Guest Bloggers, Retirement

A Secure Retirement for All

October 6, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: October 6, 2016

perez-guest-blog-picHaving a secure retirement is an important pillar of strength for the middle class in America. Yet, it is unavailable to too many workers in our country. During Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re acutely aware of the particular challenges faced by middle class Latinos in the workforce. Not only do Latinos face wage disparities, they’re also less likely to have access to retirement savings plans. Research shows that only about a third of Latino workers have access to a retirement plan through their employer, compared to more than half of African-American and white workers.

For this reason, the Obama Administration has worked to expand access to retirement savings opportunities for everyone. We recently finalized rules that will help more states create retirement programs for workers who don’t have access to a 401(k). Such programs are just one more way to make it easier for more workers to save for retirement.

It’s just as important to protect those hard-earned savings, and the Department of Labor has been active on that front as well. Earlier this year, we established new rules to ensure that the guidance you receive from a financial adviser about your retirement account is always in your best interest.

As important as individual savings may be, almost no one can save enough for a decades-long retirement alone. This entire administration has pushed to strengthen Social Security so that it fulfills the promise made to today’s retirees and workers looking forward to a financially secure retirement. Social Security is incredibly important to America’s workers and retirees, particularly Latinos, who may not have other retirement savings.

If you haven’t started saving, now is the time. Whether this is your first day on the job, or you’re approaching retirement, putting something away now will mean breathing a little easier in the future. The Labor Department, our colleagues at the Social Security Administration, and our sister federal agencies will keep working hard to strengthen existing programs and create new savings opportunities so that all workers can enjoy the dignified retirement they deserve.

About Thomas Perez, Secretary of Labor, U.S. Department of Labor

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  1. Angela M.

    “Conseguenze catastrofiche il Regno Unito della Gran Bretagna.”

    L 27.06, 15:13;; +14 în plus
    Sinceramente lo giuro di dire la verità, solo la verità, così aiutarci a Dio: ascolta e priviti ciò che un vero e proprio Parlamento che tenga veramente conto delle proposte dei cittadini dell’Unione europea, COMMISSIONE PER LE PETIZIONI numero registrazione 003572 UNITED KINGDOM OF / GREAT BRITAIN 16.04.2013 .


  2. Angela M.

    Ce faci fa pizda? Tu chiar nu esti buna de nimic, astazi 29 iunie 2016 am innotat pe strazi din cauza ca tu nu stii sa faci nimic cu fondurile tale idioate europene. Eu, un cetatean european traiesc intr-o Uniune Europeana la fel ca alti cetateni europeni de-ai tai care traiesc bine-mersi civilizat, in timp ce pe mine ma futi si ma ameninti cat poti cu ambulanta ta criminala Numar Unic European 112, plus ca astazi 29 iunie 2016 am mers prin apele romane pana la genunchi de parca treceam Dunarea si era cat pe ce sa cad intr-un canal pe care nu aveam cum sa-l vad ca era sub ape, norocul meu a fost ca m-au avertizat doi cetateni care spuneau ca in situatii din astea ei dau telefoane pe la autoritati si, ce sa vezi?, nu le raspunde nimeni, si, in afara de asta, as fi putut fi chiar si omorata daca ar fi fost vreun fir de tensiune cazut sau ratacit pe acolo prin apele romane.
    Eu propun sa imi dai mie niste bani $ din bugetul institutiei tale pentru ca tu oricum nu esti buna de nimic pentru ca nu stii sa-i administrezi la fel ca in alte tari europene, si imi dai mie banii $, asa, ca asa vreau eu sa mi-i dai nejustificat pentru ca nu am nicio obligatie fata de tine Uniune Europeana scarboasa si imputita care nu stii sa fii decat impotriva umanitatii, ma pis pe tine.
    Astept sa-mi dai niste bani $ pentru tot ce mi-ai facut.

    OFICIAL BIROUL DE CULTURI EUROPENE acciza habanos trabuc nr. 2000000566252,
    Anna Baldina, Paris, Franta, corespondent telecanal <>.

  3. Angela M.

    Liviu Dragnea with what right you are publishing in public The Law of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, speaking about interests which does not concern Romania and Romania do not know these interests on the United Kingdom of Great Britain? Pork stupid, what personal interests have you in the United Kingdom of Great Britain? Ignorance and murderous country Romania, where illiteracy is it at home, why and what cersesti you actually from United Kingdom of Great Britain?

    Fuck-me as your children illiterate, official signature of:

    Rt Hon Theresa Villiers MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
    Rt Hon Alun Cairns MP, Secretary of State for Wales
    Rt Hon David Mundell MP, Secretary of State for Scotland
    Peter Wishart MP, Chair of the Scottish Affairs Committee
    David T.C. Davies MP, Chair of the Welsh Affairs Committee
    Charles Walker OBE MP, Chair of the Procedure Committee
    Rt Hon Mark Harper MP, Chief Whip : Office of the Leader of the House of Commons,

    Mailing Address: 9 Downing Street, London, SW1A 2AG.

  4. Angela M.

    Buna ziua tuturor,

    In sedinta de azi 8 iulie 2016, pe ordinea de zi in camera comuna numita “BUCATARIE” am avut:
    un scurt apel intrerupt la Numarul Unic European 112
    o plimbare ca sa ne cumparam niste baloane
    o plimbare pe strada mea Vintila Mihailescu numarul 15 – a Politiei Numar Unic European 112 – care tocmai a semnat oficial astazi 8 iulie 2016 ca mi-a raspuns oficial la apelul meu 112 intrand pe strada mea Vintila Mihailescu numarul 15.
    Semneaza cine vrea pasarica ta.

