General, Online Services, Privacy & Identity

Social Security Strengthens Identity Proofing Requirements and Expedites Direct Deposit Changes to One Day

March 18, 2025 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: March 18, 2025

Social Security Administration Seal

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is taking proactive steps to enhance the security of its services by implementing stronger identity verification procedures. The updated measures will further safeguard Social Security records and benefits against fraudulent activity. Over the next two weeks, SSA will carefully transition to stronger identity proofing procedures for both benefit claims and direct deposit changes. Individuals seeking these services who cannot use their personal my Social Security account, which requires online identity proofing, will then need to visit a local Social Security office to prove their identity in person. At the same time, the agency will expedite processing all direct deposit change requests – both in person and online – to one business day. Prior to this change, online direct deposit changes were held for 30 days.

“Americans deserve to have their Social Security records protected with the utmost integrity and vigilance,” said Lee Dudek, Acting Commissioner of Social Security. “For far too long, the agency has used antiquated methods for proving identity. Social Security can better protect Americans while expediting service.”

The agency’s two-week transition plan includes training frontline employees and management about the new policy and careful monitoring of policy compliance. At the conclusion of the transition period, on March 31, 2025, SSA will enforce online digital identity proofing and in-person identity proofing. SSA will permit individuals who do not or cannot use the agency’s online mySocial Securityservices to start their claim for benefits on the telephone. However, the claim cannot be completed until the individual’s identity is verified in person. The agency therefore recommends calling to request an in-person appointment to begin and complete the claim in one interaction. Individuals with and without an appointment will need to prove identity before starting a transaction. Individuals who do not or cannot use the agency’s online my Social Security services to change their direct deposit information, can visit a local office to process the change or can call 1-800-772-1213 to schedule an in-person appointment.

SSA recently required nearly all agency employees, including frontline employees in all offices throughout the country, to work in the office five days a week. This change ensures maximum staffing is available to support the stronger in-person identity proofing requirement.

SSA plans to implement the Department of Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service’s payment integrity service called Account Verification Service (AVS). AVS provides instant bank verification services to proactively and timely prevent fraud associated with direct deposit change requests.

The agency will continue to monitor and, if necessary, make adjustments, to ensure it pays the right person the right amount at the right time while at the same time safeguarding the benefits and programs it administers.

People who do not already have a “my Social Security” account can create one at


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Social Security Administration

Social Security Administration


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  1. Tom C.

    As a caregiver for an elderly SSrecipient, this is inherently a bad idea. Many elderly people have little to no computer knowledge, and the logistics of getting to an in person location are highly problematic.

    • Tina

      Thankfully your person has you to help and if already getting direct deposit shouldn’t require anything from what I’m reading this to mean. However, you are correct for those not able to get help it will be a disaster.

    • Linda H.

      Well, they send people out every 10 years to do the census I’m sure that they’ll make some sort of arrangement to do the same for elderly people who do not understand or know how to use a computer to verify their identification.

    • Blanca M.

      True, this is my problem. Am 84 yes. Old,, I use a Walker and very difficult to walk on it.

    • NORM T.


    • Debra

      A family member can assist.

    • Delois

      Ask them SSA to do a house visit

    • Col. B.

      Agreed Elon finds trillions in big democrat waste yet attacks the poor we the people it’s time for an armed revolution

    • Bhaskar S.

      What is the alternative?

  2. Nick T.

    of bank and letter from Soc Sec saying my Bank info was incorrect. I updated name of bank and other required info, so now when should I expect a direct deposit ?
    It’s been 4 days and I don’t know if I need to do more.
    Your response would be appreciated.

  3. Rick

    Have do not have a working pancreas and have been denied 3 times. Not one person will talk to me and explain. You wait on hold for 3 hours. Who has that time to be on hold. 3 hours and nothing gets resolved. I’ll be in person now standing at the door for my appointment

  4. Lynda H.

    I’m a US citizen living in Europe and the SS online benefit platform isn’t as straightforward for people with foreign addresses. I am due to claim my retirement benefits in 2026. Does this mean I have to fly to the US to sign up in person?

    • James

      There is currently a form SSA 7062 thar you have to fill.out and sign and mail to Scranton PA to prove you are still alive so you can continue to get your check deposited in your foreign bank account
      Or you can keep your US address and bank account but that is a little sketchy

    • Denise A.

      I want to know this also. I’m in a similar situation.

