COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. John K.

    The plan under consideration currently appears aimed at sending stimulus checks to taxpayers. That would appear to exempt Social Security recipients who do not file tax returns, because their income does not require them to. I would love to have someone persuade me that I am wrong.

    • kim h.

      You mean you would love to be a lazy puke and not do a little research. ss people are getting 600 dollars. idiot.

      • Mitch

        I have polio and I’m on ssi that virus will kill me am I a lazy puke Kim?

        • Mitch

          You need to be carefull in what you say Kim there’s people that need ssi like me how would you like to walk with a deformed back

          • kim h.

            I was talking to the OP. Now Mitch, If you can use the internet, you can search back through comments. It has nothing to do with your polio, and any other fucking disability. You may not be lazy, but you are quite stupid.

      • Mitch

        Your the kind of person that would spread a virus like this I think your a very unclean.person and your pussy smells like bad fish lol

        • kim h.

          Like I said, stupid. Nothing you said has any fact to it. I shouldn’t be too surprised, considering the type of people I am speaking at. AT, being the key word. Bunch of ignorant fucks.

        • Jessie B.

          Mitch- Don’t feed the trolls. Or stoop to that level.
          We won’t be left out this time, and I think whoever is posting all of this hate is the same person. Probably someone who isn’t receiving any income and will not be included. I’m sorry for those who won’t get something, but being nasty to us won’t help matters. Direct the anger where it would be useful.

          • Mitch

            Your a piece of crap

  2. Connie M.

    I guess the President forgets Social security hands out over8.5 million checks monthly these people will be voting
    We are on fixed income we can’t get supplies we need now we are forced to stay home
    Shame on the President for over looking the people who will truly help jump start economy

    • Shane M.

      Get it?

      • Sheri

        The current bill congress is considering does not include those who don’t file a tax return. And you had to file a return in 2018. They did change it to include Social Security as income, but did not address those of us that don’t file tax returns. I don’t know where this $600 I see mentioned alot comes from. Nothing is official yet. I think many are referring to the old stimulus packages from 2008 & 2001. This package is still under debate. So don’t hold your breath, the republican Bill only talks about current taxpayers, not those of us that paid taxes all those years before we couldn’t work anymore. I have almost all of the conditions listed as high risk for this virus. If I get it I’m dead. So I’m isolating like most elderly, barely survive now, but have to pay extra for delivery of things I need and help running errands, etc. I hope some congressman think about us and add something to the package, but I doubt it.

  3. sandy

    Not all elderly need to file a tax return-for example my 90-year old mother who lives off Social Security. Will she get a stimulus check.

    • Shane M.

      what the fuck.don’t be lazy and back track. YES YOUR 90 YEAR OLD MOTHER WILL GET $600 FUCKING DOLLARS. Maybe she can spend it on lessons for you on how to read?

  4. Kathy

    I’m on SSI..I sat on the phone yesterday waiting to talk to someone over 60 min..Just to be told No we will not get an SSI his words it does not come from Social Security but it will only for those that have been working!! Do we get it or not?!..I am so scared .he said it is like the past stimulus check in 2001..I can tell you friends on Social Security got the Check in my family and I on SSI did not!! Why not?! We get less than those on Social Security..I am by myself and $800 a month is hard to live month to bills food meds..I’ve also heard it will be taxpayers who get it..Since SSI is untaxable income and I own no property I have been told I don’t file taxes on SSI so I would not get it because I don’t file taxes if they are going by that?!..please we deserve that check also..We are hurting should go to every person minus the rich..

    • frustrated

      Once again, It has been publicized many times that YES WE ARE GETTING MONEY. READ PAST COMMENTS

  5. Lloyd C.

    I don’t think it’s right that people that get disability don’t get a check because they had to spend most of their checks to get food and cleaning supplies and they have bills to so I think all Americans should get it I get disability and can’t even pay all my bills will the little bit of money I get and now I am behind on my bills because I had to buy stuff to keep my wife and kids safe it’s not fair everyone should get the check not just certain people you are going to start a war right here in the United states

    • Shane M.

      We are getting $600. Quit your bitching

      • Mitch

        I have polio Shane am I allowed to get one that virus will kill me I’m on ssi

        • Shane M.


  6. JJ

    ENOUGH. You WILL get money!!!
    Taken from FORBES:

    “Stimulus Checks. The bill would provide checks called “recovery rebates” to taxpayers. Unlike rebate checks in the past, which tended to be flat per taxpayer or family, the current bill would vary according to family income. The bill would allow for checks of up to $1,200 per adult – or $2,400 for married couples filing jointly – as well as $500 per child. All taxpayers must provide a Social Security number or adoption taxpayer identification number.

    And here’s where things get tricky: taxpayers must typically be working or receiving Social Security or pension income to qualify since the amounts are tied to tax returns. The amount of the checks would start to phaseout for those earning more than $75,000 ($150,000 for joint returns) and would disappear entirely for those earning more than $99,000. Those families at the bottom – those with no federal income tax liability – would receive less money, but no less than $600. Checks would be paid out “as rapidly as possible.”–student-loan-deferrals-in-response-to-coronavirus/#474c2b57ef16

    Listen everyone. I know people are scared and pissed off, and sometimes that makes people do mad things, but PLEASE stop treating others like dirt! My God.
    AS LONG AS YOU FILED TAXES (OR) RECEIVE MONEY THROUGH THE GOVERNMENT (SS, SSDI, SSI) YOU WILL GET SOMETHING. Mostly everyone here is obviously collecting ss benefits.. seeing that this IS an ss blog.. you are going to get AT THE VERY LEAST $600!! And since we are supposed to receive payments twice, we likely will get that TWICE.

    For those of you that are NOT currently on SS, SSDI, SSI, I do not think you will get a check. I’m sorry!! They really should have phrased this differently… “Every American adult who is already receiving income” would have made more sense. It sounds really unfair, but this is going to the people who already spend money in the economy. Homeless and such were not doing so before this virus.

  7. Cherie

    U sound bitter. We are sheltering in place an have our services Per our Presidents suggestions

    • mike

      Cherie don’t be a douche bag. REPLY to the person you are making accusations at. Asshole

  8. Brad A.

  9. Givingup

    This is totally unbelievable. And depressing. So someone that gets 79k a year can have the check but many many many Americans through no fault of their own that are old, disabled, sick and (like myself) barely get 12k a year…a friggin year….get nothing but a kick in the ass? Yeah go ahead…keep praising your orange god and his crowd of cronies who think of no one but the able bodied. What they are projecting is the elderly and disabled aren’t worth a rats ass..let them fight it out over a pack of damn top ramen. I’m pissed…sorry.

  10. Rick

    Look at the bill what I see people on ss will get something go to cnn to look at the bill

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