General, Online Services

April is National Social Security Month

March 29, 2019 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

" "April is National Social Security Month and this year we’re highlighting some of the time-saving features of a personal my Social Security account. Once you create an account, you’ll see that we already have your work history and secure information to estimate what you could receive once you start collecting benefits.  With your personal my Social Security account, you can also:

  • Request a replacement Social Security card.
  • Set up or change direct deposit.
  • Get a proof of income letter.
  • Change your address.
  • Check the status of your Social Security application.
  • Get a Social Security 1099 form (SSA-1099).

For over 80 years, Social Security has worked to meet the changing needs of the American public. Today, you can apply for retirement, disability, and Medicare benefits online, as well as take care of other business.

Knowledge is power. You care about your friends’ and family’s future, so encourage them to create a personal my Social Security account. Celebrate National Social Security Month by learning what you can do online anytime, anywhere.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner


  1. Christine S.

    I am currently on disability.
    But due to incorrect information my payments went down.
    I sent in information from temporary disability showing I am not receiving any
    payments., since October .
    I am still waiting to hear back from Social Security.
    How long does it take for a correction?

  2. Christine S.

    I already have an account, but I have not been able to log in from my I-Pad for two weeks now. All I get is a white page.
    I have to use my computer to log in.
    Will this problem be fix soon ?

  3. Roy W.

    I have a whole year of earnings missing from my earnings record I submitted a request for my income tax transcripts (that was over a month ago still no reply) I had the same employer before, during and after the missing year of earnings. I have been retired since 2007.
    I Need Help

  4. Gregory L.

    Please allow us overseas Social Security Retiree’s to create an ONLINE ACCOUNT. Calling back to the SSA tel # a person is waiting online for 45 min, 1 hour or more with intl phone charges, cuts and hang ups. It’s next to impossible to get help. Then the SSA office in Costa Rica, forget it, they wont answer. So, you see, allowing us overseas to create an ONLINE ACCOUNT would help immensely. Please answer.

  5. Diane A.

    I am having no luck setting up my account. Can someone help me?

    • K.O.

      Hi, Diane. We are sorry to hear you had difficulty creating your personal my Social Security account. If you are still unable to create an account or encounter a problem with your personal my Social Security account, you may:
      •Call us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778), Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. At the voice prompt, say “helpdesk”; or
      •Contact your local Social Security office. We hope this helps.

  6. Elizabeth M.

    Yes, I’ve been trying for 2 years to get answers and I can’t they just Shaun me off!!! I was 54 in August of 2017 I had been drawing my dissabilty since 2007. I had been married for close to 25 years. Then my husband had been drawing since I guess 2009 he had his full dissabilty!!! However, that is what we lived on!! Both he and I (our social security dissabilty together) But when he died on August 6,2017 I went to our local social security office by the way he had drawer for years on other health problems BUT!!!!! In Feburary 14, 2014 he had a massive massive stroke it left him completely PARALYZED on his left side after his stroke and we hoped he could use his right side but NO NO NO about 2 years or so before his stroke he had a completely HIP REPLACEMENT TOTALLY and he begin getting much sicker come to find out his SURGERY went bad he was septic in his hip and at UAB IN BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA they took it completely out and said they couldn’t put another in due to his condition!! Not make it thru surgery!! However he was drawing 1,372.00 monthly I was drawing 1,036.00 monthly when he died they said I could only draw mine and 240.00 of his check?? IT DOESNT SEEM RIGHT I HAVE NO IDEA BUT OUR BILLS WERE BASED ON TH AT being we had been married that long and together and loved together many years before our marriage is that AMOUNT RIGHT??? WHY I HAVE THE QUESTION IS THAT I WAS ALREADY DRAWING MY DISSABILITY BEFORE THAT HE DIED ACCORDING TO SOME PAMPLETS I WAS SUPPOSE TO DRAW 71% TO 99 % IF I WAS ALREADY ON DISSABILITY!!! PLEASE PLEASE CHECK INTO THIS NOONE WILL AND ITS VERY IMPORTANT TO ME I NEED TO KNOW THE RIGHT ANSWER PLEASE IVE PRAYED ABOUT THIS BECAUSE IM LOOSING OUR HOME AND EVERYTHING WE HAD. ELIZABETH MILLER DOB 8-8-62 SSN *** – ** – *** MY HUSBAND ROGER MILLER DOB5-28-55 SSN *** – ** – *** THANK YOU!!

  7. Bonnie E.

    I want to change where my SS checks are deposited.
    How do I get the information to change it? I do have the paper to change to the credit union I want the funds to go. Can I take a picture and email it to the government or do you need a hard copy sent in the mail?

    • K.O.

      Hi Bonnie. Thanks for the question. If you’re receiving Social Security benefits (retirement, survivors, or disability), you can start or update your direct deposit information by using your personal my Social Security account.

      If receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or unable to conduct business online, you can start or update your direct deposit by contacting the bank, credit union, or savings and loan association or by calling Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778).

      See our Frequently Asked Questions web page for more information.

  8. Timothy T.

    REQUEST , Hi , Miss Bogle I would like to know am l old enough to have Medicaid dob 04.07.1956 and I need a social security card ,THANKS…..

  9. Fahmi N.

    Unfortunately all these benefits and convenience associated with establishing an account, do not apply to me. The reason is the stipulation of having a US address.
    Living outside the US I am still able to have a Medicare account. There is no problem with that, security and privacy are not compromised at all.
    When will Social Security remove the need for a US address, before one can benefit from an account??

    • Edward H.

      What is the answer to Fahmi Nature’s question?

    • Fahmi N.

      No reply so far!!! Someone needs to look into this technicality that prevents so many Americans, living overseas from benefitting from a personal account. Last time I heard the number around 60,000 Americans receiving social security and living outside the US. Is it fair that non of them can benefit from a personal account. We need help.

  10. Judy C.

    My sister gets more SS than her husband. She’s 75 and he is 76 can he receive SS from her SS.? Thanks

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