Disability, SSI

Social Security Updates Occupations List Used in Disability Evaluation Process

June 24, 2024 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: June 24, 2024

Social Security Administration LogoSocial Security administers disability benefits through two programs: the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program.

While the agency’s disability decision process remains sound, it continually seeks improvements to ensure its disability programs remain current and to ease the burden on customers. In determining disability claims for adults, Social Security may have to evaluate whether a person can adjust to other work that exists in significant numbers in the national economy. To make this determination, the agency considers a person’s capacity to do work-related activities, as well as consider their age, education, and work experience.

When making a finding of “not disabled,” for the purpose of benefit eligibility the agency must support the finding with evidence that an individual can adjust to work that exists in significant numbers in the national economy. The agency uses the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) and its companion publication, the Selected Characteristics of Occupations Defined in the Revised Dictionary of Occupational Titles, as reliable sources of information about such work.

The agency has identified 114 DOT occupations with jobs that exist in very limited numbers, if at all, in each of the nine U.S. Census divisions of the country.  Based on this finding, the agency will not use these occupations to support a “not disabled” finding at the last step in the evaluation process for disability determinations.

The agency also identified 13 DOT occupations where federal courts have questioned supporting evidence of a “not disabled” finding. The agency is implementing additional evidence requirements for these occupations.

“It makes sense to identify occupations that now exist in very limited numbers in the national economy,” said Martin O’Malley, Commissioner of Social Security. “By making this update, our decision makers will no longer cite these jobs when denying a disability application.”

On June 22, 2024, the agency published new public guidance and instructions about these changes. The agency anticipates that, as a result, it will only consider the most relevant occupations when determining if someone applying for disability benefits could perform other types of work.

In the longer term, Social Security continues to analyze data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Requirements Survey, which will inform future updates.

These changes add to a growing list of policy updates that Social Security is publishing to improve its disability programs.

For example, the agency recently announced it will reduce barriers to access the SSI program by updating the definition of a public assistance household (read our press release). The agency also announced it will exclude the value of food from SSI benefit calculations (read our press release).

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  1. Jen C.

    I think these are all good changes. Sometimes simpler is better. And alot of times what people did 15 years ago can’t be remembered and alot changes in 15 years. Where as the last 5 years is more relevant to where a person is at. After going through all the process I wish they’d have someone who could help more in the applying process. I have really bad social skills so getting a lawyer was out of the question and everyone says you only get approved if you have a lawyer. As for some of the comments on here. My disability came from the situation I was born into not by my choice I don’t think anyone chooses disability. I’m screwed up, I can’t work. But my child is a good person in society. He’s in the service, fighting for everyone. And he works hard. His father didn’t want him and I and the welfare system was what he had. And now because of mine and yours tax dollars we got a productive member of society. And yes I worked as best and much as I could. So should he not exist cause the kink someone put in my chain? And now I have a daughter. I don’t drink, drug, leech, lie none of that. I just can’t do people. Even going to the grocery store is hard I have panic attacks. That’s great for kids to see.. not. I hope everyone has a blessed day no matter your opinion. Just try and keep positive..as for that manx thing I don’t know what it is so I can’t support it. But i do support a program that helps our weak ones. We are only as strong as our weakest link. So if giving some children including my own a jug of apple juice makes us as a whole stronger I’m for it.

    • sara A.

      Some of us that were first turned down for Social Security Disability and wrote our own appeal without any lawyer were able to win. We do exist but appeals are not easy to write and for social security tend to have to be pages long with details. points, medical providers names and addresses etc.
      You could try. What do you have to lose? If you start with an outline of what your points are and how you will prove those points and write a rough draft from there on scrap paper and write from your experience why you can not work you might surprise yourself. You would have to collect medical reports about the health conditions that make it impossible for you to work. Maybe your adult son could read it over and help you with it? I know about these appeals because I also wrote one for my son in college recently to increase his grants by proving his income was less than the college thought it was and I won again! Good luck to you and give yourself credit for raising a good son with trying circumstances . I have done it myself and I know its not easy.

  2. JERRY M.

    Laura M.: The hearts do not pay for the illicit costs of welfare programs, free Medicaid, SSI, SNAP, TANF, WIC, CHIP, and other welfare type programs that allows degenerate welfare thieves to continue stealing money from tax paying citizens and our U.S. Government! RN’s are not a very good breed of citizens if they do not respect U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, working honest men who have given so much to our U.S. economy! The men we have in the Marxist-Communist Democrat Party now are so dirty and do deceitful they, along with the Marxist-Communist women in the Democrat Party are destroying individual rights, work ethics, the school teaching profession and the rights of individual citizens to earn money, accumulate wealth and live in the USA without our money being stolen by welfare sucking persons or by SSI recipients! You paid into Social Security so you should be receiving any benefits you honest qualify for but even SS must become a much more honest program if SS is to survive for younger contributors! It is not bad political beliefs that hurt USA, it is bad, illicit individuals who hate individual rights, capitalism and hate the successful businesses created by our incentive type free enterprise system! We are not Communists and we do not want to be Marxists where our incomes, money, assets, etc. are re-distributed to welfare sucking persons who do not respect work or our U.S. individual rights to keep what we earn in our USA! Glad to hear your input. I have known many RN’s during my lifetime, most good people but a few not so good as far as respecting conservative thinking!

    • Tony

      Jerry, keep up the good work and pay your taxes so I can collect it.

      • JERRY M.

        Tony and Echo: Sorry welfare and SSI cheaters! You two are so illicit and dumb you are cutting ofrf your own flow of crooked welfare benefits and SSI you lied and cheated to get! We who are the ones paying the taxes are in control! We do not have to do anything except stop working to support you welfare fools! I know exactly how to destroy your funnels of incomes, freefies, welfare benefits, SSI, free food, etc. By this time next year you will have to work to eat and live in our free USA! Thanks for being so stupid and dumb you cannot keep your mouths shut! Now, we know, for sure, you are getting welfare benefits, SSI and all the other crooked government assistance availabl at U.S. Government and local government pig feed troughs. Hope you enjoy eating with the pigs because that is where you are headed if Socialist-Marxist-Communism prevails during the next few years. You all must learn there is a bottom to the pile of money paid into the IRS, and an end to how much money can be stolen from tax paying citizens by guys like you! Thank God for dumb people!

