COVID-19, General, SSI

Supplemental Security Income Recipients, Act Now – Go to – A Message from Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul

April 24, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who don’t file tax returns will start receiving their automatic Economic Impact Payments directly from the Treasury Department in early May. People receiving SSI benefits who did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes, and have qualifying children under age 17, however, should not wait for their automatic $1,200 individual payment. They should immediately go to the IRS’s webpage and visit the Non-Filers: Enter Your Information section to provide their information. SSI recipients who have dependent children and did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes need to act by Tuesday, May 5, in order to receive additional payments for their eligible children quickly. 

By taking this proactive step to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. If people in this group do not provide their information to the IRS soon, their payment at this time will be $1,200 only. They would then be required to file a tax year 2020 tax return to obtain the additional $500 per eligible child.

I urge SSI recipients with qualifying children and who do not normally file taxes to take action now. Immediately go to so that you will receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments you and your family are eligible for.

Lastly, a word of caution. Be aware of scams related to the Economic Impact Payments. There is no fee required to receive these payments. Don’t be fooled.

Visit our website for important information and updates.

Click here to view the IRS press release about this important issue.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. DAVID S.

    We are screwed no money

  2. Christian

    Haven’t gotten my stimulas check it’s may 13 I live in California

  3. Rebecca A.

    I used the non filers tool and didn’t need to. I get SSI, have no qualifying children, and have direct express card. I didn’t get my payment for my group on May 13. Did I mess up by using the non filers tool? Will I get a paper check now? I’m so scared I won’t get one…help ….,.please

    • DAVID S.

      I did the same did not get shit

    • V.V.

      Hi Rebecca, thank you for using our blog. The Internal Revenue Service, which is part of the Department of Treasury, will be making Economic Income Payments to eligible people. Therefore, we do not have a schedule of these payments. You may find the IRS Get My Payment Frequently Asked Questions web page helpful.

  4. Kathy D.

    My son has cerebral palsy and is 43 years old he is on ssi and draws ssa off me but he has not received any kind of stimulus check why not

    • Candi

      If you claim him as a dependent on your taxes then he does not qualify for a payment. If you do not claim him then he will either have the money deposited the way he usually receives his monthly benefit, or receive a check in the mail. Deposits were supposed to be made today for those receiving SSI. Paper checks are to be mailed on the 15th. If you or someone else is a representative payee for him and manage his ssi funds, the IRS has not yet determined when or how those payments will be made. You can sign up for covid updates regarding stimulus payments on

  5. Wyu

    They promised 13 th. Nuthing. Gonna be looking find some lawyers this is discrimation

  6. Keithwaddell

    I’m still waiting for my check it is now the 15th of May and I don’t know what’s going on can someone let me know something I’m on I’m on SSI and SSDI is that is that the problem

  7. Nicki

    Ok, well the May 13 came and nothing on my DirectExpress card

    • Tim

      Same here still don’t have Anything pending on my direct express card receive SSI

      • DAVID S.

        IRS confirmed june 29th for the remainder of ssa beneficiary

        • Nicki

          Where did you read this at?

        • Brenda C.

          Are you kidding me!!!!
          I’ve been on SSDI since 2014 and have used the same direct deposit acct the entire time!!!
          This is ridiculous plus you can’t ask ANYONE for clarification!!
          Bills are due and or overdrawn bank acct because of this!!!!

          • DAVID S.

            This is the real deal if you have not gotten a payment yet. The irs said we will have to wait tell next year. To get our $1200.00. Fuck
            I just want to jump off a fucking bridge.

    • Betty H.

      Your not the only one I have a payee and I get SSI and I still haven’t received my Stimulus payment on my direct express card it’s May-14th
      And I still don’t have no depending deposit on my card

  8. Alice

    How about SSDI?

  9. Deborah p.

    My husband recieved his through his retirement and I didn’t recieve nominees with him and I’m not working not required to file
    How will I recieve economic payment

    • DAVID S.

      Next years taxes. The deadline was 9a.m today

  10. Mack R.

    I’m on SSDI for 2 years with DD the entire time. I dependents and on my own because I don’t have anyone left be me. It’s May 12th now and the IRS tool still says “status unavailable, that may not have my data to determine eligibility or I’m not eligible”

    I know I’m eligible because my only income is SSDI. S why doesn’t the IRS have my data yet. SSA and IRS both days they have all SSA data now plus SSA and IRS still says SSR, SSDI, and RRB beneficiary’s should have been paid by the end of April. It explicit says on the SSA site about the EIP the SSDI beneficiarys should already be paid.

    Now you have SSI people complaint too when there date is a little later this month.

    You have people that definitely should’ve received their payment by now that can’t even get a status that are here left hanging without any help from anyone at this point. This outbreak cause hardship on us financially as much as everyone else because we had unexpected expenses during this crisis come out of our already fixed in come.

    So what really going on here? Please give us some constructive answers good or bad. If someone messed up some of our data during the transfer or something then say so and own up to it. Mistakes happen but the least you and irs could do is tell us the truth of what’s going on with the missing SSDI,SSR, and RRB data and that’s the only explanation why the get payment tool tells us Status Not available.

    Just give us the truth and not sone cryptic general answer or refer us to the some old hasn’t been updated in 2 weeks irs page on EIP info and fags because there aren’t any answers there either.

    I just want my government to do what I once do for it. Perform its service to me as I performed my service to it. Is that so much to ask for?

    Answers please!!!

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