Disability, Frauds & Scams, General, Retirement, Survivors

Social Security Takes Fraud Seriously

June 15, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

An identity thief holds a Social Security card in front of a keyboardOne out of five Americans receives benefits from Social Security, including elderly retirees, people with severe illnesses, and widows and children of deceased wage earners.

With so many of our country’s most vulnerable citizens depending on us, we take our responsibility of providing them with a measure of financial security seriously.

One way we do that is by making a priority our many efforts to pursue those who would cheat the system and take money away from those who need it most.

The agency’s benefit programs are far-reaching and complex, which means that preventing, detecting, and combatting fraud, waste, and abuse is an ongoing challenge. Although we can’t prevent every instance of fraud any more than law enforcement can prevent all crimes, we aggressively investigate potential instances of fraud and pursue prosecution of those who commit it.

Our Office of Anti-Fraud Programs (OAFP) uses many tools to help predict where fraud may occur so we can identify it as quickly as possible. OAFP works alongside the Office of the Inspector General, and Disability Determination Services in the Cooperative Disability Investigation (CDI) program. CDI units investigate and resolve questions of fraud in our programs. There are stiff penalties: We seek the maximum punishment allowable under the law to restore money stolen from the American people. As a result, fraud affects only a very small percentage of our overall payments.

You can help protect your investment in Social Security. Take time to learn all the facts on how we work to prevent fraud. Remember, if you suspect fraud, report it or call the fraud hotline at 1-800-269-0271.

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About the Author

Phil Gambino, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Jordan

    My fiancé was made my payee last year. He left me today for another woman and took my benefit account info with him! Who do I call?

    • R.F.

      Hi Jordan, if you think you need a new payee, you can call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. to speak to one of our representatives. Or you can contact your local Social Security office directly. Generally, we look for family or friends to serve as representative payees, but if necessary, we may help you find a new representative payee or pay you directly. Visit our “FAQs For Beneficiaries Who Have A Payee” web page for more information. Thanks!

  2. Karen

    I was getting my ssi when i turned 18 but then my foster family lied and said i would be put away if no-one managed my money….I had no idea what she was talking about and made my mom my payee.Ever since then they have treated me nothing like dirt.And put me out on the street.I have been trying to get back what’s mine.What do i do from here.??

  3. Nathan

    My doctor accidently mailed my personal information ”ssn” etc to my employer. Even though my employer already has this information and its really not a big deal. I was just curious if people actually sue over this? I’ve done a little research and everyone this has happened to is getting the same offer. 1 year of life lock ”credit monitoring”. I’m not going to sue my doctor. But is this a fair resolution? Or should I bargain for 3 year monitoring?? Normally I would shrug something like this off. But If I made a mistake and ” forgot ” to pay my bill. They wouldn’t be as kind to just ”shrug it off”. Let me know what you think..

  4. Buttercup

    I know someone who is using her deceased husbands name and social security number to obtain credit at online stores. Is this illegal???

    • R.F.

      Generally, reports and investigations of identity theft are handled by the Federal Trade Commission. You can find more information from their website: http://www.idtheft.gov. If you have reportable information on the victim; from the website, please go to “Get Started” and select “I want to report identity theft” then choose the options that best fit your issue. Or you may call them at 1-877-IDTHEFT (1-877-438-4338). If you suspect fraud, waste or abuse of Social Security benefits, we encourage you to report it here. You can call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Or contact your local Social Security office directly.

  5. erica

    my son got arrested because I would not provide the full social security number. I provided the last four and was told that I wasn’t cooperating and for that reason they took him. is that legal

  6. Trevor H.

    How can I keep the money that I work for in my checks without any government meddling and social security witholdings? I do not want a ssn anymore and all the money I have paid in (fraudulently) I would like back as soon as possible.

    • R.F.

      Hi Trevor. People generally cannot voluntarily withdraw or stop participating in the Social Security program. Unless specifically exempt by law, everyone working in the United States must pay Social Security taxes on earnings from covered employment. Only members of certain religious groups may be exempt from paying Social Security taxes. Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions web page for more information on this topic.