        • Arkanjele

          Sir, what makes you so sure that these individuals have lied or cheated? I imagine there are individuals who have used such means but surely not all of them!
          Why are you so extremely angry? And do you seriously think that this hatred you carry in your heart and your hateful ramblings here on this website, are doing yourself or the system any justice? No sir it will not! You can keep on hating the country, the system, and the people of this country til the day you die! Or can get the f***ck out of the USA if you hate it so much!!!

    • Echo

      I think you might have a mental disability. Reread what you wrote. You sound like a lunatic. Have a nice day

      • MannD

        Echo, think you are right!….. Calm down Jerry and get off your high horse!

        • JERRY M.

          MannD: You are just a sorry, illicit welfare recipient, not a good, honest U.S. citizen! We do not need degenerate persons like you in our honest USA! There are no high horses with welfare junkies still living in U.S. Only low-life low class people on welfare mad because they are going to lose welfare benefits, SSI, SNAP, TANF, WIC, CHIP, free Medicaid, etc. because U.S. budgets and debt have passed over the limits where welfare, etc. will be funded! U.S. will be lucky to survive the next recession becaue over one-half the U.S. population is living off welfare benefits, SSI, Medicaid, etc. Plus, now the illegal aliens, Mexicans, Latinos, Haitians, foreigners, immigrants, welfare recipients are all after the same welfare junkie money pots! The pots are now empty, and there will be no more pots! And, we are close to being into a new World War III, so get ready to work and or serve in our military forces where you have to perform well to eat!

    • Ramona

      Your statement is somewhat flawed. If I am disabled and I paid into SS that is NOT the peoples money nor is it YOUR money or even government assistance, it’s my money that I earned working hard for as many years as possible, it’s based off of what I paid in..not you or anyone else. I guess you must pay far beyond what anyone else pays or has paid to be able to single out so many individuals. Well done sir keep up the amazing work your apparently doing to keep us all fed, clothed and sheltered.

      • JERRY M.

        Ramona: YOU ARE VERY WRONG! The tax money or government money is not yours to take! The tax money is ours and will only be in government custody as long as we are willing to pay taxes, or as long as we choose to work where we pay taxes! My choice will be to not work and keep my own money and let you starve and sleep outside if you do not work! Everyone getting welfare assistance, SSI, Medicaid, SNAP, etc. are just, unfortuantly, sleeze-bags full of stolen food paid for by the few of us paying taxes! Do not eat, save us money! Nobody deserves to live free off the government programs and U.S. tax paying citizens! That may be a hard lesson for those of you who have been taught to believe the government money is free and there for you to steal, take and lie to get it! Good luck! Times are changing fast! This is not 1965 with President Johnson’s sorry welfare poverty program that was the beginning of destroying the honest work ethics and honor of self-sufficiecy in U.S. Time will change thinking because there is no more money to take from citizens!

        • Mae

          Let me fill you in on a bit of factual information. Those receiving SSDI have paid into SS, otherwise they WOULD NOT be able to receive it. Just like qualifying for straight retirement, SSDI recipients must have worked long enough to have earned their 40 work credits, have paid enough into SS taxes, have done so going back 10-15 yrs of work history plus have a verifiable debilitating disability. Once a person qualifies the amount they receive isn’t even as much as they would be receiving if they were able to stay working. So some must also receive other government benefits. My mother became disabled at the age of 41. She had to fight for her SSDI benefits, only then to go from earning $120,000 a yr to approximately $16,000 a yr. She has lost everything. SSI is a disability and supplemental income for those with an income way below the poverty level. Its a government program that an applicant must the requirements to receive. My mother DOES NOT qualify for it because her SSDI income is too much. Once she hits retirement age she her income will remain at the same amount as her SSDI. It only changes categories. She had worked since the age of 15, earned everything thing she had. Now its all gone. So you tell me just how she’s free loading off the government. What exactly is the benefits of her not working anymore. You have no idea of her situation or of anyone else’s that receives benefits of any type. My mother would rather be working than be in the position she is now. Everything she worked so hard for for so many years was gone basically overnight. This same thing could happen to anyone at anytime. So you best watch what you wish for because you might not like the outcome. Not everyone receiving any typr of benefits are thieves or have the choice on whether or not they can go out to work. So you need to stop making accusations that “ Everyone getting welfare assistance, SSI, Medicaid, SNAP, etc. are just, unfortuantly, sleeze-bags full of stolen food paid for by the few of us paying taxes!” My mother paid her taxes, she earned every dime she now receives and then some. The money received is actually from the Social Security and Medicare taxes SHE paid into. So the only sleeze bag scum bucket here is you. Everyone’s situation is different. You CAN NOT sit here and condemn people for something you know absolutely nothing about. I wouldn’t wish what happened to my mother on anyone, but you sir need to learn the hard cold truth about issues before opening your mouth. They are children receiving benefits because they can get out of a bed, have oxygen tubes, feeding tubes, need hand on care 24/7, but I guess its alright for them to be put out on the streets and not receive the care they are so in need of. I guess its a good thing for disabled adults and the elderly to be unable to live in even run down housing and all be put on the streets. I know adding to the out of hand homeless population is the solution right. Yes these programs aren’t perfect and unfortunately some people have slipped through the cracks and take advantage of the system but most have not. Nothing is perfect and neither are you, not by any means. I surely hope nothing like this happens to you. But if it does its because God wants you to learn a soul searching lesson!

        • Mae

          One other thing sir, do you not realize how much more it would cost the government to support disabled individuals if the funds stopped and these people had to be placed in institutions? It costs about $4,000 a month, yes a month to place someone in an institution here in California and thats not with the 24/7 hands on care. So if you think its bad now, just think of how much more government money would be funneled into caring for these individuals. You’re nothing but a sadist. These people would/could die, children could die and all you care about is the money!! Who’s the sleeze bag here again?

        • Kwalker

          I hooe you never get so sick that you can no longer work. I hooe you don’t have cancer or kidney failure and can’t work anymore.. I’ve worked most of my 57 years on this earth, I had a great job owned my home and had a nice life. Never had to worry about being able to take care of myself, until I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and kidney failure. I worked as long as I. Could then ended up on SSDI , this is the money I put into my social security retirement when I was working.. I’m dieing and wish I could live these last few years I have left to live in peace and be able to not have to listen to people who really don’t have a clue what they are actually talking about. Believe me I wish I wasn’t dieing I wish I was able to work without throwing up blood. Or passing out from the pain. It hurts me to think there are people out their like you still in the United States.

