COVID-19, General

Act Now – Go to – A Message from Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul

April 20, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: March 17, 2021

Social Security beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who don’t file tax returns will start receiving their automatic Economic Impact Payments directly from the Treasury Department soon. People receiving benefits who did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes, and have qualifying children under age 17, however, should not wait for their automatic $1,200 individual payment. They should immediately go to the IRS’s webpage and visit the Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here section to provide their information. 

Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries with dependent children and who did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes need to act by Wednesday, April 22, in order to receive additional payments for their eligible children quickly. SSI recipients need to take this action by later this month; a specific date will be available soon.

By taking this proactive step to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. If beneficiaries in this group do not provide their information to the IRS soon, their payment at this time will be $1,200. People would then be required to file a tax year 2020 tax return to obtain the additional $500 per eligible child.

I urge Social Security and SSI recipients with qualifying children who do not normally file taxes to take action now. Immediately go to so that you will receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments you and your family are eligible for.

Action Needed for Social Security Beneficiaries with Dependents and Who Do Not File Tax Returns to Receive $500 Per Child Payment

People with Direct Express debit cards who enter information at the IRS’s website should complete all of the mandatory questions, but they may leave the bank account information section blank as Treasury already has their Direct Express information on file.

Additionally, any new beneficiaries since January 1, 2020, of either Social Security or SSI benefits, who did not file a tax return for 2018 or 2019, will also need to go to the IRS’s Non-Filers website to enter their information as they will not receive automatic payments from Treasury.

Click here to view the IRS press release about this important issue.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Raf

    The priority of supplying first those who had work and were left without income suddenly is right. They have no income and while social security is just enough to get by, it is more than these people have at this time. It’s the right way to distribute these economic income payments. After all, we people who have benefits have not been disrupted beyond the fact that we are in need of benefits that we do get. I sympathize with everyone who is in need and I know I barely make it every month. But, at least I can pay my rent and buy food.

  2. Jeff

    SS comes from the employee and the employer not tax payers

  3. Steve J.

    I read on here about everyone who receives SSI, you shouldn’t get a stimulus check you don’t contribute. It’s non-sense, we already pay you to stay home nothing has changed for you.

    • Tigerfam

      I worked for 25 yrs, 3 jobs. Karma is real dude

    • Deborah M.

      What do you mean “we” what do you have to do with it? You don’t do bullshit, you don’t run anything

    • IamE

      Tell that to the people on it that their stipend cannot keep up with the rising prices. It’s gonna create a whole new class of criminals.

      • danny

        ‘gonna’ No,more like has.

        My neighbor stole groceries this morning out of desperation.

    • MG

      You sure do and I don’t feel a tiny bit sorry for it. I worked 45 years busting my ass, day in and day out and my taxes paid for some “SSI loser” as most of you ignorant people feel they are, to yes, stay home. Just as you tax payers now are paying for my adult daughter who is challenged, or in words you would be able to process “Mentally retarded” to “stay home”. She doesn’t have the ability to work, and the only difference between SSI & SSDI is work credits. She DID work for a while, and couldn’t hold any jobs down. Not enough work credits put her in the SSI group. NOT every SSI recipient is a lazy moocher. You people love to believe it is so simple to collect this “welfare SSI”. Sorry to say, people are denied constantly.. even those who need it. Without family, my daughter would be living on the street with her “cushy” SSI check.

      • Scarlett

        I agree with you it’s not lazy that puts you on these programs. It takes years to get it and like me I had to get an attorney to help me pursue it. In disabled and thou in my early 40s I’ve always worked. This isn’t for lazy people and when u qualify they make sure you absolutely is entitled. It doesn’t buy a mansion or a lexus but it keeps a roof over my head, lights on and food on my table.

        • Lawrence W.