  7. Trevor H.

    Hi. I never asked for a SSN. I had it before I could even read & write but yet im told it’s voluntary to have. I don’t want the government that began while my race was enslaved to “Social Secure” any for me. I can do that for myself.

  8. Susan j.

    I was granted disability on June 1st 2015 by a judge she also gave me SSI the East Hartford office store my money they didn’t calculate my disability right they have not given me my retro for SSI or my retro they haven’t given me my monthly payments they’re refusing to they said I did not pay rent and somebody pay for my food which is a lie they only thousands of dollars they said I spent money that was put on a card which is a lie they Forge documents which is proven to be wrong through the congressman’s office I went through they actually wrote up false documents saying I spent the money that never was put on the card I have that they took for payment so in August saying they didn’t have proof they did they changed all the dates the judge ordered the first they changed it to the 3rd they took out ten payments when they only should have taken out for they miscalculated my disability payments buy thousands of dollars I only ended up with $8,000 for disability we haven’t even gotten to the SSI payments she ordered it November 2000 13 2 present date they can keep this going because no matter what it’s all retro they’re saying I get one year that is not true I paid my rent and my food and if you look in the handbook it doesn’t count food does not count and I did not own the property so rent doesn’t even come in to count my rent was paid for by my alimony right now I’m only getting $500 for my disability I was granted $730 from the main office and Baltimore they deducted $280 on their own they took it upon themselves my father happens to have a lot of money so they thought he was paying for me which is not true at all my mother had cancer my father was consumed with that she just passed away 5 weeks ago I was so severely anemic that Department of Social Services knocked on my door I am dying of many illnesses I’m on 63 medications a month they will not take my calls at the East Hartford office I was discriminated against by a black woman I am appalled by how they treat me I can go on and on and I have proof and black and white I am owed for years of retro from SSI I want my monthly payments I’m going to sue them personally and I want my money and they did not add up my social security disability right I was going to disability on June 1st 2015 buy a judge she also gave me SSI the East Hartford office stole my money they didn’t calculate my disability right they have not given me my retro for SSI or my retro they haven’t given me my monthly payments there refusing to they said I did not pay rent and somebody pay for my food which is a lie they owe me thousands of dollars they said I spent money that was put on a card which is a lie they Forge documents which is proven to be wrong through the congressman saw office I went through they actually wrote up false document saying I spent the money that never was put on the card I have that they took for payment so in August saying they didn’t I have proof they did they changed all the dates the judge ordered the first they change it to the third they took out 10 payments when they only should have taken out for they miscalculated my disability payments by thousands of dollars I only ended up with $8,000 for disability we haven’t even gotten to the SSI payments she ordered it November 2013 to present date they can keep this going because no matter what its all retro they’re saying I get one year that is not true I paid my rent and my food and if you look in the handbook it doesn’t count food does not count and I did not on the property so rent doesn’t even coming to count my rent was paid for by my alimony right now I’m only getting $500 for my disability I was granted 730 dollars from the main office in Baltimore they deducted $280 on their own they took it upon themselves my father happens to have a lot of money so they thought he was paying for me which is not true at all my mother had cancer my father was consumed with that she just passed away 5 weeks ago I was so severely anemic that Department of Social Services knocked on my door I am dying of many illnesses I’m on 63 medications a month they will not take my calls at the East Hartford office I was discriminated against buy a black woman I am appalled by how they treat me I can go on and on and I have proof and black and white I am old for years of retro from SSI I want my monthly payments I’m going to sue them personally and I want my money and they did not add up my Social Security disability right they added it to be 16000 it was over $26,000 I was owed my attorney get more than I got they were in cahoots with him they called to ask me medical questions which they never would have known and I said how would you know that you never got my medical records they hung up on me I want to see their shrink I feel that another medical record for the 5th time which takes hours with my Dr sent that on a Friday the shrink said