    • Christine

      How dare you suggest that I ( and millions of other people) are degenerates. I worked for 22 years as a nurse and have contributed to SSA, For about 20 plus years. I have 1 child and multiple diagnosis. I wait to apply for disability until I could no longer do simple tasks, without being short of breath. My teenage son has to help many days. You shouldn’t judge without knowing who you are talking about. Put your shoe on someone else’s foot.
      Cold petty man

  3. JERRY M.

    Tony and Miss D.: Loafers are taking money directly out of my pocket because I am in the 50% of U.S. citizens who are actually paying Federal and State income taxes, as well as a lot of other taxes. You are taking money directly from me if you are receiving any type of SSI, welfare benefits, free Medicaid, free USDA food, SNAP, WIC, TANF, CHIP, free government food bank foods, free internet, free student loans, free health care, subsidized housing, any welfare type tax credit, etc. All of you are leaches on tax paying citizens and the U.S. Government. There is nothing good about welfare benefits and SSI benefits. Everything you left-winged Marxist-Communist think about, or do, is related to being the dishonest, illicit welfare sucking persons you are now. Some people really do not deserve U.S. citizenship if they are lying and cheating to get SSI or any type of welfare benefits, including Medicaid, SNAP, etc. There is not much lower in status than a left-winged welfare recipient, illegal alien, or illicit foreigner! Tony, you are the prime example of an simple-minded idiot on welfare! You do not need to worry, I will make sure you do not get any freebies from government programs in the future! I will vote to eliminate your sources of welfare incomes and benefits at every level of government.
    Thanks for being the stupid low-class person you are and for letting us all know you are an illicit welfare sucking left-wing Marxist!

  4. Christina T.

    WRITTEN ON:07/24/2024 FULL NAME:Christina Trans D.O.B:10/25/1987 DIRECT PHONE:(669)2008885(Self,personal,work)/ADDRESS:4300 The Woods Dr.D1702;San Jose, CA 95136.My name is Christina.I have a scheduled interview for disability benifits tomorrow on 07/25/2024 at 9:00am. I have been waiting on promt on phone to speak to someone to receive a link for the video interview for my benifits claim. I have not yet received the Microsoft teams link for interview. Please send to me via email. Text as well but I’m not sure if the text would process go through during this time.

    Safey of communications: I do speak and write upon my own self behalf only. I am a current San Jose, CA residence.I am a mother of 3 children ages of 5,3,2 years old. I have never before or now given up any type of parental rights to any of my children and prefer having direct forms of communications at all times. I do approve authorize for the other parent the dad to contact me anytime in regards to himself as an individual and/ or of the children anytime. Per D1702 I have not had any participation activity that has been going on not of my request communicated of since 07/2023-06/2024. I have make reports of these activities. As I myself, my children, and my vehicle have not been physically present during these times at The Woods Appartments complex. I prefer direct communications only. Guest visitors has been of direct contact only as I had never left guest unattended, and repairs were placed of request of call email or online forms. I had been present for every repair service and had never left maintenance worker unattended receiving work order receipt for every repair services work order request. Please give me a call directly if I am not logged onto the Microsoft teams for interview on 07/25/2024 on phone. Christina (669)200-8885

    Christina (669)200-8885

    • T.Y.

      We’re sorry to hear about your experience, Christina. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We have forwarded your comments to our colleagues in California. If you still have questions, you can contact your local Social Security office or call us at 1-800-772-1213, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Please be cautious about posting your personal information on social media. We hope this is resolved soon.

  5. Joe

    It costs more money each year for one person in prison to live than it does for a single mother with a disabled child put together.
    Those are the criminals- they get education, meals served to them, they can earn money and more than someone on SSI

  6. Sam

    As a former manager of a program that assisted (dis)abled adults in competitive jobs with 90 percent success, I speak with experience in saying that there are many people who can be employed, at least part-time with success. There are some who, even with accommodations, still struggle more than the employer is able to adjust to and they are the individuals who truly need this assistance. It is so easy for a fully abled person to sit back and say that everyone must work. However, even people who live their whole lives trying and trying to find appropriate work may always find it difficult to find work that fits their abilities. There are many wonderful employers who accommodate (dis)abled workers. There are also thousands of employers who have never employed a worker with special challenges and don’t know that it would be so easy and rewarding to do so.

    • JERRY M.

      That is why we in USA must bring back all our factories, plants, companies, businesses, investors, jobs, etc. from foreign countries so we can be creative and establish many more jobs and businesses of many more types than we have ever had before! If we get USA totally indedpendent and free of foreign intervention, we can create the special jobs we need for all handicapped and/or disabled persons! As long as USA stays on the sorry welfare state track created by President Johnson and King, we cannot progress out of the stalemate USA is in now! We must eliminate welfare programs, SSI and all government assistance to get a fully employed economy, which would include disabled and handicapped! Privat schools teaching self-sufficiency rather than welfare living would do a lot to improve our jobs and our individual respect for the U.S. citizens and individual rights! We do not need to have anyone living in USA that is dependent of welfare benefits or SSI! Everyone can be fully self-sufficient only if we develop the economy around all kinds of very good small businesses, companies and individuals! We must stop letting people grow up believing they can live off tax paying citizens! We must stop serving other countries and get all our resources working for us inside the USA. That can be done but we cannot do it without eliminating all types of welfare dependence and thinking.

      • Echo

        Spoken like a person who has never been in chronic pain.

        • JERRY M.

          Echo: I am certain you do not know what pain anyone else has experienced! And, I am certain you have never served America in our Armed Forces where everyone has to work, perform well and fignt the enemies, under all conditions, without a choice of sitting at home collecting welfare benefits, Medicaid benefits, SSI benefits, SNAP, TANF, WIC, CHIP, USDA free food, etc. You probably have not really experienced much real bad pain or suffering at all! You are just sitting and soaking up tax money paid in by honest people who work rather than lie and cheat to get welfare benefits, SSI, etc.

        • KWalker

          Or terminally ill.