          I agree. I get so tired of the uneducated bs that a lot of these tax payers spew out of their sad mouths. SSI IS DISABILITY. YOU MUST BE DISABLED to receive it. You just get LESS if you have LESS work credits when you apply. Yeah yeah with the bs that people are scammers. MAYBE 2% of people who really know how to work the system, but the other 98% of us are not geniuses and had to FIGHT for these shitty benefits. MOST of us wish we were working. But we are not, so lay off. And to the complete stupid: SSI is NOT the same “welfare” program that unemployed mothers are on popping out kid after kid.

    • Chris

      You need to rethink that statement. I’m a disabled veteran that fought for ignorant asses like you. I have paid dues and then some. If you think trying to live off less than $1000 a month is easy or high living…think again. Think before you speak son. Because you never know you might end up like us. Disabled and scrapping by with what the government calls benefits.

  4. Stephanie P.

    I receive disability and have my 11yr old son but didn’t find out about the window to enter his information til after it closed. Does that mean I missed it all together? There’s no other way or time to claim for him?

    • Tigerfam

      I don’t know but I have the same situation. He receives benefits also,I would think they would know that though.

    • Barbara

      There is a time and a way, but that’s all I’m sure of. I think I saw things about it on the news, but that was yesterday, and the deadline was also yesterday. The report was very confusing. I am sorry. Try finding more info on the social security dot gov website

    • Barbara

      I see that there was a Special Announcement by the Social Security Administration on their website on April 20, 2020. The deadline was April 22, 2020. Not what I call advanced notice. I didn’t see any info about it at all until I saw a brief news clip yesterday evening, April 22,2020. They mentioned something about how you could get the extra for your dependent at a later date, but that is all I recall.

  5. Patrice B.

    On social security, widows benefits. Get direct deposit dont file taxes. So damn sick and tired of all the bs about when deposits are coming. IRS websites all screwed up. Are you kidding a 2nd stimulus of 2000. Lets get people their deposits for the 1200. Don’t you think that makes a little bit of sense? Just sayin…

    • Peter

      Honestly i dont think 2000 is going to happen anytime to soon, first off Treasury has to get out this 1,200.00 and that wont be done till September, that’s the paper cks. That is , and honestly this 1,200.00 isn’t going to do squat for the economy why cause it will take too long to get out, all its doing just dribbling in a teeny bit into the economy its been noted 144 million dollars been already put out in pockets to spend, still looks the same , nothing change, but on.may 4th there supposed to discuss it , the next wave ! Yeah so i do agree on that we got to wait n see first till we get the first one ,and IF trump did this 2000.00 a month for all 16 yr.old n up and soc sec too. n va he most definitely will be elected , that would be the greatest thing this country did for the people, , money talks bs walks, oh another thing i wish i could jump up for joy and dance but i cant , i cant walk ?

  6. Alan B.

    My wife and I receive SS and we file taxes, but we always owe and they do not have our banking info. Will our checks be deposited with our SS direct deposit, and when?

    • V.V.

      Hi Alan, thank you for your question. Treasury, not Social Security, will be making automatic Economic Income Payments to eligible people. Unfortunately, we do not have information about the exact schedule for these payments. Treasury anticipates these payments to go out to Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries starting around the end of April and to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients starting in early May. Continue to check the page for updates.

  7. Alice D.

    When will seniors with no dependents on ssa get their direct deposits? I’ve never been so frustrated in my 72 yrs of life. My goodness give us a date.

    • Repona

      They cancelled it.

      • Barbara

        That is not true and not funny.

        • Repona

          Hey asshole, I was not trying to be funny. It’s fucking truth.

          • James b.

            No it’s not you bottom feeder. Stop scaring our older generation. The deposits are coming just be patient. I know , I know it’s hard.
            Just stop spewing nonsense and untruths

    • Peter

      It should in by wed 29th ! Doesn’t anybody read anything look it up find it! And that was what i read ssi should be beginning of first wk of may with the well n safe and see if you could spend fast on anything but rent ?

      • max p.