it would take 2 weeks for her evaluation open my mailbox on Saturday and I have a denial letter the East Hartford office is stealing money every time I called the card number the dates were changed so what they did is took all the SSI payments from my social security disability I never receive SSI prior to that and then she said we couldn’t give it to you going back to 2010 you made too much money will first of all I was legally separated I never filed with my husband he never paid for one thing for me he abandoned me nobody knew my husband abandoned me I was left in an empty house with no food No Light No TV he beat the hell out of me till they put me in a coma in the hospital on top of all my diseases I had probably 30 operations it’s been hell I have nobody helping me I can’t live on $500 I’m entitled to all my back pay of SSI which is now over four years and I do not have to pay $280 there deducting the Middle Town Office was just busted for stealing money in East Hartford Connecticut is where my office I’ve never met women so me and in my entire life the main woman mrs. Agero will not do anything about Jake Drake they committed fraud and I have all the paper to prove it yes my temper did get very bad but I have traumatic brain injury I explain that to them and they said when that happens just say so calm down I can’t help it since I had the traumatic brain injury now who are they changed everything the judge ordered I can’t live on $500 a month I am now way behind on my rent and even though he’s my father I still have to pay it I need help I need my money and yes SS I can go back more than a year I can go as far back as I want I talk to attorneys they’re telling me one year that is absolutely false these women are crazy I put on my work time in they did not do it right I did not even receive all the information I was supposed to I asked 10 times for all the documents they did not send them to me till November and it was too late to file an appeal they knew that I wrote a letter to the judge and that’s what I heard from the HR for the office and she was frantic let’s resolve this let’s resolve this there’s no resolving anything with them their nuts and I don’t need a letter from Daddy I’m 54 years old and the judge did not ask me my attorney said I was fine he told her I paid my rent they knew my father was a millionaire and they took it upon themselves did think he was paying for me but she was not on my mother’s dying bed and she just died five weeks ago and I just lost my best friend 2 weeks ago on top of me getting sicker and sicker these women have put me into Strokes everyday my speech is bad I can’t walk stress is horrendous for what I have multiple sclerosis lupus Scleroderma fibromyalgia rheumatoid arthritis thumb prose’s pancreatitis Crohn’s disease I’m Going Through Hell and they’re bringing up all my flare-ups I am now going to sue them personally and the East Hartford office for all of my pain and suffering I’m not looking for any more or any less than I deserved what was the point of me going to a federal judge I called the main office and Baltimore and they said well we sent your money I said well they took it off because what are you talking about you didn’t get I said no they took it all and they took it out of my social security disability and they didn’t even add up what the judge ordered they only gave me one year I’m old for years now and I’m not even getting my monthly 7:30 they knocked it down to 280 the main office and Baltimore game in the 7:30 I’m getting 520 a month from disability I’m supposed to be getting 7:30 for SSI I know you can’t go over a certain amount so we knock off $58 to even it out but I want my money I need it I’m dying here they’re turning off my cable my phone my internet I Need My Life Link hooked up without that I’m in big trouble I live alone I have no one willing to help me no family members everybody has a life my father just lost his wife of 60 years I don’t count on my father to support me my sisters and brothers they have families there trying to survive this nightmare will they just killed Connecticut so please help me 860 680-4186 my name is Susan James please I need help

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  10. Debbie

    I’ve been trying to find out if my aunt is still living or has died. I have been having little success with getting information from SSA. The thing is I do not have her SS#, as she cut off all contact with the family in 2000. There is a possibility that she died but the man that she was living with didn’t report her death and is collecting her benefits.

    Is there any way that I can get assistance with this issue? The guy could be committing social security fraud.

    • R.F.

      Hi Debbie. As of May 19, 2014, Social Security discontinued letter-forwarding services to aid in locating missing individuals. However, you may still submit a request of information through our Freedom Of Information Act web page.
      Also, if you suspect or know of someone committing fraud against Social Security, we ask you to report it. Thanks!

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