COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Barbara a.

    Sorry everyone. It looks like they are taking a break from it? I guess what they are really doing is holding off to see if the country picks back up so they do not have to give anyone anything. all those false promises. but it is okay i suppose. i guess if the country goes on as planned, us seniors will all be dead soon and they really don’t want to give billions away for us to be dead in another month or so.

  2. Alyssa M.

    The deal that you get nothing.

    • Dorian

      I’m getting an Xbox, Haha!

      • Tee


    • CG

      Nothing has been passed yet stop throwing out false information. Honestly people like you are worse than the virus.

      • jack

        She/he is worse than a deadly virus thats killed thousands? You are so ignorant. You don’t need the additional money you greedy fuck. Piss off.

        • CG

          Yes they are cancer on society. So much worse and you are as ignorant as she or he is.

          • jack

            I hope you get nothing you stupid cunt.

          • kim p.

            Cancer on society is worse than a literal deadly virus? what have you been smoking?

  3. Alyssa M.

    !!!!!!!!!! They just passed the deal!

    • Sean M.

      What deal?? Link please?

      • dallas

        The Green New Deal

    • CG

      Link the source because nothing is showing up in any news feed.

  4. CG

    The more I read the more I fear those on SSI etc will be over looked. Yes they have said those will be included but honestly I am doubting it. With each updated news story talking about “whats in the bill” There is nothing there for those on SSI. Democrats over looked us and Republicans never looked our way. I Hope I am wrong I pray I am wrong but sadly I fear I am right.

    I do not want to hear they said every american will get something. That was a lie this stimulus looks to line the pockets of everyone but those who could use it. This was supposed to be about getting cash to the people to help the economy. Well looks like we are not people to them.

    • Sean M.

      You are right I’m afraid. There is nothing for us, and I think most know it. Which is why this blog is dying down… except for the angry trolls.

      • CG

        I honestly do not think this was ever about getting cash out to people and into the economy if it was then the original statement would held true “a check for all Americans”. I won’t claim to be factual on it I pray I am wrong on all counts. But they are vague about what is in it. I keep reading the same lines over and over nothing about SSI etc. If/when it passes if it is not there democrats pulled it for something else because they knew republicans would not allow it.

        If it was about the economy honestly about the economy then we would all be getting some amount of cash be it 600 1000 etc.

    • jim

      I guess they don’t see us as Americans!

      • CG

        Not in the slightest this handling will catch up come November.

    • Danielle

      Stimulus is not a gift, it will be included as income off our 2020 tax returns and will be included as income for ss and ss will be lowered due to the extra income. Its crazy everyone thinks its a gift or hand out. Its help of our own money, like a loan. So hope you all don’t go spending it up right away, cuz you will be paying it back, worker and ss.!

  5. Donnie M.

    The pres wants to start up the country by Easter…..
    So there would be no need for us to get any extra money. You will just be told to resume your normal lives, but be careful. No new car for you!!! or xbox, or furniture or whatever it was some of you irresponsible dykes were looking for.

  6. Charles W.

    It is difficult to get the needed exercise in when opportunities are closed to you. Our GYM is closed. Looking for a better exercise program. Need to go to the Park for a walk. It looks like I am not allowed out.

    • deane

      does your gym offer online class? ours does. I think you can walk out around your house

  7. Shannen

    I have never liked Trump…. but he is right on this. Open our country back up. Otherwise, people like us are eventually going to loose our checks. There will be nothing for the country to send us.

  8. Thomas E.

    Are you needing a fix or something Denny. It sounds to me that as long as you get the check, you don’t give a crap about anyone else. What a moron.

  9. PJ W.

    You all seem to forget, any money you did not earn is counted as unearned income on SSI and deducted from you SSI benefit amount. I am sure that would be the case if we did get a stimulus check anyway. And for someone to be jealous because their own sister would get one and not her is pathetic, you should be happy for her. I am in the SSI program but do not get a check because I also work for my money, but I am on SSDI, I just started working part time last year, so I will not be included because I did not file taxes in 2018, why they want to start with that year is stupid I filed this year, yet I am not stressing over it because it is unearned income and it would be counted as such against any food stamps, medicaid, or ssdi , ssi you can bet on it, oh and if you get extra help paying you medicare premiums perhaps that will put you over the income limits and knock you off for a month who knows, nothing is truly free,

    • Johnny B.

      Yall all seem to forget that people are panic buying we are in a crisis and people living on a government check can barely afford to pay bills as is …

      • Just M.

        Johnny bravo ???

        • Johnny B.

          Yes sir lol

  10. Thomas E.

    I am a 70% compensated vet for PTSD and other issues. I wonder if I will receive a check? I do not and cannot work and I have filed a individual unemployability claim with no answer. Has anyone have an answer? Thanks

    • timothy d.

      You already get free untouchable money you stupid selfish bastard. Fuck off

    • Sandra P.

      Thank you for your service, Thomas. The selflessness you showed in being willing to lay down your life for our freedom and safety is something that most cowards trolling on the internet could never live up to. Im a hippy…I dont agree with some of the uses of military Ive seen in my lifetime, but I honor and respect the men and women courageous enough to be willing to fight for my freedom as an American. We wont know which way this stimulus will go until it’s said and done. Best to just try to find a way to distract yourself until it’s passed.

      Go take an IED for my freedom Timothy and come back and troll me instead.

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