  7. Elvira M.

    If a person isn’t eligible for SS benefits would they be able to possibly receive SSI if they have no other income. Would they be able to apply for Medicaid if she is 70 and no Medicare insurance! They do have a SS number?

    • S.D.

      Hi, Elvira. Thanks for reading our blog and for your questions. It’s possible the woman could be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the Aged if her income is limited and her assets are worth less than $2,000. To learn more about SSI eligibility requirements and to help her get the SSI application process started, visit here. For more information about SSI and eligibility for Medicaid and other programs, check out Understanding SSI. We hope this helps.


  8. JERRY M.

    SSI programs should be completely abolished. It has always been a corrupt, deceitful program that is just stealing money from the few people who actually pay some Federal income taxes! We need to get all our factories, plants, jobs, money, investments, etc. back into the United States of America so we have great growth in the middle class and an abundance of all kinds of jobs so everyone can, easily, get some type of job and work for their own living in our USA! SSI and welfare programs are just forms of Socialism that has grown into Marxism and Communism now! Every person and family that gets SSI, or welfare benefits, including free Medicaid, have lied, cheated and misrepresented their status to get the benefits! This is all taxpayer money that is being taken from honest hard-working tax paying citizens who deserve to keep their own money rather than giving it to welfare programs and the government! Social workers and Welfare Eligibility Workers need to stop soliciting applicants for SSI and welfare programs; they need to stop telling applicants to hide cash incomes and cash stashes from applications. And, persons who are being fully supported by family members should not be allowed to get SSI or welfare benefits. We need honesty again in our Marxist USA. Lying and cheating has become acceptable, but is not a good attribute.

    • Gregory R.

      Why don’t you stay put of everybody’s business disabled people deserve ssi and ssdi and their insurance you you won’t get nothing accomplished you probably never paid a dime in taxes keep your opinion to yourself okay.

      • JERRY M.

        I just do not like, or respect, welfare benefit or SSI theives. You obviously are not educated, or smart enough, to talk. Nobody deserves welfare benefits or SSI! Any benefits anybody gets should be from some savings program or Social Security where they have paid into the system for years! You and everybody else that is leaching off us tax paying citizens is our business and we will eventually get all this welfare and SSI fully eliminated where all you guys have to work to eat and live in USA!

    • JS

      That’s not true. I’ve worked since I was 16 sometimes 2 & 3 jobs. I’m 64 and hv been on ssdi for awhile but now I can work a little, not the job I use to but I do something & I do hv fed tax taken out still. I’m happy to do it. I hv a physically disabled little brother who worked but now cannot. My dad paid into it for years before he passed away so my mom and little brother got survivor benefits he paid in so don’t tell me it should be taken away. Can you say it’s done anything good for your family. It’s sad you see it that way, to me

      • JERRY M.

        Yes, it should be taken away, if tax paying citizens are having to pay for it! But, if you pay into Social Security you should get the benefits of Social Security! SSI and welfare benefits are just corrupt proprams where people leach off taxpayers!

      • EA

        JS I am glad you can get your SSDI. Some people have very strong opinions that these programs are easy to get and easy to scam and should be eliminated. They have no clue how hard it is to get even when you have the proof that you are disabled. They have no clue that most people would rather get a job that pays all their bills instead of fighting with these programs that could help them. There are people who fight every day with several physical and mental health issues who fight to do things because they don’t want to go to the government programs for help. I know of disabled people, veterans and seniors living on on the street because they can not afford a place to stay in. I think that shames America because the week and poor ones of society are not properly cared for.

    • Marc h.

      That’s great that you left out ssdi because some know nothing about being sick and disabled fighting for their life after working 25+ year’s with a debilitating disease like I have. I agree on a lot of the ssi and welfare fraud needing a second look.

    • Brenda G.

      And what would you say to a 20 year old autistic girl (my grand daughter) who functions as a 3 1/2 yr old level. Get a job playing with toys and watching tv! If you have not had family members that are disabled then you cannot speak to what you don’t know. I agree many lie but they need to be vetted better

      • JERRY M.

        In cases like yours, it is you and your family’
        s responsibility to full provide for your grandaughter! Your grandaughter’s mother and dad are responsible for working, investing and fully providing for their daughter. And, you should be helping if they need help! It is not the responsibility of taxpayers to pay for needs of other people’s children they bring into the world of USA! Belief in welfare for anyone must be eliminated! Individuals and families are responsible for themselves! Do not have children if you do not want to provide for them and take good care of them!

    • Lisa F.

      Your statement reflects a strong stance against welfare benefits and those who receive them, suggesting that such programs and recipients are detrimental to taxpayers and society. However, this viewpoint overlooks several important factors.

      Firstly, welfare programs like SSI, Medicaid, SNAP, and others are designed to provide essential support to vulnerable populations, including children, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities. These programs help ensure basic needs such as food, healthcare, and housing are met, which can prevent homelessness, hunger, and severe health issues.

      Secondly, the idea that welfare recipients are “leaches” is a misconception. Many recipients of these benefits are employed, but their jobs do not pay enough to cover all of their expenses. Welfare benefits can be a temporary safety net that helps people get back on their feet during tough times. In addition, various studies have shown that welfare programs can have long-term economic benefits by improving recipients’ health, education, and job prospects.

      Importantly, many people who receive welfare benefits have paid into these systems through their own work and taxes. Programs like Social Security and Medicare are funded by payroll taxes, which means that beneficiaries have contributed to these programs throughout their working lives.

      The claim that over half of U.S. citizens are living off welfare programs, SSI, Medicaid, and other government assistance programs is inaccurate. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau and other government sources, the actual percentages are significantly lower. For instance:

      – Supplemental Security Income (SSI): Approximately 8 million people received SSI benefits in 2023, which is about 2.4% of the U.S. population.
      – Medicaid: About 85 million people were enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) in 2023, accounting for roughly 25% of the population.
      – Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Around 42 million people received SNAP benefits in 2023, about 12.5% of the population.

      These figures show that while many Americans benefit from these programs, they do not constitute a majority of the population.

      Additionally, accusing welfare recipients of being “left-winged Marxist-Communist” is a gross oversimplification and mischaracterization. Marxism is a political and economic theory advocating for a classless society and the abolition of private property, which is vastly different from the social safety nets established in a capitalist society like the U.S. These programs are not about promoting Marxism but ensuring that all citizens have access to basic needs and opportunities for a better life.

