COVID-19, General

Supplemental Security Income Recipients Will Receive Automatic COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments

April 15, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

The Treasury Department announced that Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients will receive automatic Economic Impact Payments directly from the Treasury Department.  Treasury anticipates these automatic payments to go out no later than early May.

SSI recipients with no qualifying children do not need to take any action in order to receive their $1,200 economic impact payment. The payments will be automatic.

SSI recipients who have qualifying children under age 17, however, should not wait for their automatic $1,200 individual payment. They should now go to the IRS’s webpage and visit the Non-Filers: Enter Your Payment Info section to provide their information. By taking proactive steps to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. If SSI beneficiaries in this group do not provide their information to the IRS soon, they will have to wait until later to receive their $500 per qualifying child.

This is great news for SSI recipients, and I want to remind recipients with qualifying children to go to soon so that you will receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments you and your family are eligible for. I also want to thank the dedicated employees of the Treasury Department, Social Security, and the Internal Revenue Service for making this happen and working non-stop on this issue.

SSI Recipients with Dependent Children Should Still Go To to Provide Their Information

Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries (who don’t normally file taxes) will also qualify for automatic payments of $1,200 from Treasury. These payments are anticipated to start arriving around the end of April.

The Treasury Department, not Social Security, will make these automatic payments to beneficiaries. Recipients will generally receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their SSI or Social Security benefits.

For those SSI and Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries, with dependent children, who use Direct Express debit cards, additional information will be available soon regarding the steps to take when claiming children under 17, on the IRS website.

Please note that the agency will not consider Economic Impact Payments as income for SSI recipients, and the payments are excluded from resources for 12 months.

For more information about Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries, please see our most recent blog.

The eligibility requirements and other information about the Economic Impact Payments can be found on the IRS website. In addition, please continue to visit the IRS for the latest information.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Sharon H.

    I have not received my deposit of my supplement check from Covid. I entered my direct deposit info on the SS site and I get Social Security where my info is also posted. Why have I not received as yet. I filed taxes as I had to pay in this year. I know I am entitled because SS allowed me to enter my info for my check.

  2. Henry J.

    Its true that tomorrow, April 29, we ssr and veterans witj direct deposit are going to receive our stimulus money deposit in our account?

  3. Rasharf

    I’m just wondering I get ssi and ssa my mother is my payee is I’m going to get a stimulus check

  4. Danee B.

    I’m wondering how it’s fair that people in SSdisability, do NOT qualify for a payment in 2020 if they were claimed as a dependent in 2018-19, situations change, my son paid 1/2 my rent and bills in 2019, so was legally allowed to claim me as a dependent (because NO ONE can live on a lousy 800$ a month) well he’s no longer helping me, can barely support himself, so anyways, HOW AM I INELIGIBLE FOR A STIMULUS CHECK, I have financial needs just as much as the next person, but I don’t get help, yet it’s fair that someone with kids not only gets their 1200$, but also gets another 500$ per child, & let’s not forget the extra 600$ a week for UC, (on top of their 1200$) I’m at a total loss over this situation, I’ve worked hard my entire life, and due to being a victim of a violent crime, I’m now disabled, & also not getting ANYTHING to help me through this pandemic, SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME HOW THIS IS FAIR.??

  5. Theresa B.

    I’m just very grateful that SSI and SSDI will be getting the Economic stimulus payment $1200 isn’t that much when everything is going up in price but I’m extremely blessed that I’m receiving anything at all God will not give us anything that we can’t handle if we remember that we are all in the same boat and treat each other with compassion and respect we will be able to over come this together as a nation as God would want us to act with love and kindness and understanding God Bless us all. Theresa Bayait

  6. jenn

    i hope someone can answer this for me My husband and I both are disabled and both receive SSI we have seperate bank accounts on the get my payment tool shows he has a deposit date of 4-29 for me it shows payment status not available will he receive 2400 for us both or will we get 1200 each in seperate accounts? anyone elses say
    payment status not available yet?

    • Karen M.

      Yes I recieve SSI and my payment status is still unavailable. Although my son-in-law whom only receives SSI says he will get his April 29. I never received a stimulus check in 2008 either and he did. The difference is he registered with non-filers 2 weeks ago and had his deposited in his bank account. I have Direct Deposit Card my SSI goes on his is deposited into his bank account. I hope this doesn’t turn out to be another 2008!

      • Creal

        Well did your Sony law get his stimulus today and u said he was on SSI ??????

        Because I’m SSI and with no dependent and don’t file and I have nothing but I’m banking on it to come on the first with our monthly check

  7. Lisa S.

    When does ssi on direct express card get the stimulus check.

  8. Helene

    If im being garnished monthly from ssi do i still get a stimilus check

  9. Jade B.

    I am wondering when i will receive my stimulus as well thought it was this week, I will just be patient and wait , I do that every month waiting to get paid , so I guess to be patient another few days will not hurt, but i m in need due to prices are higher, what i have saved I had to spend some of that . I m just going to keep praying to see the 1,200 soon! That whole mess is having a impact on us all! Be glad when its over! Amen

  10. James C.

    My son receives ssi disability an is under 18 will he receive the economic stimulus check still

    • DAPHNE A.

      Jan, I am in the same situation as you. If you find the answer, please let me know.

    • Jack J.

      I wonder the same thing

      • Michelle

        Did you find out anything

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