
Social Security Is There For Those Who Served Our Country

July 24, 2017 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: July 24, 2017

girl and man in wheelchair The men and women who served our country in the military can count on Social Security to be there for them throughout their lives.

Active duty military members earn credits toward Social Security retirement benefits. Wounded Warriors can receive expedited handling of their claims to receive disability benefits. We also provide survivor benefits for young children and spouses of veterans who have died.

You can learn more about how Social Security helps our veterans build a secure financial future for themselves and their families on our veterans page.

Our newest initiative, Journey to Success: Employment Tools for Veterans with Disabilities, is a five-part online guide that helps certain disabled veterans return to fulfilling employment in the American workforce. The guide highlights resources, such as career counseling, job training, employment services, and more.

We know some veterans suffered injuries so severe they cannot return to their previous work. However, for those veterans who are interested in testing their ability to find and maintain gainful employment, these resources can help. We thank all members of our military and veterans for their service and sacrifice.

To learn more about our programs and benefits, visit our website.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Roy

    I filed for SS benefits on line last week.
    Today I was called by a caller with a blocked caller ID asking if they could discuss my claim with me. I asked if the conversation would require me to share any personal information including my ssa number and they said yes.
    I said I wasn’t comfortable and they said they’d call back tomorrow.
    Any thoughts?

    • R.F.

      Thank you for contacting us, Roy. SSA employees occasionally contact citizens by telephone for customer-service purposes. An SSA employees may call you in limited situations, such as if you recently filed a claim or have other Social Security business that are pending. In only a few limited special situations, usually already known to the citizen, an SSA employee may request the citizen to confirm personal information over the phone. If a person has questions about any communication—email, letter, text or phone call—that claims to be from SSA or the OIG, please contact your local Social Security office, or call Social Security’s toll-free customer service number at 1-800-772-1213, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, to verify its legitimacy (TTY number at 1-800-325-0778). Thanks.

  2. USAFVetGirl1

    I am a 100% disabled veteran. SS granted me a small amount of SSD stating that I was outside my window, even tho I had applied while I was in my window and was denied several times. Even tho I knew I was entitled to my full benefit check, I just accepted the little $700 a month check and moved on. Well here we are 9 years later and they take it away. Saying that my disability has improved. Well, I have more than one disability but they don’t say which. Anyway, they “the report shows that your disability has improved” its their favorite line. Sadly, i must say that if you are working with a specialist (gastroenterologist etc) to try and gain a better quality of life with a disability, its looks as tho you CAN NOT EVER say you’re feeling better, even if you are. I had read this in a blog many years ago, but I just thought that was a tip for people who fake disabilities. But even if you are truly disabled and you do try to give some positive feedback on a new drug that your doctor has switched you to, then SS will do to you what they did to me and say that I am no longer disabled. They don’t care if you’ve been working with that specialist for years trying to get the right meds, and the right dosages and combinations to help you. All they care about is the fact that if you finally do switch to a medication and on a follow up to see how said medication is working, and you say so far so good its helping quite a bit, SS will jump on that and snatch your benefit right back. And its sad because people want to be able to tell the doctors the absolute truth so that they may help them get the relief they are seeking, but if you do get that relief, you can’t even say anything. Heck, I don’t even know if the meds will continue to help, since I had only been taking them a short amount of time. Its a sad, sad, and low down disgraceful thing that SS does to veterans like this, all the while claiming to appreciate the service and sacrifice of veterans. Im sure they do that to non-veterans too, either way, it’s still a disgrace to feel you have to lie to be able to keep a benefit that you’ve earned.

    • Antone M.

      sorry you are going through this, it is true we get screwed no matter what

  3. AlohaGrambi

    Let me start with .. I firmly believe that veterans deserve these benefits. I take issue with the government wanting to reduce Social Security benefits. My question to whoever out there can answer this is … My employers who are not government agencies have had to pay into Social Security for the past 41 years. Does the military/government pay into Social Security just as my employers have had to do? If not, why not?