      Lastly, categorizing people based on their political beliefs or economic status and using derogatory terms only fosters division and animosity. A more constructive approach would be to address the root causes of poverty and inequality, such as wage stagnation, lack of affordable healthcare, and inadequate education, rather than blaming individuals who rely on necessary support.

      It’s important to engage in discussions about social welfare with empathy and an understanding of the complex socio-economic factors involved. Instead of spewing inaccurate information, perhaps you should take a moment to understand the actual statistics and context.

      P.S. Given the intensity and nature of your statements, you might want to consider whether you could benefit from a mental health evaluation.

    • CCD

      You shouldn’t judge because you do not walk in someone else’s shoes. You don’t know what trial and tribulations each individual is going through. As for me I was born with Spina bifida, Tethered spinal cord, Syrinxs in my spinal cord, fluid that is not supposed to be in my spinal cord and Scoliosis. As l got older my pain started to get worse, if I stand longer than a half hour pain flares if I bend twist do too much activity, I’ll be bedridden. I’ve thought about suicide many times because I felt that would be my only relief. My Neuro Surgeon told me I had too many abnormalities on my spine that performing surgery would be too risky and that I could end up worse. I was advised to seek all avenues to help relieve my pain so I was sent to pain management and they didn’t do much but give me medicine that doesn’t even help. They also sent me to physical therapy but even two of the therapists told me that my health issues are not
      curable. Simply put, you shouldn’t judge anyone because you do not know what that person is going through. I applied for SSDI and l got denied, not everyone who applies gets approved. And yes I worked through my disability until my health got worse as l am in my 50s now. What I do now at night is listen to a lot of spiritual healing prayers on YouTube. I am so scared and I feel so lost.

  9. Loye S.

    Is there a Social Security program or other government program that helps a disabled person find employment? I have a grandson who has Asperger’s and has difficulty with social skills. However, he graduated from college with honors and then obtained a master’s degree in science. His dad (my son) passed away in January 2024 and if my grandson could find employment, it would certainly help the family income.

    Thank you for any help you can offer.

    • JS

      I went through Vocational Rehab to help me find something when I became disabled but could finally go to work doing something.
      I would look it up for your state. You can call the Vocational Rehab, and they can put in touch w the correct information if they can not help. They’re wonderful in helping. That’s what helped my little brother plus they gave transportation.

    • JenHolden

      The college or university where he graduated should have an accessibility office or similarly named office for students who have disabilities. They should be able to povide some suggestions. My condolences on your loss!

    • JS

      My little brother worked for a company that had never hired a disabled person (Williamsyndrome). He was there 24 yrs!

      • JERRY M.

        Great, that is what USA should be doing so everyone can work. I have known many persons who were somewhat disabled but were able to be real productive in many different types of jobs! It is good for people to work and earn their own living; it gives them respect for life and for USA!

    • S.D.

      We’re sorry for your loss, Loye. Your grandson may want to contact his state Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency. You can search here for the VR agency in his state. We hope this helps.

    • Trish M.

