Statement on Patrice: The Movie and SSI Enhancements Rolling Out
Reading Time: 2 MinutesLast Updated: September 30, 2024
All of us at the Social Security Administration want to recognize Patrice Jetter, Garry Wickham, and everyone involved in Patrice: The Movie, a documentary that focuses on the couple’s concerns about losing their disability benefits if they got married.
Our agency stands ready to assist Congress as it works to address outdated laws and to strengthen programs like Supplemental Security Income (SSI) that serve millions of people with disabilities throughout the country. Enacted 50 years ago, the SSI program provides payments to people with disabilities and older adults who have limited income and resources.
Congress imposes limits on SSI applicants and recipients, including asset limits for individuals and married couples that have not been adjusted since 1989. As applied today, that partial 1989 update can make it difficult for SSI recipients to save money and can cause other hardships, as the movie emphasizes.
The movie also highlights how changes to the asset limit and related marriage rules can only be made by Congress because those have been set by statute. For decades, there has been Congressional interest in updating SSI asset limits. Back in 2003, for example, a committee in Congress wanted to update limits (from $2,000 to $3,000 for individuals and from $3,000 to $4,500 for couples) and index those amounts for inflation, and there have been more recent legislative efforts as well. Again, we stand ready to provide expertise to Congress as it discusses and debates this issue.
While only Congress can make some changes, to the extent possible by law SSA is taking steps to update SSI policies administratively to simplify rules, reduce burdens, and better support people with disabilities. For example, as announced earlier this year, today is the effective date for three SSI enhancements that are estimated to lead to new or increased SSI payments for hundreds of thousands of Americans with disabilities.
- The agency no longer includes food assistance from friends and family in calculating eligibility (in-kind support and maintenance). This could increase monthly SSI payments by about $131 per month for over 90,000 people and allow more people to qualify for SSI benefits.
- The agency expands the rental subsidy exception to SSI applicants and recipients nationwide, which was previously applied in only seven states. This could increase monthly SSI payments by about $132 per month for about 41,000 people and allow more people to qualify.
- The agency expands the definition of a “public assistance household” by adding Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits to the types of public assistance listed and by no longer requiring that all household members receive public assistance to be considered a public assistance household. These two changes could result in increased SSI payments to about 277,000 people and allow more people to qualify, while also reducing reporting burdens for individuals living in public assistance households.
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Michelle c.
My fiancé and I have been together for over 12 years and I get SSI. He is working but we are not financially well off. We would not be able to live on one income just paying for an apartment. Neither of us have savings or family. We are on our own and barely making it. All we desire is to get married. I want to be his wife and be able to become a member of my church because I can’t if we live together unmarried. We are harming nobody by getting married. We are in our mid 50’s and just want to live the rest of our lives together. Why does the government seem to punish us for wanting to make things legal and being on disability? All I want is to be married and receive my check and I don’t know why I’m not allowed to have the same rights as others. Even those who receive SSDI
wendy T.
I would like to know how my mother was on disability for years and her and my step-father live as roommates and share exspenses only and after all these years they took her ssi and her food stamps they said because she’s still married well she reported all this years ago and they can’t afford to live without a roommate so they just became each others roommate but yet my mother lost her income and when i appealed it they said the papers never came across their desk which i know is a lie. These people act like it’s making their check short a week if your on disability and that’s not right and you think they need to be held accountable for their actions and i think it’s time to take legal matters with this it’s just heartbreaking to watch a 74 year old woman have nothing and not be able to afford to live
We’re sorry to hear about your mom’s experience, Wendy. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We encourage you to continue to work with your local Social Security office. You can ask to speak with a supervisor during your next call or visit. Or you can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. You can also submit feedback by visiting our How can we help? webpage. From there, select the “Email Us” link. This will take you to the “Email Our Support Team” form where you can submit a compliment, complaint, or suggestion. We hope this is resolved soon.
Denny H.
