COVID-19, General

Update on Economic Impact Payments for Social Security and SSI Beneficiaries

May 22, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

Beginning today, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will issue Economic Impact Payments (EIP) to approximately 1.4 million SSI recipients with representative payees and 10.4 million Social Security beneficiaries with representative payees.

The IRS will issue the EIPs via direct deposit and Direct Express starting today, May 22, to the same direct deposit account or Direct Express card as the recipient’s monthly Social Security or SSI payment. Paper check EIPs will be mailed starting May 27.

Visit our website to learn about EIPs and representative payees. You can find the eligibility requirements and other information about the EIPs at the IRS’ Economic Impact Payment Information Center.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner


  1. Thomas S.

    Will SSDI get this EIP ???

  2. Humberto P.

    I did not received my stimulus $1,200.- , yet.
    Its confuse to me where I must go to track that money. I tried check I can’t find any searching box where I can put my name to tell what date my check will arrive.

    • Peter

      Its called irs get my payment ) tap the blue box follow instructions there

  3. Valentini R.

    What about SSDI Recipients, when will they receive their payments?

  4. Karen W.

    The 1st stimulas money i did not get bc it went to my ex’s past due child support, we have not been together in 4 years.
    He has a zero balance now.
    My question is will this next stimulas money come straight to my Direct Express? I hope so, i have past due bills i could of taken care of with the first round that got intercepted!

    • Anon

      There’s no second round of stimulus that has been voted on yet.

  5. Thomas C.

    Never mind. I just found out when my money will be deposited via the get my payment tool. Thank you

    • tony

      I found out today too that my EIP will be deposited on May 28 using the IRS get my payment tool. We finally have a date post to the get my payment tool.

  6. VOTE T.

    I haven’t got mine and May 20 the was the next payment date. I’ve gotten
    SSI / Soc Sec since 1993.
    Direct Deposit since it existed

  7. About C.

    Ok, Thank you for the update.

  8. No n.

    Please spare me the update. It’s not true. They’ve been changing the date of disbursement since March. The people who need it the most get it last and the people who the country should have more respect for: railroad and vets are last also. As I type this, I’ll probably be penalized and get it next year in the mail.

  9. Virginia C.

    I can’t even get my state refund tax back so I won’t hold my breathe. My daughter can’t get her federal tax refund or her stimulus check and she is not on SS or SSI

  10. Margie S.

    Why did I a SS recipient not receive any money for my 2 children under 17? I got the 1200 but was expecting another 1000 for my 2 daughters.

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