      If you have Goodwill programs in your area, or as another mentioned the vocational rehabilitation outreach is worth checking into. The SSA.GOV website may have a number to contact them. I wish you all the luck with this endeavor and he’s lucky to have you and I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers because I’ve seen special needs disabled etc people go to work at Goodwill industries and other places that are designed to work with people with special needs and disabilities and the vocational rehab I think it’s called like I said that SSA.gov website is the official website for social security and they can help you find out the information for him and they’ll do everything to see what they can do to help him. Once again I will keep you and your family and my thoughts and prayers and I wish him so much success cuz I can only imagine how hard it is he feels useless, his mind is just going insane with boredom. When I became disabled from a major car accident I thought I was fine cut scratches etc Long story short within 6 hours after after taking care of everything post accident Of course I refuse to go to the hospital stupid me That’s what you get when you used to be in the medical profession. We make the worst patients! 😞 But fast forward I bought it for 2 years thinking it was just whiplash etc etc a soft tissues and muscles take time to heal Well 11 herniated disc and etc etc etc later during the two years I fought I was not giving in to a disability I was not going to do it I just wouldn’t do it no matter how much it hurt I wouldn’t let him give me pain pills The most I would do is anti-inflammatories prescription that was after taking six out of your problem every 4 hours killing my liver was okay I guess but taking a prescription strength anti-inflammatory I can’t refusing. When you are a stubborn independent been taking care of yourselves since you were a kid because you had to do it to survive I started working under the table very young about 10 for a family-owned business. And then when I could legally work when I was in high school I worked at an Albertson’s grocery store and as a bagger/customer service person. I loved it It was the beginning of my real interaction with people and it made me into a people person finally. I wasn’t used to being around nice people that didn’t treat me like their own punching bag, and all around POS! I thrived. I was paying into my MEDICARE, SSA, & ALL OTHER TAXES+ $10.OO every check back then. So I could prevent not having to pay at the end of the year income tax that payroll messed up. It was one of the best things I was ever told by one of the managers at the grocery store at work at he kind of took me under his wing and show me the right way to do things things that my parental individuals were supposed to do and teach. Fast forward to late 2000 and my family doctor who knew me very well for so many years and my family and our work ethic he saw me help pick patients up that had fallen in the hallway at his office just because they lost their bearings or whatever I didn’t assist them I literally lifted them up gave them a gentle hug from the back and help the lift some of the trailer ones to help him get steady on their feet and the ones that weren’t for real that just kind of need a little help getting up I’d do the same thing so it was a less weight they would have to lift on their own. He saw me get to the point where lifting my own purse was painful. And he just got in my face and said you’ve been to 18 different specialists You have fought this for 2 years You have done everything human possible to try to find a way to get fixed which is all I wanted I wanted to go back to work I wanted to continue to provide that’s all I knew it was the way you were supposed to live. And that conversation and him just basically as a was brought up on the saying he basically told me where the bear sat! And put me in my place, he was the only one that got through to my thick skull I just started sobbing I wasn’t crying they just started coming out the tears I had no control over it. So I waited about a week and I called social security and they mail me the documents that’s back when people on the other things you know Remember that instead of being told go online. I filled everything out get everything I was supposed to do and as expected I was denied the first time I filled out. I filed the second time with the assistance of an attorney as recommended and it was a fight we had to go to court I had to stand in front of the judge I had to tell him everything and he said I saw you trying to sit up back there I noticed you lie down for a while and then I’d see your head positive again cuz I was sitting all the way in the back of the courtroom because I didn’t want to disturb anyone. And after reading all the medical records and the evidence so to speak. I was awarded my SSDI. They made it retroactive even back to when I originally applied 6 months prior. And because I was lucky enough to
      be making a decent living when I was working in EMS still, they go back I don’t remember how many years back then but they saw how early I started working and contributing and based everything off of that and the income I was making an accident happened blah blah blah. I am a very, very dedicated person when it comes to weeding out the trash, the frauds, and etc. I saw it so much when I was working on the rescue and on the ambulance and etc. That it literally made me aware of the people who were scamming the system. I promised myself that I was not going to tolerate it a long time ago. I also didn’t want to be considered one of those people because mentally I felt that I could still work a million percent. What’s the problem was my body just could not cooperate anymore. I was so angry to this day I am angry still with the person that hit me Yes it was their fault I’ll save you from the chapter of the soap opera there. But The chronic pain from all this physically I live in hell! Nothing can relieve the pain because it’s all bone on bone now in my spinal cord The only thing between my balls and my spinal cord are nerve endings and when you have the bone on bone pressing directly on them Well you can imagine. But most people have is I call it jello between there disc in their back but because of all the damage etc etc It has slowly just disappeared because of all this. So social security disability insurance was designed for those who truly need it. Not those who are faking it which are mainly adults. Wait a minute they’re all adults! Put cancer patients men who are making six-figure incomes knock down in their prime able to support their family they planned for retirement 401k this that yes. But what about when that money is gone doesn’t last forever. What about the wife what about the kids? Mainly when he, if he unfortunately passes away. Yes the wife can go work and nowadays they can work from home. So she can do her best to help provide the family but unless this man had millions of dollars in life insurance and etc in place which in our economy nowadays even a six figure salary, those things aren’t as easy as everybody thinks they are. But you get my point everyone reading this. Bottom line they’re screening process, interview process, etc all need to change so that they can weed out the frauds the scams etc That is the same with Medicaid and food stamps also. Because so many people are working under the table I just here and there and not filing paying into the taxes and etc that we’re supposed to do to earn these things that were set up to help America take care of their Americans. When that is not done to the fullest that’s where people are dropping the ball. Because funding for the SSA, IRS, and so many other government agencies have been slashed by so many White House administrations, Congress, and etc. They are so understaffed and rushed and overloaded with caseloads and etc that they don’t have time to do things the way they used to do it. They could really scream a lot better back in The ’80’s & ’90’s I want to say. I don’t care if you’re Republican or if you’re Democrat whatever political party you believe in is your choice is American. But just a quote our current president something in one of his speeches when he was running for president. He made the comment this isn’t a matter of you’re a red state or blue state what matters is that you’re an American and as American you have to make the right choices, we’re all in this together. So let’s all work together not against each other because no president whoever you elect, Will truly on his own be able to fix everything they say they will. We all know that everything has to go through all the government who and that and forth and arguing blah blah blah. Why can’t we all just be on the same team anymore. Let’s just protect Americans by just doing the right thing? I believe in humanitarian aid very much. But I have a problem with taking care of some other countries homeless hungry medically needy people. My problem lies with the fact that before we do that we need to stop and make sure no child for whatever reason. No child should go to sleep with no roof over their head, no food in their stomachs, being sick, and alone. Most people don’t realize that almost did not more than 50% of the homeless population are veterans. Some of these men defended our country in places that a lot of us have mixed views on we should not have been there we should have been there pick your choice. Defend our borders, protect our Americans and defend them first and foremost. That is my personal opinion. I truly believe that one presidential administration and the House & Senate etc, one term for any of these individuals they cannot fix all of this. Because they are trying to fix the problems that were created as I slightly stated before they’re trying to get fixed problems that are the created but so many before them. And no matter what side you’re on everybody’s made mistakes along the way. We need to start thinking like a team and not a political party. Just put the American public first I know it says give me a hungry you’re tired etc America’s got her arms open. We all know what are history states by our forefathers has been written. But we need to take care of our country and our Americans first. Everyone has their own freedom of religion but I remember as a teenager hearing the pastor of my church want to say this and it is stuck in my head like I said in the beginning here I’m 60 years old this year. The pastor spoke and he said always remember JOY! He said put Jesus first, other second, and yourself last! And until all Americans think of all OTHER Americans first, Our country’s just going to continue in the miserable, and desperate situation that most Americans are in. So when you do though if you do vote. Please stop and think about one thing not political in any way stop and think about the individual debt that truly wants to put all Americans first of course after the Lord. But I was raised primarily by my grandparents. We were never a family of religion and faith. The only one that I ever knew went to church was my maternal great grandmother in our family. But I had to find my faith my way on my own. And I’m glad I did and it’s been with me highs and lows and help me survive both. No matter where your heart, political views, money, or your beliefs lie. Bottom line is all we need to do is think of our American citizens first. God bless all of you.

      • JERRY M.

        Trish: Working, tax paying citizens, not taking any type of welfare benefits, SSI, free Medicaid, or other free government paid welfare assistance cannot ever unite with welfare recipients and others who are choosing to take welfare, SSI, etc. living off tax paying citizens and the government pig feed troughs full of welfare money, food, etc.

        Over one-half the U.S. citizens are living off welfare programs, SSI, Medicaid and other government assistance programs!

        Honest U.S. citizens are never going to support or unite with dishonest, illicit, welfare thieves and/or with Marxist-Communists who fully intend to confiscate money, wealth, incomes, etc. from successful citizens who work, save and invest to have some money for themselves and their own families! What Marxist-Communists in the Democrat Party, and in the welfare sucking groups, want is complete re-distribution of our money, assets, etc. to the welfare recipients, SSI recipients, to the degenerate Marxist-Communists who have taken over the U.S. Government and U.S. politics!

        So, the thing is there are the welfare sucking segments of U.S., and then there is the working, tax paying 50% of U.S. citizens, who are supporting 100% of U.S. citizens, PLUS all the many foreigners, Haitians, Mexican women, Latinos, welfare recipients, illegal aliens, immigrants and sorry U.S. Government employees who are almost all Marxist-Communists now!

