COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. catharine e.

    where is my check for ss? I wonder if welfare resipients received theirs even tho they still get all their benefits. they are not impacted because they choose not to work.

  2. Sarah

    Why are CE’s still being canceled when parts of the state are being opened. It only prolongs getting through the process of being approved or denied. You can go to Walmart or Target and bump into 100’s of people, but you can’t go to a doctor’s office to get an exam???

  3. Howard J.

    More Hot air from this talking head
    We are on SS age 82 and 79
    I have entered our SS # and not one but of information i
    Yet screwed again
    This now the end of April
    President Trump you need to look in to why us on SS did not receive our checks

  4. Norma L.

    Do people on disability with direct deposit for several years now need to do anything to get their stimulus checks? Starting to be concerned.

    • Lisa

      Everything I’ve read says when your check is issued it will go into your direct deposit account. Some people still have checks mailed to them so their stimulus payment will be mailed to them UNLESS they use the IRS tool to add their direct deposit info.

    • V.V.

      Hi Norma, thank you for your question. Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who do not have qualifying children under age 17 do not need to take any action with the IRS. You will automatically receive your $1,200 economic impact payment directly from the IRS. You should receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as you would normally receive your Social Security benefits. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May. We hope this helps.

      • Jo A.

        Mine says it was deposited yesterday but still not showing up on my Direct Express card.

  5. April C.

    I have two children that are an adopted kinship placement is about to turn 18 years old the other one in November will be 17 how do I go about knowing how to shut the social check off or how to transfer her social security or have to protect her because the person that has her is only in it for the money and I want to be able to bring her home June she turns 18 November and he turned 17 I don’t want her to collect the covid-19 payment for my children because she doesn’t care about them she uses it for her own personal gain not even for what it’s supposed to be used for my children she’s very physically and verbally abusive but I can’t seem to get any assistance because I myself and mental health but I didn’t become mental health and strongly disabled men to will help until after I was screwed over by the Department of Human Services child welfare and my fam how do I get assistance with somebody that’s willing to do something knowing I’m financially struggling because my goal is to get housing help and to bring my children home how do I do that or is it wait on the back burner and be pushed around again like I was 18 years ago

  6. Jackie L.

    My son who is 21 and receives SSI, works part time for a restaurant. Due to Covid 19 he was laid off from his job and is receiving unemployment. How will that effect his monthly SSI? I read that SSI would stop for the months when he goes over. Is that true? He wont have to reapply for unemployment will he? I had a call into Social Security and have never heard back.

    • V.V.

      Hi Jackie, thank you for your question. When receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you need to report all of your income, including unearned income such as unemployment. Please note that we will not consider economic impact payments as income for SSI recipients, and the payments are excluded from resources for 12 months.

      For more about reporting income, check out the online booklet, Understanding Supplemental Security Income. To report your income, you can call us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) or your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  7. Tristian C.

    I was getting my SSDI checks sent the the 1170 Harvard Way. Social Security Office in Reno an now they are closed due to COVID-19. I just added a direct deposit but the kind woman I was speaking to said she is not sure how I’m going to get this months check when it comes. Due to the virus I went an got my check at the office. Then was informed about getting Direct deposit and just got my Direct deposit information. Also the lady I spoke of said my Direct Deposit will be available for June’s SSDI check an that’s gonna be hard to deal with.

  8. Beverly L.

    I get my social security directly deposited into my bank account. When will I get the Stimulus Check deposited directly? Today is the 23rd of April, 2020. There is no info online that explains when these checks will be deposited. I call my bank every day to check, please tell me when I can expect it.

    • samuel g.

      do you know when they will be here?

      • Leroy V.

        That’s what they are asking so why would you ask that????

    • V.V.

      Hi Beverly, thank you for your question. Treasury, not Social Security, will be making automatic Economic Income Payments to eligible people. Unfortunately, we do not have information about the exact schedule for these payments. Treasury anticipates these payments to go out to Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries starting around the end of April and to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients starting in early May. Continue to check the page for updates.

      • April C.

        I do believe it’s bull snot Bingo on the coronavirus IRS website to if your on SSI you enter your information and continuously says not information not available you can’t contact the IRS can contact the Social Security Board without being on hold for 5 years it seems like nobody will tell you incorrect answer I mean we’re on SSI I’ve been going since January 2010 I even filled out that non-filers just so I made sure y’all had my direct deposit information here it is it getting closer to May 1st is it is the end of April where’s the payments at why do you keep saying it’s going to be soon it’s going to be soon don’t you know there’s a lot of people that are financially really sincerely needing this help and it seems like you’re messing with their heads especially the people that are on SSI for mental health like myself

        • Howard J.