        “should be by the 29th”

        Should be……. lol

      • Ray

        give a website that say what you are saying.

        • Peter

          Look ( update stimulus news checks ) and read it

      • Rayford N.

        At one time it was the week of April 20th and now it is pushed back to the last week of April. Congress once said that the people on Social Security will get it first but now it looks like we will get it last.

        • isntthatgreat

          The ones hurting the most get it last. Isn’t that great?

    • Judy C.

      Agreed, do we have to do anything special if we do not have dependents and live solely on Social Security, and did not need to file, did not owe anything nor getting anything back!

      • Barbara

        If you have been receiving your Social Security with direct deposit to your bank account, you don’t need to do anything in order to have the funds deposited in your account. All we have to do is wait, and wait. I thought we would get our funds before they began sending out paper checks, but it appears ALL taxpayers are first.

      • V.V.

        Hi Judy, thank you for your question. Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who do not have qualifying children under age 17 do not need to take any action with the IRS. You will automatically receive your $1,200 economic impact payment directly from the IRS. You should receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as you would normally receive your Social Security benefits. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May. We hope this helps.

    • donald f.

      I also saw a statement by social security that people on retirement as well as SSDI, and railroad retirement and vets etc should expect their stimulus money by Wednesday the 29th of April which coincides with what they’ve been saying all along. “By the end of April” so just hang in there it will come in the same way you normally get your benefits, Direct Express, direct deposit, mail, whichever

    • V.V.

      Hi Alice, thank you for your question. Treasury, not Social Security, will be making automatic Economic Income Payments to eligible people. Unfortunately, we do not have information about the exact schedule for these payments. Treasury anticipates these payments to go out to Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries starting around the end of April and to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients starting in early May. Continue to check the page for updates.

  8. Jessica P.

    my boyfriend has gotten ssi since he was 14. in june last year his mother passed from cancer and he got her ssdi. they told him that he wouldnt have to pay for medicare for 24 months. but when he was supposed to get a one time payment of 2k for survivors benefits they took it saying that he owed for back payments on medicare. has anyone had this happen? what should he do about it?

    • KEVIN

      He got all of her check, every month? That screwed him royally, he should have refused.

      • Ray

        you do not know what she is talking about.

        • KEVIN

          You can go get fucked Ray

      • Jessica P.

        he only gets 500 a month ssdi and 80 ssi. it even says on ssa website that he has to wait 24 months for medicare and yet they are already charging him 140 a month for it and have since july

    • Precious E.

