
Social Security is Thankful to Serve You

November 22, 2023 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 22, 2023

Family picking pumpkins on a farmThanksgiving is a time to reflect on the blessings we have in our lives and to share memories with our loved ones. We are thankful because we can provide you and your family with services, benefits, tools, and information to help you throughout life’s journey.

Social Security is more than just a retirement program. We provide services that assist many families across this country. We are there for joyous moments like the birth of your child and issuing their first Social Security card. We are there during times of hardship and tragedy to provide disability and survivors benefits. And we’re there to help you celebrate your retirement, too.

We’re here to serve you online, by phone, and in person in our local offices. You can learn more on our website.

Please share this information with those who need it. Happy holidays!

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  1. Michael

    This is funny , there in times of need. I needed my Retroactive and backpay months ago before losing my car insurance and when needing a new gas home heater . So can’t get to doctors appointment and freezing at home all because of what???, They threaten you with longer waits if you complain but do nothing. I’m waiting on over $60,000 of backpay and no date in sight with 120 days after approval nothing but hang ups while waiting 2 hours for help on the phone and don’t try calling the Whitehouse you put a code in then they hang up on you and you call back and they are having phone issues also. This country is an absolute mess with no one to report these issues to. Warning to anyone who believes the government is there for you. They are not and don’t care.

    • S.D.

      We are sorry to hear about your experience, Michael. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We encourage you to work with your local Social Security office. You can ask to speak to a supervisor on your next call or visit. You can also submit feedback by visiting our Contact Social Security webpage. Once there, select the “Email Us” link. This will take you to the “Email A Question to our Support Team” form where you can submit a compliment, complaint, or suggestion. We hope this helps.

  2. Jasper D.

    Overpayments paid back to social security are put back in your check after full retirement age.
    When will that happen?

    • S.D.

      Hi, Jasper. Thanks for reading our blog and for your question. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. Please call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. for help with your situation. Wait times to speak to a representative are typically shorter Wednesdays through Fridays or later in the day. We hope this helps.

  3. Karen M.

    Thank you and happy thanksgiving. I have 1 complaint about my girls SSI keeps going down every time I make too much from my job and then you guys keep over paying my girls so you guys deduct some money monthly to get paid back. I am happy to see my social security going up in 2024 and my 3 kids SSD going up a tiny bit.

  4. A. U.

    It’s one thing you require a person’s name, even though SSA blog never required it before. But to require an email address to subscribe is absurd. I have the right not to be put on countless mailing lists that invade my privacy. You also have failed to inform people by requiring to check the box “Im not a robot” illegally allows you to go through our private browsing history of every site we have clicked on, just to prove we are a living person. A violation of our 4th Amendment Right. Clearly you believe you have more power and authority over the people than you do. The facts are YOU DO NOT.
    The gentleman that commented you could care less about the people, is exactly right. The fact the Social Security Administration Corporation is actually NOT a govt agency of America at all. The truth is SSAC is a subcontractor contracted under the illegal/unlawful British Crown Corporation “UNITED STATES INC”/”USA INC”/”USA INC”. The world’s greatest PIRATES of sea and land in world history. Only the people hold the power to hold corporations accountable, amazingly enough it only requires 2 or more people to begin the legal process to DISSOLVE any corporation funded by taxpayer money. By simply reporting your criminal acts against the people.
    Too lazy to actually do work the people pay you to do, you took it upon yourself to find the absolute worst 3rd party unsecure debit card providers and bank “Comerica” to trust with retired, disabled, widows and vets main source of income benefits. The Justice Dept, BBB, FCC and FTC all claim Direct Express is the #1card being heavily hacked above all others. Money that is vital to millions to be able to survive, pay essential bills rent, electric, water, meds, food, transportation etc. Instead 3/4 of the people monthly are hacked with unauthorized charges stealing 100s and 1000s of dollars unable to have basic human needs. Leaving many unable to keep a roof over their heads, electric/heat, meds even food.
    Too egregious to give the security that SS demands on their own site that automatically locks your account if not used in 6 months. It is you who chose to not do your job, it is your responsibility and the Treasury Dept to secure and protect benefits of the people’s. IF YOU WANT THE PEOPLE TO TRUST YOU, then stop the hacking, return millions in denied disputes, replace all disrespectful and rude c. s. reps, answer the damn phones that people call for help and stop hanging up on them. Taxpayers refuse to pay out money awarded in the huge class action lawsuit over your incompetence. Your disgusting request to Congress wanting more money in your budget to hire more people is an insult.
    Shove your repugnant holiday greeting. A fiduciary judge has already found a much better solution for the people’s benefits, giving the green light to start the Dissolving process.
    Just informing you now, If I receive 1 new email from an emailing list I did not request, it will be added to the process. I will block your intrusion to my browsing history.

    • Mary

      I agree with Urban 100%. The employees who work there have no idea what they are doing. You can call them 3 times ith the same question and get 3 different answers. You make a mistake because you have no idea what you are doing and we pay the price.

  5. Jeff

    Social Security could care less about anyone or anything!

    The Social Security Administrations MOTO should be:


    • Tony

      We are just a number and statistic. Once we die, someone else will get our social security number. Our social security number isn’t ours to keep after we die. There will be a new name assigned to the social security number after we die.

      The SSA could care less if we die because there are plenty of new people who can replace us.

      Mostly the poor are complaining they don’t have enough money. The ones denied disability are complaining. Those are the most vocal people who post here.

      • S.D.

        Hi, Tony. Thanks for reading our blog and for your concerns. We do not reassign Social Security numbers following a person’s death. We hope this helps.

  6. SA

    Social Security is we do things on our time and not in a reasonable amount of time to help the individual. They do everything on their time and not consider the person. Even if their employees drop the ball on things, the individual have to suffer and trust they do not care even if you call a hundred times or go to the local office and receive incorrect information. No thanks to a Happy Thanksgiving for my family.

  7. MaryAnn

    Thank you Social Security!

  8. Emilio E.


    • Daniel V.

      Your name and last name initial is the same as someone I went to high school, Seward Park H.S. in the Lower Eastside of NYC?

  9. Ed D.

    Well, from my perspective, the Social Security office is done a good job a little slower than I would’ve liked but then you’re dealing with an emotional issue for many people making sure Social Security is timed properly, etc. now if only the veterans administration could get their act together like the Social Security offices have

    • SA

      Maybe for you, but not for all. They even have a bad habit of given incorrect information and when you let someone know this no one really cares.

  10. Ken

    Well living on less than 900 a month and reduced food stamps of less than 90 is just what I wanted to do when I retired

    • Miss D.

      Doesn’t sound like you put any thought into retiring.

      • pat

        I did and thought I was good until the 2008 crash where all my money was in stocks like GM which was bailed out by the government and my stock portfolio was reduced to -0-. I now understand that the government wishes all seniors gone – we are simply a drain on their system now and seniors are getting it in the shorts big time.

        • Walt

          Who forced you to buy stock in GM????

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