COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Denny


    • PJ W.

      You have a lot of nerve calling all people on SSI bums, my grandson was badly burned in a house fire at 4 years old, I do not consider him a bum.

    • Just M.

      Bums huh? Yea I love not being able to work and have a life and money…. Its been my life goal of mine. Go fuck off!!!

      • Sandra P.

        Cancer is AMAZING! I don’t have to go to work…I spend 2-4 days a week in doctors offices instead hooked up to IV’s or testing my heart that is going into heart failiure due to the reaction to the immunotherapy infusions. I love not having hair…Im such a bum I dont even have to brush my hair or shave my legs! I don’t have to eat much due to nausea so I can spend more of my SSI on the fun things like more gas since I live in a rural area and have to drive 60+ miles each way to many of my doctors appointments. I really miss the good ol days last year of driving 120 miles a day 33 weekdays in a row to radiation, since there is none in my county. Milking the good life living on the dole.

        Ok Ok I said dont feed the trolls before but…here’s a banana, asshat.

        • Sandra P.

          (For Denny, Not JustMe)

  2. Daniel

    I understand we all will receive a stimulus check for 1,200 plus per child 500 but utilizing 2018 tax return. I did not have customer of my children in 2018 but in December 21, 2018 I got customer of my kids so all of 2019 I have been raising my kids but I have not done my income tax do to the virus so how do I get the 500 per child instead of my ex-wife?

    • Hello

      File real quick!!!!

    • David M.

      dam if u ant have your kids and u chosen checks wtf I luv my mama


    Social Security Disabilities should get a stimulas check also…….I worked 32 years in the medical field. I paid alot oof taxes i paid my fair share…I got disabled to work had to sign up on social security…..32 years i worked ..paid taxes out of my life so why are social security recipients. And ssi people aren,t. Getting a stimulus. Check…..we are human peoples. I thank you Jesus that you died for. Everyone soul and not just a few. AMEN

  4. Wendy R.

    As I sit here reading all the comments, my mind reflects on March 17,2020, chemo day. the hospital was like something out of a movie, face mask, gloves, suits…chilling conversations whispering in the hallways and elevators….a lady who was just diagnosed with cancer was in complete fear and the corvid-19 outbreak didn’t help her fears….it is sad when we place labels on who should receive a stimulus check and who should not, it breaks my heart to know that those who truly need help are at the bottom, because they don’t make enough to qualify for help……Stage 4 NSCLE Metastatic, is my diagnoses, had to come to the end of myself to see just how priceless each and every life is, no, there is no dollar amount on one’s life, yet we decide who will be helped and who will not be….this grieves me…. to all of you, you are priceless, you are worth much more than a stimulus package….to trust those in goverment who have the power to help, makes one question why they fight with each other over who will be helped and who will not be, America my heart breaks for you….. I live on a fixed income of ssi/ssdi and would so much love to work again, its draining to hear all the things being said about those on ssi/ssdi, not everyone abuses the system, I, too, was once a tax-payer and never even thought I would be labeled disabled, but it happened… those at the White House making these decisions in regards to The Stimulus Package For Americans, it takes all of us to come together for the better of our Country, not certain classes of people, there is no division in Unity….if every vote counts in elections, then every person counts in this crisis’es…..

    • Sandra P.

      Sending you love, Wendy. Im currently deciding if I will take a break from immunotherapy (which is causing repeated reduction of heart function) in order to rebuild my immune system and constitution to weather the Covid19 situation. Cancer or Covid? Weighing things out. I wish everyone who doesnt have their priorities or treatment of others in check on this blog is able to check themselves and evolve to a place where they become more humane. I wish you the very best in your healing journey.

  5. Gerald C.

    So will those of us on SSI if the stimulus package? We have added expenses too this virus as an impact on all of us even the disabled. It is unfair for those of us who are disabled we didn’t ask for to be disabled. It is unfair if we do not receive the stimulus package

  6. Supperdodo

    And one small thing i did ask what i can do for the country way back when i join the military, not drafted or be in school to avoid it i join it and did it.

  7. Supperdodo

    The greed never ends. IF i do get any amount $$ yes it will be good, i will spend it on FOOD and if i can ever find a surgical mask im buying that too. And for the saying i am retired, i nearly exist living even on what i get, and its very much more than anyone’s that’s been posted here, remember this i worked i worked 16 hrs. A day and i paid into social security, i cant stand. Up or walk, i struggle every day, but if i dont get that stimulus so what i never had it to begin with, there fore it’s NOT being missed,, People even if we do get it, this virus is making people sick or its death , I Think this country should be doing more for everyone and that lands on the president, if he did his job, like the way he was voted. To do , things may have been better, but its not it not good in America , some people cant even go out to get things we be lucky if the store has it ? I dont think the extra money is the issue, i think it how the president whom is not doing his job, he thinks by giving money is going to make this virus go away well its NOT, he paid his way his entire life to buy people, to get what he wanted, and know this he didn’t even pay his taxes in the 90’s he cheated the country, and this is a fact, he admitted it. . if this country was attacked from outsiders this country be in deep shit’s he not even military material knowledge of no how , he about how can i make a buck, this stimulus will feed his business more than his workers ,and that goes for all the big business as well, i hope the democrats and Republicans can agree on what is best for everyone i said EVERYONE , IT STARTS AT THE TOP AND TRICKEL’S. ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE PEOPLE AND ITS A BIG MESS , we need pull together and solve this problem, words are cheap action are the true meaning. Of who ever that person may be I am not belittling anyone so everyone be safe stay cool and lets help one another one short phase famous ( ask not what your country can do for you but ask what. you can do for YOUR country ) wise words that seem to be forgotten, be well and good luck

  8. Shawn H.

    You assholes that keep saying you don’t want the $200 clearly shouldn’t even be on SSI. If you have enough to walk around with that attitude, then you are getting to much. Do the rest of us a favor, call SS and tell them to stop your payments.Leave it for those who actually fucking need it.

    • egie

      that’s right

  9. Love Y.

    Hello I’m disable have been for 5 years now. I worked for the time I was 13 yr until I was 50 yr. I hurt my back when I was 23 years old and still worked in drywall until I was 50 years old. Doctors said I had to stop or end up in a wheel chair. So I stop. My point is I got my first ssdi check and it was ($1,000.00 a month) 1/4 of what I was getting working ($4,600.0 a month). It was hard at first not having the money you did have and I paid taxes every year. But you know what you can go it I did. I guess what i’m talking about is my wife and I (and she don’t work she takes care of me and no check) live on that an pay all our bills and don’t have much left but we make it.So I think the people that work and filed taxes in 2018 and at stopping point on how much you make should gets $1,000.00 or what ever let them have it. That is if your not working (laid off). Now the way I feel about SS, SSDI, and SSI I have learn how to make it on what I get. Now you raise my check $200.00 a month until the end of 2021 then take it away it’s going to hard to get back not having that money. I know i’m going to get a lot of haters out there but if you let GOD handed it for you it will be ok. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!!!

    • harry

      Don’t worry, you won’t see 200 bucks more in your check. lol

  10. Your S.

    For Those On Social Security or SSDI

    For those on Social Security as part of retirement or through the Social Security Disability Insurance program can have their Social Security Administration data used directly to claim the stimulus check – no tax return will be required.

    For Those On SSI

    However, beneficiaries of Supplemental Security Income, which often benefits old or disabled people in poverty, are not included in the current version of the bill.

    • Giles L.

      fuck them.

    • jane

      This does not matter, as they will never pass it anyway.

    • danny

      if that goes through my wife and myself will get a check.

    • Oh b.

      Where did you see this or is this your thoughts???

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