      U can actually decline Medicare so there is usually a little yellow card which u fill out to decline the Medicare. The same thing happened to me when I got my benefits after waiting for 3 years so since u qualify for Medicare after 2 years they charged me payments the 12 months (the last year of the 3 years of backpay), I declined it & they claimed they didn’t receive it, but I had a copy of it. I knew I wouldn’t be able to fight for Medicare to pay for any bills incurred for that time, they eventually refunded me the payments for Medicare. He needs to call Social Security & tell them he declined Medicare when he received this money (whether he did or not) & that they r not supposed to be taking money out for the Medicare, but he needs to realize that he won’t get Medicare if he does & if he ever wants it in the future he will have to pay a higher price for it bcuz he declined it originally. Tell them he already has insurance if you want to. If you have any trouble (and u prob will), just ask for a supervisor & tell the supervisor u declined Medicare bcuz u already have insurance. Either way, it doesn’t make sense that they would have taken her whole check, but it is probably bcuz he won’t get both generally, he will get whichever is higher (sometimes u can get some SSDI & if it’s not high enough u can get SSI as well, then they deduct a portion for Medicare, but it wouldn’t be the whole check). So what I’m saying is let’s say her check plus any difference if hers is too low would add some SSI to her/his amount, then they would deduct a payment for Medicare which is usually around $134/month, so if it is being taken from let’s say 12 months worth of benefits he is owed for hers for thr last year it would only deduct $134/month from each month he is owed for. And, the 24 month thing is actually that after 24 months u qualify for Medicare. U don’t qualify to be able to get Medicare for the 1st 24 months, so u def need a supervisor or go into an office & get a supervsior (that’s usually easier). Explain that he does not want Medicare (and if ur comfortable telling them that he has declined it w the little yellow card), but if he does want Medicare then they r gonna charge him for months that he wasn’t able to use them bcuz they would have started on the 25th month. I would highly recommend u tell them he declined Medicare w the little yellow card & that he is still being charged & IF he wants Medicare, just let them first replace this money & wait for the next open enrollment period or if he needs Medicare then once it’s finished (the replacement of the Medicare payments that were paid for the time he wasn’t able to use them), then I believe in most or all states u can actually sign up any time during the year for a few plans (that r 5 star plans) any time during the year. So TO SUMMARIZE ASK FOR A SUPERVISOR, TELL THEM U SIGNED A YELLOW CARD DECLINING MEDICARE & THAT U WANT REFUNDED FOR THAT TIME PERIOD & THEN DO 1 OF 2 THINGS: 1) IF HE DOESNT WANT MEDICARE LEAVE IT AS IT IS (CANCELLED) OR 2) SIGN UP AT NEXT OPEN ENROLLMENT OR AFTER THE PAYMENTS R REFUNDED THEN CALL & SIGN UP FOR A 5 STAR PLAN WHICH IS ALLOWED ANY TIME DURING THE YEAR & IT WILL BE EFFECTIVE THE 1ST DAY OF THE FOLLOWING MONTH. I BELIEVE THIS SHOULD DO IT!

      • Jessica P.

        yes thank you, i will have him call tomorrow because we have paperwork from SSA stating that he was to get a 2k one time payment and they took that. and have been charging him 140 since july when his mom passed in the end of june. so thats almost a full year of payments he has made and he only gets 500 from ssdi and 80 from ssi. so it really screws him when he has bills and stuff to pay. hes also not getting anything extra for our daughter when he has custody and i read that he should be. ssa has just been really screwing him for years.

    • Precious E.

      It is because they r confused w his Medicare Part A being effective years ago when he originally got his & Part B which u have to pay for so they prob backcharged him since the day he would have qualified for B, but do as I said above & say he wants to keep his Part A which is free & he has to anyway, but that u guys signed a little yellow card declining Part B, so they should refund u that amount. And if he wants Part B after the refund he can sign up for a 5 star plan any time or wait til open enrollment & sign up then for the next year (which the time of that is confusing bcuz they usually say end of year for the following January, but I believe since he already had Part A like I did, he has to sign up at the beginning of the year by March 31st & it takes effect June 1 or July 1 of that year. BUT REMEMBER HE CAN USUALLY SIGN UP ANY TIME IF HE WANTS IT AFTER ITS REFUNDED FOR A 5 STAR PLAN.

    • V.V.

      Hi Jessica, thanks for using our blog. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. Your boyfriend can call us at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or he can contact his local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  9. kendra

    Why are we always last? They don’t give a shit about us. I don’t want to be alive anymore

    • Kitty

      Please don’t let money make you want to kill yourself you’re going to go to hell always remember that

      • joe t.

        No no, hell is reserved for assholes such as yourself. Silly cunt.

    • jhf54

      …waiting on the “useless eaters” to die off.

      • Micah

        Me too jhf54. Hopefully someone will let me know when you are gone? Thanks.

    • Scarlett

      Please don’t say that! We gonna be ok! We gonna make it thru this! Yes we are disabled in our own ways but we do get money every month regardless. Right now there are so many mom and dads out there that can’t say that and need so much so if they got their money before me I can’t be mad but ours is coming too.

  10. goldberg, r.

    i dont care any more. keep it;

    • Scarlett

      I didn’t know we needed to give info to receive our stimulus money. They said they would get the info from SSDI or SSI and that way we would get paid

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