COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Supperdodo

    What social security people are getting is. 2/3 rds of 1200.00 = 800.00 tho some of the lower non workers of less than 10 yrs of work on social security sadly dont get anything, with more than 10 plus years of work history on social security will get 2/3. ! And the working people get 1200.00 plus the 500.00 per child under 17 only. Married get double 2,400.00 but only 500.00 per child under 17, yes still unfair however when o’bama did it. It was the same too under 10 yrs. Work or no work history got nothing , so here today in 2020 it the same method that applies now to all how it’s going to be. However i do believe those whom don’t get that hand out they will have an increase of foodstamps and that’s all folks ,.

    • Like a.

      I’ll take an increase in food stamps! I barely make it from one month to another.

      Still makes me laugh how people making 60k a year will get money but those of us struggling on $9,000 are kicked to the curb like usual.

    • Lynne

      I don’t understand. Do the ss people have to currently be working. Meaning retired, but still work? My mom has been retired since 2008, but worked 35 years. Would she get 2/3? Sorry to sound stupid, this is all very confusing

  2. !!!

    Wait for the bill to come out then we will no where all the money is going. Until then we no nothing!

  3. Joe

    Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore….

    So we can watch them squirm….

    • Supperdodo

      What social security people are getting is. 2/3 rds of 1200.00 = 800.00 tho some of the lower non workers of less than 10 yrs of work on social security sadly dont get anything, with more than 10 plus years of work history on social security will get 2/3. ! And the working people get 1200.00 plus the 500.00 per child under 17 only. Married get double 2,400.00 but only 500.00 per child under 17, yes still unfair however when o’bama did it. It was the same too under 10 yrs. Work or no work history got nothing , so here today in 2020 it the same method that applies now to all how it’s going to be. However i do believe those whom don’t get that hand out they will have an increase of foodstamps and that’s all folks ,.

      • Joe

        How do you know this? Ive not seen anything at all regarding ssdi

        • Typical i.

          SSDI is getting the money…

          The ONLY people left out are SSI

  4. Angela

    Please somebody answer the SSI issue for sure. Thank you.

    • Patience

      We don’t know anything yet so don’t take any of these post seriously unless there’s a offical link that you can click on

  5. Stanley C.

    Families with a yearly income of $75,000 will receive a direct check of $1,200 and checks of $500 per child. Those on Social Security or make no money will still get checks.

    • SSI r.

      Please do not count on it. Just live normal life with budget cut. If government decided to send check to social Security or make no money, their other benefit amount will decrease. So, it means almost nothing. People may lose all of the food stamps if they receive this check.

      • Stanley C.

        If anything it would only affect food stamps for that month. I’m pretty sure Dems added a provision to the bill to protect people from losing food stamps or medicare because of the stimulus.

        • Damn S.

          The issue is that people on these programs are already struggling now it is a crisis a people who can afford to eat on a day to day basis is panic buying leaving nothing but dog and cat food for the poor lol how is that folks can not comprehend this fact is beyond me

          • Wonder W.

            Food is a huge issue. I have been trying to get ground beef but it’s impossible! I have $5 in the bank and $8 in food stamps left. And the only ground beef is the expensive stuff that I can’t afford.

    • hmm

      Where did you see this? If you don’t file an income tax you aren’t getting anything.

      • Wfl

        . To get the money to people who don’t usually file tax returns, it might have to request that information from the Social Security Administration or Veterans Affairs

  6. SSI r.

    I am on SSI. They say SSI recipients won’t receive nothing in April. OK. That’s fine. But, I will unregister for vote in Nov 2020. I will not vote till 2024. That’s it. Government is doing this to collect citizens vote in Nov 2020.

    • Mitch C.


    • hmm

      What the heck good is that going to do???? Vote them out if you don’t like it! But not voting could hurt everyone. Not a very good idea.

    • John

      I agree So am I

  7. Oh W.

    People on unemployment are about to be living a good life ?? 600 a week for 4 months in total is 15,600 lord have mercy they better be smart and put money to the side and for those of us on SSI or SSDI we are left to struggle as usual ??‍♂️??

    • Unreal

      I was thinking the same thing!

      I don’t understand the logic… If your working why are you getting it but someone on SSI doesn’t????

      I’ve been watching my Grandson because my daughter is a Nurse and has to keep working and daycare’s are closed, schools are closed. She even feels it’s wrong. She said she’d give me her check because she knows I need it more than her. I said NO it’s hers… But even some people working realize how wrong it is.

      • SSI r.

        I will make a huge budget CUT and not spending money from April. Those people who receive stimulous check, they can spend all of them

  8. Rush

    As some of you may be reading now, recipients of SSI will NOT receive Covid 19 stimulus. You will continue to collect your check as usual.

    • Johnny B.

      That’s a shame because certain people on SSI actually worked and paid into the system but they had no choice but to settle for SSI.. still the bill isn’t finalized yet they might get something out of it after all

    • It i.

      It is a shame we’re left out. I could understand if ONLY those who weren’t working were getting a check. But even those who are working are getting a check. How is that fair???

      • Johnny B.

        Wait until the bill is finalized maybe we will get something out of it we will find out tonight for sure

        • Wonder W.

          We’re not getting anything… If so we’d know it by now.

          Back to struggling lol

      • Danielle

        A stimulus check is a rebate from a person’s tax return. Everyone who gets one has to file taxes because it is their own money they’re receiving, like a loan. It has to be paid back… Stimulus is not a gift and if ss ppl do get it, they too will have to pay it back. The government doesn’t give us free money, ever!

  9. Dave

    I collect ss and slight pention I will manage people unemployed need it

    • We w.

      Yea but people who are STILL employed will get it also… that’s the part that isn’t very fair. Why are employed getting it when SSI people aren’t

      • Mark


  10. Briamna

    So what if you didn’t file 2018 return how will they get it to you and what if someone has children they care for now that they didn’t file for in 2018 ? How does that get paid out or supported !

    • No i.

      I guess they are also going by 2019 if you filed a tax return.

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