    • john s.


  5. Kay S.

    Why did I ever think social security was my money?
    Money withheld from my paychecks by my various employers, various employers matching my deductions and money paid quarterly by me when I was self-employed, over 46 years.
    The same funds used at will by the United States Federal Government.

  6. Harry W.

    If I’m a new applicant and file online with ID.ME, do I still have to make an appointment to go in person?

    • Bruce S.

      What’s not clear is how are expat US citizens residing overseas and currently receiving SSA benefits supposed to comply with this order. Can US Embassies/Consular offices in countries we reside in facilitate identification verification or would we have to travel to a Federal Benefits Unit office serving our region?

  7. Nathan S.

    I have the same question. I’m already approved and identified. Do I need to do anything?

    • John M.

      I receive my check via direct deposit. I have a SS account. Do I need to do anything for my deposits to continue uninterrupted?

  8. Lee P.

    How in the heck do I get my check. I had a legal issue in the state of Texas. Now, the requirements for people who are poor or have been incarcerated, is almost impossible. I am presently receiving my Social Security retirement. Check, what are they going to do, take away my retirement that I worked for for 45 years. And one other thing. I’ve had a drivers license for 45 years. WHY IS THAT SO DIFFICULT AS THE GOVERNMENT HAS HAS MY INFORMATION FOR OVER 50 YEARS????

    • Kathryn D.

      I agree. This is the purpose of all of this. More people will just give get looked over and left behind.
      I had to get my state ID renewed a few months and I found out what a mess that can be I couldn’t get renewed without my birth certificate and then she asked me about my last name because I had gotten married (my age is 76) she asked me how many times I’d been married and I said 3 times. And she tells me I have to have all my divorce papers bring them in so I can prove how I went from one married name to another til I got back to my maiden name. I didn’t have all them and in order to get the extended ID I had to go and buy all the papers to prove I wasn’t an illegal immigrant.
      They and I mean the people that voted for the yahoo we call president are ruining our country and I don’t believe it (our country) will turn around in my lifetime. I’m sad to say but it will be up to our grandchildren to sort the mess that the current administration is making. It’s not Just their fault we haven’t had a strong president for many years. God save us all

  9. Jack C.

    This is the stupidest idea to control the money flow of citizens there are elder citizens that have mobility problems n direct deposit is very convenient for them my own mother is one of them ,with this dumb communist administration joke of a president n freeloader of Musk that made himself rich on taxpayers money with all the subsidies money he received, n the conflict of interest with him working with NASA n the administration, he bites the hand that fed him he stole so much money n he is not even a citizen , so why does trump love him so much , trump is a traitor n fake , coward , loud mouth joke, n Musk is a leech n scavenger , mercenary, traitor , dictator s both n the worst criminals to have a bit of power n thanks to the blind ignorant vote of a lot of citizens , this country is sinking n with this Russia loving joke of a criminal convicted president the country has it’s sinking quick

    • Olivia H.

      Unhinged person in chat.

    • Daniel

      You my friend are a idiot. They re trying to prevent fraud and I’m all for that.

    • Hontas

      As long as your MoM is not changing banks and her check is direct deposited in the same bank it’s always been deposited you don’t have to do anything. Everything stays the same.

    • Bob

      You are deluded to an extreme. Stop listening to the leftist media outlets. They have been lying to you for decades. calm down. They claimed Biden was at his best while the exact opposite was true. They are only interested in keeping their audience stirred up and ready to start burning down the cities again. Wait to see what actually happens before you pop a cork.

    • Julie

      All I can say is please get yourself fully informed on the matter before you jump to conclusions and spout off.


    Comments pagination is fucked up!

    page 5 has 1 comment, pages 6 thru 11 or 12 are blank! WTF is going on?

    some pages don’t link to all pages of comments!

    something’s TOTALLY CORRUPTED in the display or in the DB.

    Which page will this comment end up on? Will ANYONE see it?


      This has *significantly* improved since I posted this, maybe not 100% fixed, but A LOT better…

      Any official reply on what was broken & fixed?

    • Bob

      My experience has been that every .gov website is poorly organized, try to relate way to much information. It only shows that the .gov websites aren’t put together by website experts. Remember the Obama Care startup. As matter of fact, you have to be an expert to find anything on a .gov website. Keep a cool head.

    • Terry

      The people who have been told to destroy Social Security are watching these comments. So, What do you think is happening?


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