    Bonjour à tous, la séance d’aujourd’hui 8 juillet 2016, sur l’ordre du jour dans la chambre de la commune appelée « la cuisine » j’ai eu :
    – un appel court interrompu 112 numéro européen unique
    – une promenade nous acheter certains ballons raccompagné sur ma rue numéro 15-Vintila Mihailescu police numéro unique européen 112-qui vient de signer officiel aujourd’hui 8 juillet 2016 qui ont répondu à mon appel 112 officiellement entrer mon numéro de Valle Maharaj rue 15. Signes qui veut ta chatte.

    Hallo an alle, die heutige Sitzung 8. Juli 2016, auf der Tagesordnung in der Kammer der Gemeinde namens “KITCHEN”, die ich hatte:
    – ein kurzer Anruf unterbrochen, der einzigen europäischen Nummer 112
    – ein Spaziergang um uns etwas kaufen Ballons eine Fahrt auf meiner Straße Nummer 15-Vintila Mihailescu Polizei die einzige europäische Nummer 112-gerade unterschrieben, die Beamten heute 8. Juli 2016, die meinem Ruf 112 offiziell betreten meiner Valle Maharaj Hausnummer 15 beantwortet. Zeichen, die Ihre Muschi will.

  5. Angela M.

    Hello my Government UK and Parliament UK,

    How are you? Thank You very much for your answer, you are the best in everything, including your very nice answer, How can you be so good? Nobody answer me so serios, thank you, I Love You so much, so much because I’m not trusted in nobody, only in UK, European Union it’s so stupid in everything with her stupid european founds and it’s make me on nerve so much that I want to kill her, eg European Union: she deserve to be distroyed. On june 4, 2016 , I have open my Pounds count in GarantiBank GBP personal and private count, and so far I have only 1.38 pound and I put 0.19 pounds in every day for paying my british passport, THANK YOU, and I will tell you a secret, thank again, I am feeling in safe only with United Kingdom of Great Britain, the other countrys it’s not so good politicaly like You UK and United States and Russia, there all are stupid.
    My dear UK, are you so kind to keep it my british passport until I will paying You? Thank You….I Love You, because here, in romania, I’ll vote again in the fall with my ID number card 2721207460020, and Meanwhile, You keep my passport UK, thanks.
    My dear UK, I want to ask you something very secret top secret only United Kingdom of Great Britain and me, and you do as you think, because you’re the best, and, frankly, I am leave in your hand in this regard because I’m a British Citizen, namely: do you thing that it’s more better for me to sign officialy my surname – name like this ILEANA MOTTOC ? i don’t know……..

    KISSKISS I LOVE YOU SWEET AND WARM United Kingdom of Great Britain, I will see you soon…..kiss.


    Vladimir Putin-Dimitri Medvedev

    L 11.07, 9:58;;; +14 în plus

    116 KO

    116 KO

    3 atașări (303 KO) Descărcați tot Salvați tot în OneDrive – Personal
    Call 112, fuck-me.

  7. U.S. N.

    This is a part of me that you never never ever take away from me, eg. my money in punds GBP, ok?

    Vladimir Putin-Dimitri Medvedev has calling today 12 july 2016 to 112 European Number Emergency in Romania for Public Services, not for private services.
    Thank You.


    Re: U.S. Department of the Treasury Real Estate Auctions (IRS) Update

    J 14.07, 12:30

    Descărcați Salvați în OneDrive – Personal
    Thank You very much for Your Official Signature U.S. Department of Treasury, I’ll take Your Signature Officialy just in case you will be operate and You will die…., just in case, everything is ok, don’t worry, I am not use your signature for my interests or for take you some money which is my money in fact…..but it’s ok, It’s all right now.

    My signature is: IMG00963.


    Caro Vaticano, cosa stai facendo? Adottivo.
    Cara città del Vaticano, io non posso installare Google Earth, vi chiedo di prendere misure urgenti e di prendere il satellite, grazie.

    Ileana Motoc, strada Vintila Mihailescu numarul 15, bloc 60, scara 1, etaj 7, apartament 48, sector 6, Bucaresti.

  10. NIKOLAI S.

    Draga DNA, cine este Mariana Barau? Ce legatura are ea cu mama mea Motoc Eugenia si cu tatal meu Motoc Petre? Este de la Procuratura? Isi construieste o casa? Unde? Din ce bani?
    Din banii de taxiuri GPS taxfree? A facut trotuarul?

    MRS. DNA Darling, who is Mariana Barau? Why does she keep in touch with my mother Motoc Eugenia and my father Motoc Padilla Petre? It is the Prosecutor’s Office? She is building a House? Where? From what money? The taxi GPS tax-free? She Fuck the Manager Vladimir Putin – Dimitri Medvedev?

    Oficial cersetoria romanilor la externe este interzisa: TV5 da-mi, da-mi SPASIBA.
    L’agent étranger est la mendicité interdite les Romains : TV5 donne-moi, donne-moi SPASIBA.

    Semneaza Ecaterina Mironova, Federatia Rusa: astazi 2 august 2016 m-a luat ameteala in propria mea casa privata si am luat un ibuprofen si nu sufar de nimic, sunt sanatoasa Сегодня 2 августа 2016 я взял мою собственную слабость в частном доме и взял ибупрофен и не страдать ничего, здоровы, Znak Uzma, Federacja Rosyjska: dzisiaj 2 sierpnia 2016 wziął mnie zawroty głowy w domu prywatnym i wziął ibuprofen i nie cierpieć, są zdrowe.

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