for you.

    • R.F.

      Hello Ernie. If you are having difficulties with your personal my Social Security account, please call 1-800-772-1213 for assistance. After you hear “Briefly tell me why you are calling,” say “Help Desk” for help with a my Social Security account. Sometimes, it might be best to visit your local Social Security office for further assistance.

  5. John B.

    Trump will be a better president than Obama because he’ll be for us all, but not for the illegals.

    • jimbo

      Trumps all for himself!

      • Phyllis B.

        II Trumiph is for all of us -he is for the immigrants .His profoile stated he have foreign investment that covers about 75% of world capital then he must be for the immigrants as well. Immigrants are humans to for as we now based on diversity citizenship and history we could be part immigrants.So we must think that they are people and have needs just like americans.Finally,they are americans with define purpose and that’s because of diversity.

    • Keykukala

      That remains to be seen. His actions so far doesn’t look good my friend.

  6. Dorothy E.

    Very concerned about the on going “rumblings” within presidential elect Trump campaign staff re: privatizing Medicare & Social Security. Hopefully, this is not true
    but will be waiting to see and/or hear something more concrete as to how this will work. Will have to wait & see??

  7. Manuel S.

    If we all write to our Congress Man, and express these concerns we are more likely to be with in hearing range than with the last Presidential Administration.
    We might want to give them some ideas on how they can replace the citizens monies that were ” barrowed” by a past President and never replaced our monies.

    As readily as Mr. Obama was able to pay Iraq $42 Million, they can just a quickly put our contributions back into our Social Security Account shall we say ?

    • ata

      The so called borrowed money is covered with Treasury Notes.

      • Phyllis B.

        Obama,Father of the Nation known as our President had to have a reason to pay Iraq that kind of money .The reason I say is because Congress have to prove President actions. For all we know it could be a worth cause so leave that alone.What you should be concern about is thanking the administration for receiving and hope to continue to receive. For as Treasury note that’s just ;like cash ,we might have needed something for Irag.That;s call toreign trade agreement,howeber,if it was publicized about what it was -don’t worry about it BECAUSE Congress had to prove his action

    • Ms. L.

      So sorry you “drank the koolaid” and actually believed what Trump said.
      Writing and calling a GOP congressperson doesn’t help. They simply do not care.
      This will be a very long 4 years.

    • Marc

      Neither President Obama nor any other president has ever “bortowed” money from the Social Security fund. All of the borrowing and other machinations having to do with both Social Security and Medicare were, and remain, the responsibility of Congress. It was a Republican Congress under a Republican administration that first began borrowing from the SSA Trust fund, and all of the Republican Congresses that followed have relentlessly worked over the past 3 decades to cut, replace and eventually end Social Security as it is today. Republicans in Congress have opposed Social Security and Medicare both since their inception.

      Social Security and Medicare were created many decades ago in order to ensure that the weakest and most vulnerable in our society could have at least a minimum quality of life in their twilight years, and some security that they wouldn’t be homeless and destitute should a catastrophic illness or injury disable them before their working years were over. That is what a civilized Society does, after all. They take care of their own, and that means ALL members if that society.

      Unfortunately, for the last 3+ decades the Republican party, who opposed both programs from the start, have worked tirelessly to end both programs by every means available to them. Cutting benefits, raising eligibility age, denying COLA increases, privatization, and spreading false information about the programs’ imminent insolvency in order to create panic and distrust of the programs. Now they’ve found the “magic bullet,” Paul Ryan’s block grants, which will effectively end both programs for good and all, and in Trump they finally have the president who will enthusiastically go along with their schemes.

      It’s fine to rant and rail against those in power who seek to destroy a system that’s worked smoothly for over 70 years in order to enrich themselves and satisfy the directives of the wealthy special interest groups to whom they’ve become beholden. But at the very least we should be honest with ourselves – as well as to those we share that information with – and place the blame at the door of those who are truly the guilty parties. It’s not only unfair, but dishonest and dangerous to blindly sling the mud at the targets identified falsely by those same miscreants seeking to take your benefits away.

      In other words, stop blaming Obama, Clinton, or anyone else. It was, and remains to this day, the Republican Congress persons who seek to end Social Security and Medicare in your time. Open your eyes before it’s too late – though, sadly, with Trump at the wheel, were all doomed now anyway.

  8. Mary

    As a senior citizen who depends on social security and a small pension to live on, I am extremely worried about the things I have been hearing about stopping it and Medicare. I spent 50 years of my life working and paying into social security and now it feels like they want to take my money away. It’s not fair.