        So, there will not be any uniting as far as U.S. debts, budgets, welfare programs, etc. go! We independent U.S. citizens will not let welfare crazy recipients control our free USA or our rights to work and keep our own money! We will STOP welfare, SSI, free Medicaid, free food, free public schools, support for illegals, support for lazy non-working welfare recipients, etc. The end of Johnson’s welfare Socialism-Marxism-Communism is very near now because there will be no money for it or any support for it in the American public! That is why it is absolutely necessary for U.S. to get all our factories, plants, jobs, money, workers, businesses, companies, investments, and retirement funds back into the United States of America where we will GREATLY GROW the U.S. economy and our MIDDLE CLASS! We must eliminate the lower class! WE CAN produce many, many good paying jobs, and many specialized jobs for the handicapped and disabled if we JUST bring all these things back into the USA! Thanks for giving some good positive thinking input!

        • Theresa

          I would just like to add that saying about give us your poor etc. was never the intention or reason we were given the Statue of Liberty from France! It was added later, why I haven’t a clue!
          The reason we were given the Statue of Liberty, it was a present for the anniversary of our Independence & Freedoms.
          Look it up, it was not ever suppose to be the purpose of any migration, someone decided because when ships arrived in the harbor, it was the first sight of America!
          It was meant as a present for those who fought for the Nation & those who continue to better it.

          French historian, Édouard de Laboulaye, made the proposal for the statue in 1865. Funds were contributed by the French people, and work began in France in 1875
          under sculptor Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi.
          The Statue of Liberty was gifted to the United States of America by the French in 1886, as a symbol of friendship and in celebration of the centennial of the signing of the US Declaration of Independence.

          It is a Greco-Roman style depiction of Libertas, the Roman goddess of liberty, who holds up a lit torch in one hand and a tablet depicting the date the Declaration of Independence was signed in Roman numerals. At her feet, a shackle and chains lie broken, commemorating the then-recent abolition of slavery.

    • Lisa F.

      Yes there is, The Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work program helps disability beneficiaries find and maintain employment, aiming for financial independence. Key features include:

      1. **Eligibility**: For those receiving SSDI or SSI due to disability or blindness.
      2. **Employment Networks (ENs)**: Choose from approved private or public organizations for job services.
      3. **State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agencies**: Receive employment services from state agencies.
      4. **Work Incentives**: Includes Trial Work Period (TWP), Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE), and Expedited Reinstatement (EXR).
      5. **Trial Work Period (TWP)**: Test work ability for 9 months without losing benefits.
      6. **Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE)**: Receive benefits for 36 months if earnings are below a certain level.
      7. **Expedited Reinstatement (EXR)**: Quickly reinstate benefits within 5 years if unable to continue working due to disability
      **Support Services**: Job coaching, resume help, and interview preparation.

      The program supports beneficiaries in gaining confidence and exploring work options while maintaining certain safety nets.

    • Kristi

      Ticket to Work has a program

  10. Mike

    I receive ssdi because I can no longer work, it’s very hard to get by, I am single and having a hard time paying my bills, am I eligible for ssi to? Seems no one has been able to answer that question, I sent a message to Social Security several times,but never received a reply, can someone just tell me a answer please? Thank you

    • Reuben D.

      If you’re receiving SSDI, more than likely you will not be able to receive SSI. Hopefully they will allow you to receive other govt. assistance such as SNAP or help with your Internet and cable services. Your healthcare provider may also have OTC benefits. As far as SSDI or SSI, they’re going to give you whatever is the highest number…

    • Gregory R.

      Yes you should be eligible for ssi I recieve both ssdi and ssi okay.

      • JERRY M.

        That will change. Get ready to go to work. You will not be getting SSI if you get SS-DI in coming years. The U.S. debt, budget and Social Security System will all change and everyone will have to work for their own living. Tax paying citizens are maxed-out on paying taxes! Welfare recipients, SSI recipients, Medicaid recipients, SNAP, WIC and TANF recipients have stolen all the taxes they ever will be allowed to steal! We are having to reverse Socialism, Marxism and Communism now because the U.S. does not have any real money now; it is all borrowed from Federal Reserve, China and other foreign countries, so taxes will not even cover our U.S. Government expenses any longer.

        • M.P.

          Do you work at Social Security ? If not, this is nothing but drivel. You’re somebody who tries to shove his nonsense down the throats of people who could not care less what you think.

          • JERRY M.

            You will care what others think when you get investigated for lying and cheating to get welfare benefits, SSI, Medicaid, SS-DI, etc. We tax paying citizens are tired of welfare sucking people stealing our money through taxes, welfare programs, SSI, etc. Your time is coming. The good old USA is broke and now at a point of where there no more room to tax people and let the government employees spend more of our borrowed money! Get honest and go to work. We do not like loafers!

        • Rhianna

          Are you sure you’re not a communist or some kind of weird terrorist person because you just are on a little tangent here I know the number to some good mental health places I’m sure there are many in your area We can get you help for all this anger that you are carrying around perhaps you can find a useful outlet

          • JERRY M.

            I am not angry at all but I am totally disgusted with the dregs of low-class people we have lying and cheating to steal money from tax paying citizens and act as if it is acceptable. It really gets to you guys when somebody who knows how you all have been lying and cheating to get welfare benefits, SSI, SNAP, WIC, TANF, Medicaid, government assistance at all the many pig feed troughs located throughout the USA! We are well aware that Social Workers and Welfare Eligibility Workers have been instructing welfare recipients, SSI recipients, Medicaid recipients to hide cash incomes and cash stashes from government applications for years! And, now it much, much worse due to illegals and immigrants coming in and hiding cash money jobs, cash stashes, and hiding identification of working individuals living in the family group, or in the group that lives together in one single house! We taxpayers are not fools, we have known, for years there are more and more cheaters getting on full disability, getting welfare benefits, getting Medicaid and all the other government freebies, free school meals, free schooling, free student loans, free internet, free housing, support for illegal aliens, etc. Like I said, your day is coming soon; get ready to be honest and work to earn your food and housing, etc.

          • Tony

            We need to do an intervention and get Jerry some mental health care. The Republicans have brainwashed his pea size brain and it is overloaded.