    • R.F.

      Until 1984, employment by the Federal government was covered under the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and not by Social Security. Federal employees during those years did not pay Social Security tax on their earnings and those earnings are not shown on their records. All federal employees hired on or after January 1, 1984 are mandatorily covered under Social Security–the CSRS system is not an option for them.
      Individuals with military service earnings for active duty (including active duty for training) since 1957 paid Social Security taxes on those earnings. See our Retirement Planner: Military Service for more information.

  4. Ginger D.

    When I was young I was raising a daughter by myself & all taxes, Fica, soc sec, etc were taken out of my pay. I got no help. I worked long hours & paid baby sitters. Later in life in 2010 I had a disabling and alife long injury & was in much pain. When I could file to get Soc Sec I was refused. When I could file again I was sent a letter with a sarcastic tone, denying my claim. I ended up claiming soc sec at age 62 at a significant loss.

    • Ginger D.

      I guess that you are not a veteran but since you paid in you should have been given your disability especially if it affects your walking ability.

  5. Marvin L.

    I am really lost have not worked since 2012. I am a veteran 100% with unemployability a bad back have lawyer and just got my denial letter today in the mail. I met with the judge at the federal courthouse I don’t know what to expect me to do. If I tell the truth on the application I won’t get hired if I lie then so I complain about a back I get fired!!! I go to PTSD and depression classes three times a month what else am I supposed to do please someone tell me???

  6. Snake

    land of the free because of the brave

  7. Isabelle H.

    Thank you for taking care of those who took care of us .

  8. Howard W.

    ezekiel789456123@gmail.com Can you tell me if I am being paid for my military service in my Social Security check.

    • louis g.

      can you tell me if I am being paid for my military service in my social security check

  9. Jules R.

    Being a US Navy veteran myself, I truly appreciate all your doing for my brothers.

    Keep up the great work.



    Jules “Ray” Crowell

    • AKA

      They do the same thing for non veterans.

  10. Nicole P.

    I applied for social security in 2014 and was denied. I am 100% tdiu according to the VA. I filed for an appeal. I am currently waiting to appear before a hearing judge. I often see older veterans in pictures as if young disabled veterans are ignored even though we are disabled too. It’s been 3 years. When will someone get to my case.

    • AKA

      VA and Social Security have different disability standards.

    • A.C.

      Thank you for your questions, Nicole. Please keep in mind that the Social Security Act sets out a very strict definition of disability, much different than the requirements for other government programs including veterans benefits.
      Social Security pays only for total disability. No benefits are payable for partial disability or short-term disability. Disability benefits are paid to people who are unable to work because of a medical condition that is expected to last one year or more or to end in death. The length of time it takes to get a hearing can vary from state to state. We attempt to resolve all claims promptly, but there may be delays due to the volume of pending appeals in your area. The good news is that we are trying to conduct many of our hearings through video teleconferencing (VTC) to speed up the process. Visit our “Hearing And Appeals” web page for more information, and continue working with your local hearing office on specific questions about your case. Thanks.

    • Guido

      get a lawyer to help you now

    • James S.

      I wrote a letter to my US Senator and my claim sailed right through.

    • Antone M.

      I applied in 2013 also am 80% with other issues still pending, mine was denied also even though I can never work again. I finally have a hearing pending in Oct. will see how that goes, I wish you luck with your case, it is unbelievable we have to fight for what should be no issue…

    • Richard

      Nicole, maybe you’ve already gotten an answer to how long does it take to go before the judge on your appeal. My hearing out here in Southern California took 3 years almost to the date. It should be soon. And if the decision is favorable (approved) they’ll owe you benefits for the 3 years you’ve been waiting. I hope you have a lawyer!

    • mary

      Most need a lawyer and applying here is not making any sense to me. How can someone tell you’re sick on the net? Hmm I also looked ,talked to others and who they choose to help . I have a great lawyer who only took 3 percent

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