COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. lisa g.

    I get that some that can’t work will get the check what about the people on SSI we have to buy extra stuff too I only get 563 a month and pay rent and utilities and I’m broke not everyone is not working and they still get extra money how lovely keep the rich rich and the poor poor and to hell with the rest is that how it goes, I’m not money hungry just want to know I will be ok to my food stamps was just cut down again to 69 a month how will this help.

    • A

      That’s Trump for ya he dont care about the poor everyone should get something this effects the poor and people who are on assistants the most. PEOPLE WHO MAKE OVER 40 GRAND A YEAR HAVE THE MONEY TO SUPPORT THEMSELVES BUT FUCK ALL THE ONES WHO HAVE NOTHING THATS REPULICANS FOR YA. This stimulus shit isnt in place for all Americans it’s a damn joke Well see who gets a deposit in the next weeks sure isnt gonna be anyone who actually needs it

      • Jen P.

        Obama let 13,000 people die and millions of people had H1N1…he did nothing for the people, so STFU about Trump… people act like he created this virus…the only virus Swamp is now gone, thank God…MAGA 2020 !!!

  2. A

    Stimulus money would only got to people that make between 40,000 to 75,000 and filed a return Trump dont care about the poor I wont vote for his ass get him out
    I feel for all the low income and people on government benefits this whole thing is a bunch of shit. Watch the news just was said who would qualify. Hoping for them to actually think about who really needs this money before the bill is signed.

  3. Mary H.

    I see a lot of, no offense whining about tax rebates in this stimulus package. First of all SSI isn’t taxed it’s free money. I am single mother of a daughter who receives ssi. Second, SS retirement, SSD, and I believe SSDI is taxed, making their net income, in some cases lower than SSI. More than likely SSI recipients won’t get anything. I wouldn’t expect it. Social security can turn around and count it as a resource lowering your monthly amount. I think the money needs to go to unemployment and small businesses. Large corporations can obtain loans with low interest rates as they have capital. As for paying for things like food, and toiletries, I think retailers should slash their prices by 50%. Idk about where anyone else lives but I live in a state that declared a state of emergency making price gouging illegal. If your state has those laws, your out and see a loaf of bread for $8, snap a picture and get the store number, get on your states attorney general and file a complaint. It’s not gonna fix itself people have to take initiative. Since were all stuck in our homes there’s no excuse why you can’t complain. Besides I read that the Dems, as someone rudely commented, left-wing, liberals are trying to argue for an extra $200 a month for SS, SSD, SSDI, and SSI. Chances it’ll pass, very small but I think those who think poorly of liberals should eat their own words. If it doesn’t pass you can blame republicans for it.

    • A


  4. Jon R.

    Just Saw On T.V That Senior Citizens Will Not Be Getting Any Check..Just People That Filed 2018 Tax Return Or Are On Welfare..So A Mother On Food Stamps With 5 Kids From 4 Different Men Will Get 1200 And 500 For Each Kid..So Sad

    • Walt

      Saw something like that late last night.Welfare and section 8 people will make out like bandits and seniors will be left behind again.

  5. Mark R.

    I am a single disabled 61-year-old receiving SSI ($783) monthly that barely supports my needs. As a former taxpayer when able to work until my health problems arose, I have a new respect for money as a single dollar means so much more. I had to learn to manage living far below the poverty line. The exclusion of seniors on a fixed income is shameful and un-American. We have been left behind and deserve to be treated like all other Americans. After all seniors have paid taxes longer than most of the younger people who will reap the benefits of the stimulus. If included, seniors can purchase items that have been unaffordable for so long. I am a Democrat and hope that the party advocates for doing the right thing for people like me, especially because seniors are the most vulnerable to contract the covid-19 corona virus.

  6. csdcsdcsdc

    look at the chaos and strife your masters created by making vague promises of case …pathetic

    • jason

      Please eat shit.

  7. James F.

    I am a republican,always have been,thought I always would be. do the right thing for my wife and myself ladies and gentleman,or I will come voting time.

  8. Mark

    To those worried that the boost will jeopardize their other benefits due to increased income, it won’t. See excerpt from article in link:

    “Our proposal ensures that increased benefits don’t end up kicking Social Security and SSI recipients off other critical assistance programs during this crisis and the proposal assures that those who are more well-off pay back some of this expansion when they pay their taxes. It’s a solution that helps families, boosts our economy, and starts at the grassroots.”

    • Kari

      I think the republicans said no that they dont want us to have it. But I’m not 100% sure.

      • sally

        Of course they said no. And it will be remembered in November.

      • USE Y.

        Actuality Pelosi was the original one who didnt want SSI precipitants getting any extra….. Morons would still believe Trump somehow was the one…. Its kinda smart on her part bc so many of you will believe anything they tell you. It is LIKELY you ALL will get something, CALM DOWN! It looks like $200 for SSI and NO they will NOT be able to count this against other programs! Stay Well and quit stressing…. it BAD for your health people!

    • mary

      it may not hurt much for a single disabled in home if they are in housing assistance. it could hurt if there are two or more disabled in home over 18…like mother and son/mother daughter/etc. the programs count all income from all sources.

  9. Felicia C.

    i hope if the 200 more happens it happens in April. because i seriously need to go lysol and rubber glove hunting

  10. FT. B.

    well us 22 million american voters who did not get a stimulus check will vote with our memories.

    • april

      The people that don’t get a stimulous check are likely getting $200 more a month until 2021. That’s better than (1) check for $1200

    • Just M.

      For sure!!!! This who stimulus is ass backwards… doesn’t take a scientist to figure that much out.

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