COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Everett 90% of the population will receive money. Now enough of this thread

    • Sandra P.

      oh no… the house wont vote till friday so we have at least 36 more hours of people whining about how much their sisters are “gonna get” vs them, being asshats to each other, trolling, telling each other to “#^(* off,” telling vets they dont deserve stimulus since they have guaranteed income, telling SSI recipients they are bums, occasionally with an informative link or positive person saying “hey dont be mean to each other,” or “I work under the table as a masseuse on top of my SSI and I cant afford blah blah blah.” im honestly suprised they havent turned comments off for the blog. I think one of my favorite comments was something like “they arent going to give SSI or SSDI recipients anything because they are going to come see this blog and how ungrateful and cruel you people all are.”

      • George

        Oh don’t forget the negative cunt hole that lurks on the board, the very board she has some issue with. Now please, go find a big one to suck, that will keep you busy for a good 2 minutes.

        • Alyssa M.

          Oh boo hoo Sandra. Boo boo hoo.

      • deb

        And we will keep on doing so. 🙂

      • alfred w.


      • Sandra P.

        and… my point is proven. In the end you have to find some way to live with yourselves. Good luck with that. And…its bald headed uni-boob c hole c sucking bum porker to you trolls. What you think of me or say about me has 0 impact on my already incredibly difficult life. Does it make you feel satisfied to try to bully a cancer patient? Sociopaths. Ive stared down the IV of the harshest chemotherapy there is – repeatedly. Your words dont phase me, I just, along with so many others here, see how incredibly pathetic and unhappy the people in this little group of trolls is.

        For all the people who are posting actual information on the blog thank you. For all of you reading the thread who are suffering and not trying to inflict it on others, you have my support and best wishes in dealing with all that is going on in your lives and in this world.

  2. Johnny B.

    They passed the bill

  3. Tyson

    Bill today’s write sez SSI no SSDI yes SSI ppl don’t have work credits like us who payed FICA for forty years different entitlement program all under umbrella

    • CG

      Reading over the bill it does not say that.

    • Everett

      Everyone is getting a check

    • Get l.

      You are really a piece of malformed piece of ….work. man I never let myself grow bitter I won’t allow it grow out of it whoever you are because it’s people like you that has this whole world fkd up…

  4. notlurking

    We must remember that the majority of deaths because of the corona virus were senior citizens and most likely on SS…the politicians had to be aware of that as they negotiated this plan…so yes a check will be sent to citizens receiving SS…

    • lol

      Yea we weren’t included until Pelosi got involved… AND believe me, I’m not a Pelosi fan! BUT I may give her a 2nd chance 🙂

      • Tbone

        Fancy Nancy and sleepy joe biden love Chinese cock

        • Tbone l.


    • Sandra P.

      “notlurking” hahahah. were all lurking here at this point

  5. notlurking

    So much confusion here and bad rumors…the latest find in the link below from Fortune magazine March 25, 2020 6:54 PM EST…folks on SS will get a check also…
    “Will retirees and Social Security beneficiaries receive stimulus checks?
    Yes. The proposed bill includes language that allows Americans receiving Social Security—many of whom are retired and don’t file taxes—to obtain direct financial assistance through the coronavirus stimulus package. In such cases, the government would access their data through the Social Security Administration to determine their rebate.”…

    • CG

      Might wanna show all of it not just that part “That said, not all older people who are already reliant on government assistance are immediately eligible for a rebate. According to Steve Wamhoff of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) think tank, the current bill excludes recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI), a federal welfare program granted to elderly and disabled people who are often living in poverty and, in many cases, aren’t required to file tax returns.”

      • Chip

        That article is bogus lol

  6. Barbi

    If you are on SS, SSDI, or SSI, call your local Social Security office, they should be able to give you the proper answers. Just ignore the self righteous people on here that are telling you, you don’t deserve the stimulus check.
    If you have not needed to file taxes, it states that the Social Security office will be handling it.

    To the woman who said she receives SSI, but works under the table, apparently you have no idea how it feels to be completely disabled, but you are committing a felony. If I were you, I would not brag about that out in public!

    • Sandra P.

      lol i think her second post was either 45 minutes or an hour later. i was picturing her hitting “post comment” then immediately her complexion paling, thinking “oh $#!+ what did i just do,” looking on the site for a delete comment button, not seeing her post and thinking “phew!” then walking away, obsessing a little more, coming back to check and seeing her post, shaking as she looked frantically for the delete button, not finding one, her heart sinking into her stomach, yelling “$#!+!!!!!” obsessing a little more, then thinking that she should at least write a post where she sounds grateful for what shes gets already since she couldnt figure out a way to backpedal, and writing the second post, reading it 466737 times before hitting “post comment.” Im imaginitive

    • Rose

      All local and social security offices are closed because every time i tried to call them they ended up hanging up on me and said all there operators were busy and to please call back but when you do it still said the same thing call back later nobody ever answers !!!

  7. Tara

    I am a single disabled mom of 4 kids I get 734 a month on ssi and 300 tannif for kids I barely made it when they went to school. Now they are home I dont have enough to cover food and hygiene and things they still need I can’t even get toilet paper or anything . Inhave a daughter who is autistic, i have lung and heart issue and lots of meds . I’m really worried

    • Pray

      You will get 1200 as well if the bill is passed tonight ?

    • Pray

      Plus the extra 500 for you kids as well I think I don’t know the limits on that one

  8. Wfl watch this video

    • Wfl

      On this video it tells you who is going to get it. Also has a link for the full bill.

  9. Jason

    Turns out this huge payout benefits rich and people who have NOT lost their jobs. They filed a tax return in 2018. I did not only receive 1000 SSI (not enough) and will get not a dime.

    • CG

      Who will receive a check? All U.S. residents who are not a dependent of another taxpayer and have a work eligible social security number are eligible.
      This is true even for those who have no income, as well as those whose income comes entirely from non-taxable means-tested benefit programs, such as SSI benefits.
      That is from one of many sources I have found.


    Thank you for that informative update, Commissioner Saul.

    There is no reason in the world why retired people living only on Social Security (and sans SNAP) should not receive a stimulus check.

    This current situation has caused us to buy healthcare and household supplies in quantities we normally wouldn’t, or at one time. And buy more food at one time than we normallly would, in addition to using delivery services when we are unwell (like having cancer treatment!) and cannot make it to the store. The same with having laundry done outside so that those of us who are immuno-compromised do not sit in the laundry for several hours among others who are coughing and sneezing, along with their kids running around.

    Those of us with frequent medical treatment appointments, who need car services pay a premium for those — in NYC, we do have Access A Ride within the 5 boroughs, but if your re-assessment needs to be redone in order to continue this service, those offices are closed indefinitely (you can only do so in person!).

    In so many ways over the decades, it has been noticeable that seniors are bottom of the pile. The decades of work as already put in accounts for nothing. Once again!!

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