    • ata

      Concerns such as this are unwarranted. No one from any party is considering stopping SSA or Medicare. There are however, proposals meant to keep the system solvent. Of course if the country goes bust everything is in jeopardy.

      • Ms. L.

        Paul Ryan and the rest of the party want to privatize social security and give vouchers for medicare. If they have their way there will be many people begging in the streets.

      • tony

        You got to worry about the National Debt. Part of that Debt is owed to the Social Security Trust Fund as US Treasury Security. The Government is basically broke and has to borrow money every year. In 2020, there will be no more Social Security Trust Fund surplus and Social Security will have to cash in some of the Treasury Security Notes. The US Government is broke and would have to borrow even more to pay back some of the Social Security Trust Fund.

        Now if the US can’t borrow any more money, then the Social Security Trust Fund would be in trouble.

        The Democrats want to bankrupt the US Government with all these entitlement programs like the ACA and Medicaid expansion.

        Imagine how much Debt we would be in now if Bill Clinton didn’t limit welfare to 7 years.

        We need to lower the US Debt and protect Social Security. Then in 2034 when Social Security becomes insolvent, the US Government can borrow money to fix Social Security. Right now the US Government is going to become bankrupt before 2034.

        • Phyllis B.

          You must understand history and civilization .We The People is the United States democracy between IRS and Social Security.We The People was brought from primitive civilization to Industrial civilization based on culture and diversity by the nature of God.When the Farmers created the Constitution ..The Notice of Public Concerns is _We the People of United States and Soveriognty Nations must stand fast and negotiate.What we have among the system is ours as well as employers indiginfying what that employer can produce for each employee.What’s the basic..insurance coverahe,payroll deductions, IRA rollovers, retirement , matching the medicare employee /employer contractual agreement as long as that employee remain employed.Please reviee history dating back from 1200-1500-1800-1900-2000-2016

      • tony

        Who is going to buy the Treasury Notes when the Social Security Trust Fund sell the notes. The Government can’t buy it back because it is broke and got to borrow money every year.

        When China and the other countries sell their US Treasury Security Notes before the Trust Fund does, the Trust Fund would be holding a worthless piece of paper.

        China has already dumped a bunch of US Treasury Security. If China dumped a bunch more, then no one would buy it and the other countries might start dumping theirs too. China is starting to invest their pension in the stock market instead of Government Bonds. We are investing our Social Security pension money into the broke Us Government who has to borrow money every year to stay afloat.

        The US Government is planning on cutting Social Security so they don’t have to pay back the money.

      • k

        Is that not where the current administration heading?

    • Phyllis B.

      Dear Sir,Any individual who have created a tax rin comparisonecord to the Commission office of IRS and any equalivent agency of the government is entitled to receive there money whether is worker’s compensation,disability or su[pplemenatal assistance better known as SSI or susuvivorship is somehat different than money individual work for and it also carries different statues,rules and regulations.Please go to http://www.ssa.gov and read diferent format about the programs.There are many programs that individuals qualify for.

      • Phyllis B.

        Yes ,The actionable response to social security clamaints is the due process of state regulations.If your state states processing time is 24 months then that’s two years of process and adjudication to retain a decision. All clamaints should be approved because the essential element is that producing evidence that is confirmed and it’s clear and convicing that meets the rules of listing between SubPt.A{adults} and SubPt.{B] children. The finally factor is that lawmakers and doctors experience the challenge through congress to legislate new medical conditions to those listing. The Board of Medical Doctors of Professionalism is the main course of SubPT.A /B ..and to the red book and blue book. If there is nay doubt that a clamaint condition doen’st meet the listing of impairments then it’s not adjudicated between neither book. The Board of Medical Profession must act on it.

  9. Manuel S.

    Admissions into state hospitals is not a random process in general.
    Some admissions are of people who suffer from behaviors diagnosed as a danger to them selves or a danger to others as a result of any number of behaviors complicated by substance abuse, mental illness, and inability to care for themselves.
    State hospital stays were usually 14 days certifications and then the patients were admitted to an appropriate facility of care, continued medical treatment plans. Today this may be a different matter.

  10. Nicole S.

    Why are people wrongfully admitted to state hospital ? Against own will people have constitutional /civil rights ?

    • John B.

      Maybe they can live with you and you pay for their food and medicines, so you won’t complain anymore.

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