          More Government Bull Snot
          As you stated
          We are not getting Crap
          Except to be told it’s coming again and again
          Well so is Christmas
          Uncle Sam could give a Fig about us on SS
          It’s one excuse after an other
          THANKS for NOTHING

        • Leroy V.

          Thank you for your reply because I feel the same way they just give us a run around that’s BS they don’t know the date they will deposit the money like you said we need that money just as bad as others that got theirs weeks ago they get there pay check and there taxt return and this money but we get Penny’s every month My medicine went up so much I can’t afford to get it this money would help me like no other them people that filed their taxes and have job’s Yes some people don’t work right now but they did get their taxe return so they should be sitting good but people like us what tell me why their not depositing that money now not weeks later and don’t tells us the truth about that money probably making money up the interest so they could buy a new car or a new house that’s why I feel

      • Kathleen G.

        Planned on receiving it mid-April. Small SSI benefit plus extra expenses due to grocery deliveries etc. Bank account is empty but now it appears I may see it in “early May”?!?! Larger businesses receiving millions and as usual the poor people are pushed to the end of the line or forgotten entirely.

    • John L.

      What I understand is the Social Security Department has nothing to do with the checks..they are coming out of the Treasury Department. The only connection the IRS and the SS Dept. have to the issuance of the checks is making the mailing addresses and income available to the Treasury Department. And the Treasury Department has no contact links to ask questions. Secretary Mnuchin’s office email contact is not available. I believe the lack of direct communication is by design. What bothers me is that we are on the tail end of disbursement, and they may run out of funds before we are paid,if they aren’t gone already.

      • Kathleen G.

        Yes it is all on this unqualified administration under Trump and the inept Treasury Dept. It was very misleading when Mnuchin said money would be out around 4/15. Now can’t get a straight answer as to when we can expect it. And I heard the treasury is under staffed, no big surprise, so there you go.

      • Leroy V.

        It’s not gone come on they are just playing games with us because we are on SSI they don’t think we need it that much like them other’s but what they don’t know we do need that money just as bad as them other people that received it weeks ago Just pray to Jehovah God that they will put it on ASAP!!!!

    • Lisa

      I can’t remember where I read it but those of us on SSI or SSDI should start receiving our payments at the end of April or first part of May

  9. edwin h.

    I feel those who are on SSI and SSDI were left out of the last stimulus bill, a great travesty. Some of the most vulnerable population gets no aid, while some unemployment payments are doubles, and eidl grants are being issued, remember we are American citizens as well and we need help

    • Kim

      No, they/we are not left out.

    • April. C.

      That’s exactly how I feel I think it’s a mind game for people on SSI and SSDI unemployment gets doubled and you know the people that are on SSI or you know not struggling very hard to make ends meet and aren’t struggling financially or aren’t struggling mentally or emotionally or you know physically that’s going to get the stimulus payment first and it shouldn’t be that way it seems like it’s just a mind game for everybody else it’s always the end of the end of April 1st of May the beginning of May the end of April I think it’s just a bullshiter story to keep everybody’s bringing along so nobody gets sued yet it’s freedom of speech and if this is not true which apparently is it is blog more than one person feel the same way I do and this person above me comment that commented does put your money where your mouth is actually start depositing Social Security Disability people’s checks don’t just talk about it talk is cheap anybody can make a statement about putting money in somebody’s account or direct depositing money or helping somebody with money anybody can burghley say anyting make somebody believe it actions speak louder than words or is that too hard to do being person of action not just hot air

      • Leroy V.

        What you mean people on SSI are not struggling that’s a joke what you think we get thousands of dollars every month and we’re sitting here looking pretty well I’m telling you we don’t that’s BS

    • Howard J.

      Screwed Again by Uncle Sam and his talking heads
      It’s the end of April and no checks for us on SS

    • Robert A.

      You half wit. We are not left out. Stop trying to cause a panic.

  10. Richard Z.

    Went to IRS site to see the status of our coronavirus checks. They have no record of our account.
    We have filed our tax forms every year.
    I understand that if we are receiving Social Security we will receive our $1200 checks for myself and my wife.
    How can I trace these checks? How can I find out if we are even in the database?

    • Robert A.

      We are still waiting for our stimulus check why the delay.

    • Dudley F.

      My wife and I both receive our Social Security checks by Direct Deposit. We filed through H&R Block. Apparently, there is a problem with their including information when they file. Is the Direct Deposit information you have on file to insure we get our stimulus checks?

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