
You Don’t Need A Magic 8 Ball To Find The Answers To Your Questions

February 16, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

picture of an 8 ballSometimes, finding answers to your questions on government websites can feel a lot like asking questions of a Magic 8 Ball™. That’s not the case with Social Security’s frequently asked questions.

In 2015, Social Security won the “ClearMark Award of Distinction” for best plain language websites and documents from the Center for Plain Language for our redesigned Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) website. We continue to improve our communications to provide you with clear, helpful information and easy access to our services.

We recently narrowed down our FAQs from more than 500 to less than 200. The newly revised FAQs are more clear and concise. You come to our website for immediate answers, not a long drawn out experience. We’re all busy, right?

Social Security wants our online content and our communications with you to be accurate and easily accessible. We want you to locate the information you’re looking for faster than a magician could wave his wand. We are constantly searching for ways to improve navigation throughout our online presence and use feedback from your comments and suggestions when making changes to our website.

Visit our new FAQ home page to find the answer to your question. We promise that with our award-winning site, you won’t get the result reply hazy, try again later. When it comes to getting an answer, you’ll find out that your outlook is good.

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. Joselito v.

    Hello. Can the mother of my illegitimate children qualified for a benefit from my record? My children are currently receiving benefit from my record their ages are 6/8/10 yrs old this 2018. The mother is taking care of the children I am living with their mother since 2008

    • R.F.

      See “Family Benefits” for information on this topic.

  2. Patricia J.

    I am a guardian, my ward died March 10th, and I paid her nursing home bill. I am being told I must refund her March SS income, which I don’t any longer have, as I paid rent. How do I justify this?

  3. Judith J.

    I have an opportunity to work part time. How much am I able to make in wages while still receiving benefits?

  4. Joyce c.

    I can’t find out how to get my old divorced papers . I turned them when I first applied

  5. Ronnie D.

    I have provided complete care for my wife since she was certified disabled by the Social Security administration in 2002. I recently learned that I should have been receiving a monthly benefit for my services as her care provider . As her health declines , this is a 24/7 job. I understand that we are entitled to the benefit retroactively from 3-1-02 , as that is the date S.S. declared her ‘ disabled’. I will provide mine and her S.S.# upon request. I would also like to ask someone in the ‘know’ why I never receive a raise , be it ever so small , that all my peers receive. I draw $1002.00 per month and have for several years. It is not the “living wage” I was promised when I signed up for S.S. over half a century ago. Please reply to these questions for me. I am now on hold to speak to you (SS) and have been for nearly an hour. I ask my local senior citizens center if they offer S.S. counseling but was told since I live in the county , not their city , that I was not eligible for assistance at their facility.

  6. Arnold C.

    I brought my current wife here in the state as a K1 visa, within 90 upon arrival, we get married. her K1 visa has expired and we are currently applied to get her Green card….
    how card i get her SSN without current visa

    • R.F.

      Hi Arnold, your wife must provide a current unexpired document issued to her by the Department of Homeland Security(DHS), showing her current immigration status. Generally, we issue a Social Security card to immigrants with authorization to work. Please visit our “Types Of Social Security Cards” web page for more information. Thanks!

  7. Nancy E.

    I am a 77 year old retired widow. Do I need to file taxes any more?

    • R.F.

      Hello Nancy, you will need to contact the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Their toll-free number is 1-800-829-1040. Thanks!

  8. emma s.

    If your father passes away when you are a child. can you file and receive social security at the age of 25

  9. Lorie M.

    how many years do you have to have so you will be eligible for retirement check

    • R.F.

      Hi Lorie! Generally, you will need to have 40 credits, or 10 years of work paying Social Security taxes, to qualify for any type of Social Security benefit. See “Social Security Credits” for more information.

  10. Steven W.

    My wife and I are both on SSDI. Can you tell us the rules for both spouses working a small amount to supplement our income? Do each of us have a window of $850 per month for supplementing our incomes? I have ALS, a terminal illness with lots of medical expenses. We cannot live on our combined SSDI, but if each of us could have income at $850 per person/per month, we could get by just fine. What are the rules for this situation?

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