It’s sad that I get the minimal amount paid out in SSI. I have been fighting to qualify for disability since 2013 and my first open heart surgery, having an aortic valve replaced, mitral valve repaired, complete heart block and having a pacemaker. Didn’t qualify until 2022 and only go back 2 years in back pay. As a single father that’s raised two children with zero child support help from the other parent. Still having a child that’s under age and my other is now 19. How can anyone survive off of the minim payout? How come ALL bills are not included that someone has to pay out in my case? Insurance for one, no one could ever responsibly raise and care for their family not having transportation and since it’s the law to have insurance, why isn’t that included as part of your bills. I get ZERO help from the government or the D.O.R. with enforcing child support and disabled. So being paid the minimal amount and the two financial strains are not a valid reason to raise my payout. Not able to work at all and relying solely on SSI has left me with no hope. Even after working 20 years of my life before I was disabled and paying in my part. I get zero help when I can no longer physically work now and facing my 3rd open heart surgery while still raising my kids. I have been let down by every branch of the government for any help or assistance. Sadly, they didn’t go back to the fist initial date that I first applied for disability and haven’t been able to work since 2013. It seems like it’s a different situation when the father needs help.. Not only do you have to jump thru hoops and show documentation( which I did). You are put at the bottom of the list of people that need help. If it were the other parent, there would be all kinds of help and I would be in jail but since I’m the responsible parent that cares I’m the one who feels punished for being a loving parent with health issues that I have a good chance of not making it thru my next surgery. I’ve been let down more times than I can count. Still I can’t get help with increasing my payments.
Marcus W.
I am on disability for mental health and anxiety issues.I don’t have a long work history so I get a very low amount (563 dollars a month) to live off.I was told to apply for SSI which I did in March.I haven’t heard anything back yet except they were working on it.I am really living in poverty my lights and electricity is getting ready to be cut off,I can’t wash my clothes, my higene is embarrassing no toilet paper.I really need help.I sent them letters about being behind in rent.I honesty think about taking my life because I’m in so much pain.I pray to God that I can get some health
Medicare denied me extra help because they were using my fiancee s income but she passed away 4 years ago and her sister left her shortly after
Hi, Marcus. Thanks for reading our blog and for your question. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue.To speak with a representative about your SSI application, you can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We hope this helps.
Barbie K.
This is a joke. That is no help at all. These stories are breaking my heart and the way Social Security responds just makes me more angry
Denise L.
Contact your senator and say everything you stated above. I had to do that to even get my ssdi. I received it in six months which is unheard of. Good luck.
Angel V.
Es una verguenza que el ajuste de cola para el 2025 sea solo de 24 dolares para los que resivimos ssi tengo 78 anos y me tengo que volver un artista para pagar los biles y comprar comida, ojala el nuevo director se acuerde de nosotros los menos favoresidos gracia Sr director
Hi, Angel. For information in Spanish, please visit us at, Administración del Seguro Social Thanks!
Hello ISSI open and I am having trouble getting a hold of anybody to change some information a month but anyways, as you were talking about up top, I am one of those Mary couples. My benefit has been completely demolished because I am married if I was not married, then I could get my check. I do not understand these all and yes, they need to be updated badly badly
Marcus P.
The fact that poverty is enforced to this date is unconscionable.
For all those elected officials that give lip service to marriage, shame on them
Patrice is an excellent documentary. I encourage everyone to watch it.
As a filmmaker, this is truly Oscar worthy
April 4.
Sounds like being born disabled or in need at 65 is a guarantee you will struggle to save any amount of money for the future, even with all the great new policy changes.
Our government officials should be ashamed. There are so many examples in the movie that could redirect money (allow two people with housing assistance live together would actually save money), incentivize people to save to pay for larger expenses (like a car), don’t treat every situation the same way (yes, some have family assets that should be considered, but others do not). Let’s tap into the population with disabilities to advise Congress. It’s obvious Congress cant figure this out by themselves.
Diane G.
The SSA needs to abolish the work credits thing. I worked my whole life. I took care of my mom. Then I became disabled later on and didn’t have enough current work credits to get SSI when I became disabled. It’s a bunch of BS.
Jennifer T.
I think the SSI rules and regulations should be abolished and changed immediately 52 years of disabled people living in poverty it’s not fair. And I think The Social Security Administration should let us keep our benefits we know you have money stop being stingy with the cost.