General, Online Services

April is National Social Security Month

March 29, 2019 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

" "April is National Social Security Month and this year we’re highlighting some of the time-saving features of a personal my Social Security account. Once you create an account, you’ll see that we already have your work history and secure information to estimate what you could receive once you start collecting benefits.  With your personal my Social Security account, you can also:

  • Request a replacement Social Security card.
  • Set up or change direct deposit.
  • Get a proof of income letter.
  • Change your address.
  • Check the status of your Social Security application.
  • Get a Social Security 1099 form (SSA-1099).

For over 80 years, Social Security has worked to meet the changing needs of the American public. Today, you can apply for retirement, disability, and Medicare benefits online, as well as take care of other business.

Knowledge is power. You care about your friends’ and family’s future, so encourage them to create a personal my Social Security account. Celebrate National Social Security Month by learning what you can do online anytime, anywhere.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner


  1. Mariam N.

    Excellent online info. Thank you

  2. JON C.

    awhile back as i was getting things in order, it was mention that i would have to pay “late enrollment penalty”
    so can any one clear this up? i sent form in saying they were wrong but still no answer.
    which is causing me a lot of stress.


  3. Thomas W.

    Why is it an problem to set up an acitive account from germany as your program kicks me out with a address out of the US

  4. Thomas H.

    I live abroad and have a MySocial Security account. Every year, SSA in the USA sends beneficiaries who live abroad Form SSA 7162 which needs to be filled out and returned for benefits to continue. This form is sent by conventional mail and not electronically. Mail service in my location is unreliable at best and for the last three years, I have not received this form. As a result, my benefits were cut off without notice each February. I then need to download the form, send it to the FBU in Manila and they will eventually get my benefits restored. Each time, there has been no notice through My Social Security account that the form has not been received and/or that my benefits will be cut off. I know three other people in my area who have this same issue. Why cannot My Social Security be used to notify that benefits are about to be cut off so steps can be taken before the actual cut off? Imagine getting your salary cut off without notice? Sending notices that need to be returned by conventional mail is ludicrous in 2019, especially to countries with poor mail service. Please consider using My Social Security accounts to address this problem.

  5. alfredo s.

    I think this news was about to create a saving card Account. But still thankyou for this SS Aniversary.

  6. Jean B.

    My Social Security and Social Security Disability coverage is the same number I have repeatedly informed you about. While Social Security workers routinely continue to provide the ongoing female & Spanish or Columbian thief and illegal representative who Social Security now fabricates to have given all my benefits and finances since 1966 up until now.
    Unfortunately, that simply means that all the savings I have done into my bank accounts have constantly been stolen to benefit the spanish babysitter when I was 14 years old, and was diagnosed with Leukemia. And she chose to claim MY Social Security ID as all hers. While she routinely claimed all my benefits and finances as hers, while she routinely fabricates that I agreed to be involved with the group/gang simply continue to fabricate about me to provide them with the benefits and finances they want! While I have routinely been informed I was helped, even as all my benefits and help I never have received! While all my records, benefits and finances ahve always been stolen to benefit the Social Security ID thief (and her multiple “husbands”) while I am routinely threatened for always having the correct fact that it was MY Social Security Identity which Social Security still refuses to provide as the Social Security Federal Administrator who filed his Court Orders have simply disappeared! All again by Social Security and its representatives who routinely have given other people all that is mine rather than ever maintaining any appropriate and honest contacts with me since 1966 until now! Any possibility to find out how to stop Social Security’s constantly refusing to provide my own car or truck, my own house, my own bank accounts, my medical, my multiple doctors’ and my multiple hospitals’ records given to successive and multiple ID thieves rather than maintaining any contact or assistance as the Judge also ordered. And extensive far more! Would help if we could get our contacts correct! And quit making me appear responsible for the ID thieves and robberies, while I still am never provided any contacts or communications with any of the correct permanent Social Security Disability as the Administrator ordered! Jean B Minsky

  7. Fahmi N.

    No reply so far!!! Someone needs to look into this technicality that prevents so many Americans, living overseas from benefitting from a personal account. Last time I heard the number around 60,000 Americans receiving social security and living outside the US. Is it fair that non of them can benefit from a personal account. We need help.

  8. lesly f.

    I hope ssa history month is my history month too for my dream come true on my 65 years birthday.and 33 years in this country 30 years been suffering with depression/diabetes/high hypertension.

  9. CLARE R.

    My Social Security card is WORN OUT. How do I get a new card?

    Thanks, Clare R Hudspeth


  10. Ashok K.

    I retired here in India but could not contribute to my SS account as India till last year was not a participating country in your SS program. I have 28 credit points in my SS account. India is now in your SS program I guess. Pl suggest me if I can still contribute in my SS a/c by working for 3 more yrs. I don’t have pension and need some help from SSA but don’t know how. Pl help. Thanks. Prof. Ashok K. Sharma ssn *** – ** – ***. My ph : 9412050881

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