Frauds & Scams

Submitting Fraud Allegations to the OIG

September 24, 2018 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: September 24, 2018

The SSA Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has determined that, due to a computer error, it did not receive any fraud allegations submitted through its online fraud-reporting form from 3:30 p.m. on Monday, September 10 to 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 12, 2018.

If you submitted an allegation during this time period, please re-submit your allegation online, or you may call the OIG’s fraud hotline at 1-800-269-0271. Thank you.

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About the Author

Andrew Cannarsa, OIG Communications Director

Andrew Cannarsa, OIG Communications Director


  1. Brenda H.

    I’m sorry was I being accused of something?

  2. Brij

    Too much junk subjects for my need

  3. Joan

    My spouses succumbed to the back brace scam

  4. M.U.

    It is not uncommon for estranged or former spouses to harass their estranged or former spouse by submitting false Fraud Allegations allegedly committed by their estranged or former spouse. Sanctions and or penalties need to be applied to said estranged or former spouses who submit such false allegations. Many times payments are suspended during the investigation of the estranged or former spouse which cause the estranged or former spouse financial hardship and emotional distress. Yet, they may do this repeatedly with no consequences.

    • Treva H.

      I agree whole heartily. However at some point and time due diligence should be able to depict the non-sense… I am a victim,& yes it can cause a hardship and stress.. So sad how this agency allows disgruntled individuals to use the systems to waste ink, paper,etc and man-power hours to continue this dysfunction at all cost. To conclude: It really leave many things to question when it come to the “Red Flags the create….. They actually report fraud so much that the Social Security Case Managers look at the Victim in disbelief because the Sick Ex-spouse control the System with their anger.. Truth be told….
      Appreciate Your Post

  5. Karen R.

    My husband and I keep getting calls (sometimes 2–3 times a day) from a provider of back braces insisting that we accept the brace and that Medicare will pay. EVERY TIME I tell them when my doctor tells me to get a back brace, I will. In the meantime they are to leave me and my husband alone. Next day, another call or 2 or 3. I feel this a rip off of Medicare.

    • Bonnie B.

      Tell them that you will contact a lawyer if they continue ti call. Also tell them to take your name and number out of their system. It usually works, for me, to get rid of them.

  6. Lesly F.

    I working in this country for longtime when i was with out paper legal immigration in the temp agency for nothing $5 an hour on 1992 now I’m been suffering with depression i apploy for benefits i have no money from social security administration.those temp agency never paying taxes to ssa i lost all my benefits since i was working that’s is fraud.

    • Gerard B.

      You had no papers! It is Illegal for you to work ,thus you have no right to complain or collect. They owe you nothing.

  7. ALFRED P.


  8. brian w.

    as far as I know I already have an SSaccount so why are you telling me to set one up?

  9. Hilmer S.

    I watch my SSA account very closely and carefully.

  10. Francine r.

    Francine Rivera 10 09 1978 *** – ** – *** take 1000, dollars from the music people every month and put it in my purse account so when I have offsprings they each will have a check without having to go into the system with the Administration of children services, making me furious and giving me anger problems. I will have all offSprings with my twin because is less problems and is easy to love my own biological twin and stay with him. I don’t have no food to eat and my check is not good enough to give me food throughout the month nor is my food stamps good enough to give me food throughout the month I need a raise

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