Disability, Online Services

Video Hearings at Social Security Increase Efficiency

August 31, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: August 31, 2015

A smiling judge looks at you.If you received a denial on your application for Social Security benefits, and appealed to an administrative law judge, you may consider conducting your hearing through our remote video service delivery (VSD). VSD allows judges to hear cases from applicants in any geographic area using video and sound equipment.  Although similar to Skype, our state-of-the-art technology produces a much higher quality video experience. The video hearing process is convenient, significantly reduces the government’s cost over traditional hearings, and could result in a quicker decision on your appeal.

Video hearings offer the same secure and confidential process that hearings conducted in-person provide. The judge has the same access to the applicant’s full Social Security file, including medical and educational records, as judges in the local office would. The procedure and development of the case is equal to in-person hearings, and the judge hears and considers the same testimony.

If you have a hearing pending with Social Security, you’ll receive a notice to schedule your case with a hearing office. You’ll have the choice of conducting your hearing through VSD, which may allow your hearing to occur sooner.

For more information on what you need to know about the Social Security hearing process, visit our website or call 1-800-772-1213.


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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. Margaret p.

    At the time I was signing up for ssd, I was not given the opportunity to review any work/employer history. A woman sat across the desk and yelled out “did you work here….?”, Over and over and over. Heck, I had almost 35 years of work history, and didn’t have time to think about any history with her moving at me so fast. Then I learned that I was to be given a chance to review what ss had on a list prior to answering her questions. This opportunity was not given to me and could’ve cost me a loss of income. When I asked the local office, they simply said contact irs. This seems unfair and wrong as I was not given the opportunity as others were given to review the work history list. What can be done about this? And, with the minimum wage raised because of cost of living, the $20 increase every one to four years is not accommodating. I want answers please.

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