Aging, Frauds & Scams, People Facing Barriers

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Combating Injustice

June 15, 2023 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: June 15, 2023

Sad senior couple sitting on sofa and looking at mobile phone in living roomThe COVID-19 pandemic may have led us to focus more on ourselves – and forget about checking in with others. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day reminds us about the importance of staying in touch with older persons.

Elder abuse is the intentional mistreatment or harming of an older person. An older person is defined by the Social Security Act as someone over age 60. This abuse takes many forms – including physical, emotional, neglect, sexual harm, and financial exploitation. More than 1 in 10 older adults experience some form of abuse each year. That number is likely much higher because elder abuse is often underreported– especially in underserved communities.

Abuse victims typically show emotional and behavioral red flags, such as depression, unusual fear or anxiety, or intentional isolation. Many victims are abused by someone they know or trust. It’s important to look for unusual changes in behavior around:

  • Family members.
  • Staff at inpatient facilities.
  • Hired or volunteer caregivers.
  • People in positions of trust like doctors or financial advisors.

You can also help make a difference by checking in with older loved ones. Looking for warning signs of mistreatment is the first step to preventing abuse. Signs of physical abuse include bruises, burns, or other unexplained injuries.

There may also be signs of neglect like:

  • Poor nutrition or hygiene.
  • Lack of necessary medical aids like glasses or medications that a caretaker should be providing.

There may also be indications of financial abuse. These may include:

  • Unpaid rent.
  • Sudden changes to a will.
  • Unusual changes in money management.
  • Large, unexplained financial transactions.
  • Mortgages despite sufficient financial resources.
  • Allowing someone new to access bank accounts.

If you suspect that someone is a victim of elder abuse, don’t ignore it! If you or someone you care about is in a life-threating situation, call 911. If you suspect that something isn’t right – but nobody seems to be in immediate danger – contact:

You can also find additional local resources by searching the Eldercare Locator for your community.

This World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, take some time to call or visit with an older adult. Ask if they are okay and listen to what they tell you. Pay attention to signs of abuse or unusual behavior. Most of all, don’t be afraid to report instances of suspected abuse. Everyone deserves to be safe, regardless of age, and help is available.

Please share this information with your family and friends – and post it on social media.

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  1. A.C.

    Hi, William. We are sorry to hear about your situation. If you or someone you care about is in a life-threating situation, call 911. If you suspect that something isn’t right – but nobody seems to be in immediate danger – contact:

    You can also find additional local resources by searching the Eldercare Locator for your community. We hope this helps. 

    • Toni L.

      How about the St. Paul group with Robert Weinman, Nancy Kratzke, Joann shimota, Marty Tambornino, Sarah Timmers, Amanda Carr, Christine Johnson, Joanne Beardsley, using the hospital system to steal inheritances, from the elders. Funneling money with Amazon aws3, cloning phones,. Robert drives 2 cars in Pierrette Albrecht s name and Cheryl Holcomb, that who group use those 2 women who had no kids and very few relatives now they’re all over in those multimillion dollar homes. Because they stole all the retirement accounts from those who left the company or died from Fairview and state of mn, pluse Walmart, target, Montgomery Ward, GE, northwest, delta, fleet farm, 3M, etc..

      • DM L.

        Very sad but true. I know of a man with 9500 bank accounts in 100 different names and his way is to steal insurance policies of families he has displaced or others have displaced on his side (90 million people). How can this much crime be allowed? Taking us down to death! So So many billionaires, illegally, using financial abuse to the elderly, like me on SSA. Something is wrong with the 10 commandments? No, fine!

    • Dorothy M.

      A pleasant comment on some anti aging ingredients: Capers, white tea (Camilia Sinesis), Olive oil (EV), burdock root added to tea or coffee or Chicory (both have inulin), fennel seeds and a chamomile tea bag will prevent dry skin in the bath, 1/16th of a bay leaf, just a mince, taken each day will take all germs out of bladder! (With very good implications to the environment. I put a few crunched up in my bath or in the laundry, esp. socks, for clean smelling clothes.) This will eventually help the seward lines and the streams and bay, imo.

  2. William w.

    As a disabled senior I was a victim of elder abuse when I was 60. When I contacted police my abuser said he was my “boyfriend” – he was a 36 year old stranger who muscled his way into my home during a Craigslist transaction and wouldn’t leave. He told them that he lived there and I was taking all his money because I didn’t want him to leave. Toca World Mod Apk Unduh adalah game simulasi kehidupan populer yang dikembangkan oleh Toca Boca, sebuah perusahaan Swedia.

    toca boca 1.67

    • john

      Very sad but true. I know of a man with 9500 bank accounts in 100 different names and his way is to steal insurance policies of families he has displaced or others have displaced on his side (90 million people). vazamento

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