COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. John

    I agree So am I

    • Just M.

      Wish we could ? a post lol

  2. Just M.

    Looks like we ARE going to get the money after all!!!!!

    I”m starting to see updated info.

    • harry

      ? I don’t think so Just Me. But I wish it were so

      • Just M.

        Harry, I posted twice two different links. Where it says SSI would be included.

        • Jason

          Yes, you are eligible if IRS has a filing. SSI could be a part of your income. You would not file is SSI were your only income. You are NOT required to do so.

  3. Just m.

    However, you are still eligible for a check if you have no income or if you rely solely on non-taxable government benefit programs like Supplemental Security Income benefits, or SSI, from Social Security

    • Johnny B.

      Exactly that was already in the first bill it was 600 now it is a one time payment of 1200 the trolls on here are real life loser smh

  4. junior9

    Boo hoo. Lost their jobs did they? All the years I’ve been constantly, desperately looking for work–to augment my paltry $1100 monthly (for 20 yrs SSDI, but reclassified just-plain SS once I aged 65) some if not MOST of these people you cry for were Piling It Up, building familie$, and buying ever larger houses. (I never owned a home; no “GI BILL” for defense workers who only breathed respiratory particles and chemical poisons.) My primary syndrome is systemic, comes with unrelenting fatigue, fibrotic lungs, failed kidneys, joint pain, neuropathy, a degenerated spine, and ulcerating colon–but I’d STILL love to work. …In my DREAMS I work! but NO one will interview me (that isn’t hustling, or scamming to rob my identity, or worse)–still less PAY me a living wage. I’m no veteran, because I have a stone dead left ear, but as a war worker I was exposed to damaging toxins causally associated with my rare disease. Most of my co-workers died long ago. National secrets (and trade secrets) are involved; there can be no Justice. But let’s think only of steady earners who deserve their $1200 checks because their gravy trains are stopped, through no faiult of their own, shall we? Oh–and I, too, had a cat. But he died.

  5. Mark i.

    Every main news source I’ve looked at seems to say the same thing thats outlined in the stimulus package. SS Retirees, SSDI, and veterans on disability will be receiving a check. But SSI may not be included. Im not on SSI but if thats true, that is in no way shape or form fair. We here are all Americans. If they give it to one, they should give it to all. We all struggle with something in life. I can’t see either side of the aisle leaving anybody left out. But who knows anymore. Hopefully we know for sure very soon. Before anyone makes absurd, unnecessary comments, just remember, we are all in this together. It can affect our lives in the blink of an eye. I see all the hateful comments and i can only pray for those who make them because its probably in the way they were raised. Don’t look down on your fellow Americans or anyone that’s going through hard times. Because someday, it could be you. If someone falls, help pick them up. I dont know any of you personally but i love you all equally. God bless! We will get through this no matter what! Stay positive! Stay safe!

    • Just M.

      Latest I’m seeing is SSI will get it.

      • Mark i.

        That would be great! I’ve been trying to find something somewhere that is definitive but haven’t been able to. Fingers crossed that no one is left behind.

  6. pauline f.

    I am very angry. a friend of my daughters texted her all excited that she will be getting money that she doesn’t even need, and admitted she doesn’t need. The quote was
    “David and I will just put in our rainy day fund. Could also help with our trip to Paris next year, if they get this virus under control UGH”

    THIS is what I am talking about. We scrape to get by, especially during this epidemic of high costs and forced to use luxury services that the government would normally say, “thats not something you should be using” and she is gonna put it in her rainy day fund for a trip to the mall, or off to paris. I mean, really congress, REALLY? Thanks a lot.
    And btw, I once had a social worker come to my house to “teach” me how to grocery shop on my budget. A lot of cheapest pastas and sauce, mac and cheese, powdered milks, and bottom of the barrel items. NO meats, just banquet frozen meals mostly. And deliveries? Spare me. That would NEVER be included.

    • Oh w.

      I agree with you 100% that’s my complaint. My daughter is one who does NOT need it. Her and her husband both make good money and are both still working!!!! My daughter did tell me I can have her check whatever it is, she knows I could use it and she does NOT need it… But that’s not the point! The point is there are many people (like my daughter and her husband) who are getting money they do NOT need. Yet we sit here struggling every month and that’s ok… It sucks!

      • pauline f.

        That is nice of your daughter, but yes it is not the point. What about the ones that don’t have generous kids, or kids at all? Or like me, a daughter who was born with deformed legs, blind in one eye and collects SSI and cannot help me, and I do my best to help her, but right now, it’s not enough. I would never bash anyone that works hard and uses their money for trips and such, but taking government money that they do NOT need, to fund this is an outrage. It is an absolute outrage and slap in the face to the rest of us!

  7. Just M.

    LOL People complaining on twitter that $1,200 isn’t enough to pay the bills…

    WELCOME TO MY WORLD!!!!! Try $783!!!

  8. brentman

    i;m not voting 2020
    f*ck them all

  9. kylie d.

    First it went from all americans
    some americans
    most americans
    ss and ssdi
    ss ssdi and ssi 600
    ssi 200 more for 2 years
    nothing for ss ssdi ssi
    maybe the next package
    probably not
    we are being cut by 23%
    lets face it… we are the only ones who will hurt in this permanately.

    • Dave

      No way 23% can happen trump would lose a lot of his base what your reading is a another dem move to blemish trump

      • kylie d.

        Dave I want to believe you. I hope you are right

        • Dave

          They need to take this site off if people are still.getting a monthly check it’s not affecting you one bit,

  10. Finally s.

    Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) & Social Security (SS) Recipients

    For those on Social Security or the SSDI program can have their SSA data used directly to claim the stimulus check (no tax return will be required).

    • victoria f.

      ok ok ok wait a minute
      enough you guys.
      this is TOO MUCH conflicting news
      When will we hear from the senate what exactly is done, and who qualifies? When will this be on trumps desk? because right now I am going from constant hope to depression and its too much. I just read on here they want to cut us down by 23% but now I read ss and ssdi can get money?!!

      • Dave

        A lot of people trolling on here, there’s no way there going to cut ss 23% next year it’s election time next year and I’m sure there not going to cut benefits 300 dollars the goverment will not let that happen and as far as a stimulus I’m sure it’s appropriated in

    • Oh w.

      Yea still ZERO for SSI… we’re still the scum..

      • Sean M.

        how can they give us money when they are going to cut the benefit? that was there plan whole time.
        i hope in the next life they are the poor ones.

        • Wonder W.

          What bothers me the most is people act like it was a choice to be disabled. $800 a month isn’t enough to live off of. They plan on handing out $1,200 PER PERSON. We don’t even get that!!!! So that just goes to show disabled are scum. Why not give them SSI amounts? They expect us to live off of it.

    • Sandra P.

      Thank you. This is the most informative link in my opinion at this point and they say they will update the article as information becomes available. It includes info for all of us on SSI SSDI and military/vets. Bookmarked.

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