
Social Security Program Experts Can Answer Your Important Questions

October 8, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

There are many online resources about Social Security, so it is important that you come to us as the first place for answers. You can find many of the answers about our programs and services on our Frequently Asked Questions page. We feature our most-asked questions at the top of the page to help you find answers to the most common questions quickly, like:

You can also browse by topics like:

  • Disability.
  • Social Security Payments.
  • Retirement.
  • Medicare.

You can visit our publications library for detailed information on nearly all of our topics. We make each publication available in text, audio, and downloadable formats.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner


  1. Lou

    Can you find me an expert to provide information why one state would be permitted to take deductions from SS check when the math is WRONG!? If we requested replacement cards why weren’t they sent! Which employee at SS is a qualified physician?? How can you allow FRAUD to be committed by a representative payee when they did NOT GIVE A PENNY TO THE BENEFICIARY???

  2. ARTHUR V.

    I have been trying to log into my account and forgot the password, I also forgot the security questions needed to open it. I am told they will send it to me in the mail but never received it. I tried this several times. Who do I need to contact to correct my problem?

  3. Myriam V.

    Estimada Darlynda, buena tarde señora, no soy residente ni ciudadana de Estados Unidos, soy de nacionalidad nicaragüense pero después de aplicar a un asilo político trabajé en su país legalmente durante casi 10 años. El asunto es que en ese tiempo por razones fuera de mi control tuve que regresar a Nicaragua donde he estado residiendo hasta el día de hoy. Debido a mi actual mayoría de edad y por otras razones, quise saber sobre mi status en relación al Seguro Social, pero me dicen que me faltan 2 créditos para 40 que es el mínimo necesario con el fin de recibir una pensión. Mi situación es compleja porque ya el próximo mes cumplo 62 años de edad, y la verdad es ya no tengo la energía de mi juventud para aventurarme y regresar a trabajar a Estados Unidos por 6 meses más… a estas alturas ya eso no tiene sentido para mí. Sin embargo, sí quisiera recibir que mucha falta me hace por lo menos el dinero que mensualmente se retuvo de mí salario y reportó o entregó como impuestos por cada uno de mis empleadores mientras trabajé en Miami, Florida. Estimada señora no sé cómo lograrlo, porque aparentemente de acuerdo a una llamada telefónica de un representante del seguro social en Costa Rica, se me dijo que a pesar de tener una pensión pendiente, el seguro social no podía concluirla si yo no completaba los créditos requeridos, no obstante a usted ya le expliqué por qué regresar a Estados Unidos ya no es una posibilidad viable para mí, ¿podría decirme que puedo hacer entonces?
    Señora, le agradezco su atención y espero su respuesta.

  4. alan r.

    Good day, I need to know what info, forms, etc. in order to unsubsribe from Med Part B. Where do I find the form?
    Is the form online to download? Can You mail me the form? After I complete the form what do I do?
    Thank you for your reply, Alan Ray Bauer

    • V.V.

      Hi Alan, thanks for using our blog. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions web page for details on how to terminate Medicare Part B. We hope this helps!

  5. Akeem A.

    Happy to meet you here and best wishes to every team.

  6. Janet o.

    Wondering when I should apply for Social Security–I turn 70 in early February.

    • V.V.

      Hi Janet, thanks for using our blog. Our system is set up to take applications four months in advance, and when you’re ready, you can apply for your benefits online. If you need further assistance, you can call us at 1-800-772-1213 or you can contact your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  7. Marvin B.

    How do I update my yearly earning on my Social Security Statement? And what earnings is reported on my statement? Is the Gross Income or Adjusted Gross Income?

    • V.V.

      Hi Marvin, thanks for using our blog. When you work as an employee, your wages are generally covered by Social Security and Medicare. Your employer gives Social Security a copy of your W-2 form to report your earnings when they give you a copy of the form for filing your income tax return. We use these employer reports to record earnings. Because of the millions of wage reports we must record, your earnings for last year may not show up on your record until late in the current year. If you notice an error, check out our factsheet “How to correct your Social Security earnings record” for details on how to get the error corrected. We hope this helps!

  8. David P.

    Someone has a sense of humor when this came to be. Repeated attempts to call for investigation of a 24yo special needs adult in a wheelchair who’s mother is supporting HER live in bf and not allowing her daughter MAYBE $20.00/month from her ssi check, not to mention the medical neglect FROM HER MOTHER, resulting in muscle contractures.
    Daughter wants to change payees, mother WILL NOT allow it. ( keep in mind, daughter is adult now, has absolutely no choice but to live in continuing abusive,( more mentally and physically, due to muscle contractures)

    No offense, no one from ss cares, much less, will read/ respond.

    Fyi, daughter is literally kept hostage by her mother, because she’s afraid she will lose her daughter’s check, ( to support her bf, not take care of her daughter

    • V.V.

      Thank you for helping us fight fraud, David. We take allegations of fraud very seriously. If you suspect fraud, waste or abuse of Social Security benefits, we encourage you to report it here.

  9. Jimmy R.

    Is pandemic unemployment assistance a “comparable” disaster assistance provided by a state as contemplated by the “Stafford act”. The “cares act” states the relationship of Dua and Pua and actually merges them.

  10. Joanne P.

    Oops! I may have devulged too much information on my last transmission. I didn’t realize it would be made public.
    Please blot out my phone and birthday. Thank you

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