          • Miss D.

            Rhianna, you are on the right track. Anyone who rants like that is truly in need of anger management as a start. This guy acts like the “loafers” are taking money directly from his wallet. I’m sure he spends way too much time focusing on far right-winged outlets soaking in all the wrong information. And I’m sure he will respond to this post with the same drivel he has doled out to the other comments. So predictable and tragic.

        • Melonie

          You are not very smart. Kind of stupid really. I hate to call names but your various posts here are extreme, ignorant and hurtful to society. You have no solutions and you aren’t helpful. All of your whining is based on your assessment that everyone is scamming our systems and that the sick and disabled can just jaunt off and get to work.

          That is not the truth. I am disabled and I wish and pray I could work. Be social. Have friends. Get my life back. Thank God I paid into our disability insurance program.

          I’ve worked, paid taxes and paid into SSDI (Insurance should one become disabled based on what you’ve earned and paid in throughout your life- this is not called a handout).

          It’s very easy to fix SSDI and SSI. Simply stop the caps placed on people allowing them to stop paying into the program after they make so much money a year and then allowing them to still collect benefits out of this system.

          After their income hits a certain level, their Social Security withholding stops for the year. Officially known as the wage base limit, the threshold changes every year. The 2023 limit for paying FICA taxes is $160,200, and the 2024 limit for paying FICA taxes is $168,600. Our rich make those amounts like every 60 seconds of the day

          A bill has been brought forth that would at least substantially raise these limits. It would allow us to shore up these programs so that they don’t run out of money. Simple.

          I’m sure Republicans and the so called “Christian
          Right” or the stupid people who want to toss away our Constitution by teaching the 10 Commandments (there are actually over 200 commandments I believe and we’re given to the Jews and are also what Jesus tossed away in The New Testament) in our schools while their every action is in direct opposition to what Jesus and other Gods have directed us to do as they’ve stopped this bill from going anywhere. Maga morons seem to stop working and
          understanding when they would be actually doing the things in the Bible, and other holy books, that tell us how we should treat the infirm, elderly, children, convicts and others in our society.

          The only things these Republicans care about or work for is giving tax breaks to the billionaires that pay for their campaigns and average working families get to pay back, and gutting all social programs that help communities, families and children. Well, I forgot about them arming every man, woman and child with an un-needed machine gun so we can all murder each other every time we disagree.

          Just reading your rants makes me think that you have severe mental problems and should be under psychiatric care. Because your hatred has you so unbalanced, maybe you’ll need to apply for SSDI when your issues or your medications or when someone shoots your dumb ass cause you to be disabled.

          We can feed and shelter our elderly and disabled community members. Not sure if you’ve ever read any kind of holy book. I can say that Jesus tells us to do these things. He also tells us that we should be doing these things with a loving heart.

          You should not judge people or you may just end up walking in their shoes for a while. I know you don’t want to walk in mine!!

          • JERRY M.

            Melonie and Tony: It is amaizing the number of people living in USA, and living off welfare programs, SSI, etc. are not willing to support themselves and stop leaching off us tax paying citizens so our USA will be honest again, rather than being on the road to full Marxism and Communism where the corrupt government welfare programs give money and benefits to those who do not desrve them! Most people receiving government benefits from the welfare type programs, like SSI have lied and cheated to get on the programs and to stay on the programs so they live, without working, off the honest working people! We need honest, smart, hard-working people in USA, not welfare leaches! The welfare programs of the past established a very poor system where the dregs and lazy people who choose to misrepresent their status to get a free living off tax payers can keep on lying and cheating us who are really paying the taxes, about 50% of U.S. citizens. Now we have the illegals and Marxist-Communists living in USA who came into USA for one purpose, to steal our welfare benefits, SSI and our jobs! They are taking many jobs that disabled and handicapped person could do well! Get rid of all welfare programs, SSI and all government assistance, then we can have a truly prosperous USA and a safe USA where people can safely walk our streets again!

          • Laura M.

            Melanie I Fully Agree With You Except Your Ongoing Political Beliefs As What Is And Has Been Causing The Problems In Our Country, Perhaps Our World, However What The Men Who Are Elected To Represent Our Country Say And Do Have Very Little To Do With The Reality Of Where This Country Is Financially, Working Here To Provide For Our Country.. SO Many Changes Have Happened Over My 63 Years Of Living Here… Working 2 Jobs As An RN For 38 Years And Then Suddenly Lost That Life, Income Due To Brain Surgery That Saved My Life. Anyway, SSDI Comes Nowhere Close To What I Earned All Those Years And That Doesn’t Include The Years Before That I Worked, Starting At Age 13 And Only Unemployed ONE Day And That Was Driving Back To Texas From California. I Know None Of This Will Matter To Anyone, Just Please Get Away From The Politics And Try To Look And Feel From YOUR Heart!

          • Tony

            If congress doesn’t raise taxes, then Jerry need to find a second job and contribute more taxes.

        • Lisa F.

          Again you are grossly misinformed. Do you know what the WIC program does? Its a Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children. It’s a federal program in the United States that provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and access to nutritious foods to low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, as well as infants and children up to age five who are at nutritional risk. WIC aims to improve the health outcomes of participants by ensuring they have access to essential nutrients during critical stages of growth and development.

          Again, accusing welfare recipients of promoting socialism, Marxism, or communism overlooks the diverse reasons individuals may need assistance and misrepresents the goals of these social safety net programs within a democratic capitalist society.
          Addressing budgetary challenges requires comprehensive strategies that may include fiscal reforms and economic policies, rather than solely targeting welfare recipients.it’s important to recognize the contributions of welfare programs in supporting vulnerable populations and promoting economic stability. Discussions about fiscal responsibility should consider a balanced approach that ensures essential services while addressing broader economic challenges.

          • Christine

            Is really the place for your soap box?

    • Marc h.

      Call a disability lawyer

    • S.D.

      Hi, Mike. Thanks for reading our blog and for your question. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a needs-based program that provides payments to people with limited income and resources who are age 65 or older, blind, or have a qualifying disability. To be eligible for SSI and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) – commonly referred to as “concurrent” benefits – your monthly SSDI must be less than $963 in 2024 (the SSI monthly Federal payment amount plus $20). You can find more information on SSI eligibility requirements and start the application process here. We hope this helps. 



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