COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. pb

    People that file taxes will be getting a check, only dammit.

  2. Jay j.

    Yes people on disability will receive a check because they don’t get that money yearly.

    • brian

      jay jay pull your head out of your ass, stop talking out of it and come back to reality. how many fucking times does it need to be shown to you, proven facts, that SSI is NOT BEING INCLUDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Josh

        Yes it is

  3. Mark M.

    You idiots are panicking for absolutely no reason. EVERYONE IS GETTING A CHECK. This isnt because any government employee gives a shit about you and I! It’s because they are trying to artificially super charge the already doomed economy. Times are tight now but it’s going to be a lot worse here pretty quick. Our economy is going to shrink, nobody knows by how much, but estimates now are 5%-15%…. nobody are going to be able to get lines of credit and interest rates are going to explode! Theres going to be a ton of poverty as a result of this global pandemic.

  4. Jay j.

    If your on SSI you will get a check from the corona situation they said all AMERICANS PERIOD. maybe not the same amount as people working but everyone gets a check because SSI RECIPIENTS don’t get that much money yearlong. So we get the checks first.

    • Tammi

      That would make sense, but sadly it’s not correct.
      Only SSDI recipients will receive a stimulus check IF they agree on McConnell’s proposal.
      For some reason, SSI recipients just don’t matter. So we can just go die, I guess.

      • Jason

        Good point, everybody gets a check, I think NOT. My rich sister said I get SSI 1100 a month. Why would I need any more money. She a retired teacher 700,000 home.

        • Leanne

          Funny how social security recipients took a 25,% cut years ago so government would claim bankruptcy yet it was never restored I should be getting 2250 a month yet its 1600 and I pay 150 out of that just to have Medicare at all. I have had to help my kids with there kids. My grandchildren I am a 61 yr old widow ou w who has a very serious immune system disorder my white cells cant function to fight off infections under pressures and high anxiety I’m so tired my daughters an ICU nurse doing ER also right now and one of my other 5 is 911 operator they have to work so I am worn out. That money is actually. Owed us anyways .. they never gave the 25% cut back to all of us

  5. Jay j.

    People getting SSI will also get a check but the amount might be more or less then others BUT SSI recipients will get a check they said all AMERICANS PERIOD.

    • Lester C.

      Guess again. It was just released that it is TAX PAYERS ONLY. Can’t deny that their original plan was every american, but then it changed to tax payers and people receiving social security, leaving the people that receive no money out in the cold (sorry, are the not American adults?) and now itis TAX PAYERS ONLY. They WERE debating if non tax payers/filers would be included. Debating.

      • carl

        I seen that comeing,it will change before its set in concrete

  6. Justin F.

    Just saw in the LA times that this is ONLY going to TAX PAYERS, I repeat, ONLY to TAX PAYERS. Posted 58 minutes ago.

    • Shane M.

      I saw it too. Oh fucking well

      • Jay j.

        That’s correct….not true

    • Sharonbelle

      I just saw SS under $24,000 a year will get check. We’ll see. Who can you believe, anymore?

  7. Lucas H.

    I’ve worked my whole life March 27th of 2019 I was on my way to work and was in a automobile accident I was in a coma and on life support for two months and in hospital for five months I am currently bon sad and hate it. There are many ppl that manipulate the system and do not deserve shit led alone social security. I am in the process of getting off social pain in the ass.

    • sally

      And there are plenty of people who DO need the service. Creep.

  8. LINDA G.

    Well you all crying over money like that is going to solve your problems stop and think about this very carefully that money being passed around from one hand to another has more germs on it then a toilet bowl then a cell phone and they’re talking you to be aware of paper bags are probably more cleaner than that money . When life gets messy clean it up the ladder gets kicked out under you climb it again I keep climbing no matter how much it gets kicked out for me and I would trade my life for anyone else’s in a heartbeat if you ever knew what I’ve been through and if you’re curious to know just one person ask and I will let it out toughen up and be brave what Americans when one door closes another door will open it will make you stronger try helping somebody it might make you feel better donate to a food pantry do something to stop crying and fighting over money

    • Me

      I sold a dog crate yesterday and when the guy handed me the $50, I sprayed it with lysol after he left.

  9. LINDA G.

    Well you all crying over money like that is going to solve your problems stop and think about this very carefully that money being passed around from one hand to another has more germs on it then a toilet bowl then a cell phone and they’re talking you to be aware of paper bags are probably more cleaner than that money . When life gets messy clean it up the ladder gets kicked out under you climb it again I keep climbing no matter how much it gets kicked out for me and I would trade my life for anyone else’s in a heartbeat if you ever knew what I’ve been through and if you’re curious to know just one person ask and I will let it out toughen up and be brave what Americans when one door closes another door will open it will make you stronger try helping somebody it might make you feel better donate to a food pantry do something to stop crying and fighting over money a

  10. Tammy W.

    Will the people(myself) who collect Social Security monthly.Still be able to get an extra check from the President as well in April?

    • Shane M.

      We are in crisis and that is what you are worrying about? Fuck off.

    • Jason

      No apparently you are not worthy. You had to have a tax return 2018, but SSI up to 24k doesn’t require such a file. Nice, uh, you are screwed.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Tammy. We understand there have been reports about the possibility of additional government payments to individuals due to the economic effects of the Coronavirus. At this time, no law has been passed that calls for Social Security to issue any new payments. We hope this helps to answer your question.

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