Disability, General, Medicare

Social Security Celebrates the Americans with Disabilities Act

July 21, 2022 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: August 9, 2022

Man standing This year, we celebrate 32 years of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). At Social Security, we’re committed to the principles and spirit of the ADA, and the many ways it improves the lives of our beneficiaries. That’s why we’re celebrating and sharing Matt’s story.

As a job seeker who is deaf and needs accommodations, Matt was reluctant to tell prospective employers about his disability. He worried that employers would not hire him if they knew about his disability.

That’s when Matt connected with our Ticket to Work (Ticket) Program. This program supports career development for people ages 18 to 64 who receive Social Security disability benefits and want to work. Through this free and voluntary program, approved service providers offer supports and services as participants move toward financial independence through work.

Matt’s service provider told him about the ADA and how it guarantees equal opportunity for people with disabilities and prohibits discrimination in the workplace. It accomplishes these goals through:

  • Anti-discrimination rules that prevent private employers from discriminating against qualified people with disabilities when they apply for jobs.
  • Regulations that require employers to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified employees with disabilities.

Matt and his service provider identified accommodations that would allow him to demonstrate his capabilities both during the application process and on the job. They created a plan for him to disclose his disability and request accommodations.

Since Matt also wanted to know how his employment might affect his benefits, his Benefits Counselor told him about our Work Incentives. These rules and programs make it easier for adults with disabilities to enhance their job skills while maintaining access to benefits.

Matt also learned that our Medicare-Related Work Incentive allows him to pursue a career without worrying about health care coverage. Matt’s Medicare coverage will continue for more than seven years after he begins full-time work, even if his income exceeds the amount to qualify for disability benefits.

And if Matt’s disability interfered with work, he could return to receiving benefits without having to file a new application through our Expedited Reinstatement Work Incentive.

Matt now works full-time as a human resource analyst. Thanks to the ADA, he received accommodations for the interview process and on the job. He also found that the Ticket Program helped him find a path to a better future.

The Ticket Program is here to help no matter where you are on your career journey. To learn more, register for our free webinar, Ticket to Work and Reasonable Accommodations on July 27. For additional information, please visit choosework.ssa.gov.

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  1. Karen G.

    My friend, who has intellectual disabilities, received SSI when he was in his late teens but he always kept trying to work and eventually received SSDI alone. He is no longer on any benefits and has not received them for more than 5 years, because we finally found a job for him that is a good match. He is now well over the income limit, thank God. Our question is this: does having received disability benefits in the past affect his retirement benefits in any way?

    • A.C.

      Hi, Karen. Thanks for visiting our blog. Previously receiving disability benefits will not affect future retirement benefits. To see what may affect retirement benefits, please visit our Retirement Planner page. We hope this helps.

  2. Daffie J.


  3. Lacey L.

    I’m a single mother of 6 and I had premature twins girls at 25 weeks and they was receiving benefits and due to why they were cut off 4 maybe 5 yes ago I did received recertification and filled out sent back and the following year got same problem there for they were cut off by the office in Huron sd and I believe so by right they shouldn’t have been cut off completely so I’m still no where to find some help to look into this situation

    • A.C.

      Hi, Lacey. We are sorry to hear about your situation. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We encourage you to continue to work with your local Social Security office. We hope this helps.

  4. Croy

    First why did mark never notified prior about the program if he wanted to work, why he not told of the eeoc whom protects individuals rights, then if social security paid more mark prob wouldnt have to work unless by peraonal choice. I mean 600-900$ a month minus bills, sky high prices on everything, gas prices at all time highs, virus affecting everyone covid & monkey poxs now, then thing that made me most insulted was that before being approved rwcieved 200 in ebt. However after being approved +and being said that id get $$$.00, the month after ebt went $200 ¥ to 31$ so that kind of defeats the purpose of a portion of the check. Yeah ya got it but still lost 100$+ which voids 100$+/- on benifits given. But i dont really see how there is a correlation with mark, ada, and ssdi..cause mark use ticket to work which is offered by the ss office, then the ada regulates moat disability statues and regulations yet the eeoc is whom usually regulates work rights of the disabled or discriminated against, then it say celwbrate marks achieve meant and how was this done i see know real celebratory comments anywhere just heres mark amd his story? But his story doesnt relate to the ada it should be correlates to the eeoc, then did mark work cause of free will or cause the struggle of lack of finacial ability upon the given ssdi income? Then hate to point this out cause props to him for growing stronger and achieving but i do believe any application says i john doe swear this info is true to the best of my knowledge or its a crime? So in that means you are admitting he commited perjury on a job app which is wrong. If hed been honest theyd more likely been honest open and notigied him sooner.sounds like a ploy..

  5. Shelley c.

    My name is shelley concepcion I live on kauai Hawaii ssi suspended my ssdi right before covid I have panic disability and have not had my money for about 3yrs already and I called them and the man that answered the phone made a sarcastic remark and said to me that I was the special one that they chose to do everything all over again and the stress is making me feel worse I’ve had my pay since 2006 and they are doing this to me such a shame that they would put this on someone that was sick since 15yrs old and I’m 47 now

    • Croy

      You would actually have social, seasonak, generalized Anxiety, pannic disorder does not actaully exsist. Its from the excessive prolonged overwhelming thaughts, worries, fears, and what ifs that after a excessize state, trigger a break down where the anixity becones to much for the body to handle then it goes into pannic attavk mode which feels like a heart attack or possibly even dieing while a car is parked on your chest, and your minds in shambles. That is why its not being approved look up disability blue book for your locality..

    • A.C.

      Hi, Shelley. We are sorry to hear about your situation. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We encourage you to continue to work with your local Social Security office. We hope this helps.

  6. Donna M.

    I was rob of my disability benefits from August of last year 2021. Social security of Bridgeport CT . They promised me that the was going to give me my full payment. Bridgeport office made the news. One of the representative made off with 147,000 dollars please help me

    • A.C.

      Hi, Donna. We are sorry to hear about your situation. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., for assistance. You can also contact your local Social Security office. We hope this helps.

  7. Barbara

    What a shame that Arizona never helps married couples who are on ssdi and still raising kids but other states are.

  8. Nancy M.

    I receive SSD and work part time. In 2022, people who work are only allowed to earn not more than $1,350 a month. The amount that is allowed only goes up like $10 dollars a year. Which is ridiculous. it’s really hard to even work part time but I have no choice. It’s more than a struggle to make ends meet with housing more than 1/2 my income and inflation taking everything else. Not everyone has a support system or family to live with. I would hope that the SSA would think hard about this. Please have some kind of compassion and allow the people who have to work to earn more to live and keep a roof over our heads with a little dignity.

    • Tasha Y.

      I totally agree with your statement. However, if you are visually impaired you are allowed to make $2,2260 per month if you work without losing your benefits. I have a co-worker who says it is harder for people with vision loss to find work which i have to assume is true. However, like you have mentioned, the SGA only goes up a little and in some cases jobs will not offer full-time employment so what are your options? I think that you are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT in stating that the the SGA for visual persons be raised higher, maybe not as high as for non-visual but at least so we have a fighting chance. Honestly, when you work part-time and receive SSDI you more than likely can not receive SNAP benefits (foodstamps) if you are single or any other benefits because you “are over every limit”.

  9. Stanley B.

    I lost over half my SSI [penalized) simply because I was a Federal employee,,, (letter carrier)
    I was supposed to receive a spousal benefit also.They refused,
    sent me a letter saying I was entitled but so sorry you Mr Barlow just can not have it and there’s nothing you can do about it.
    That was 2015? Has anything changed at all??
    We know you don’t care but my wife and I struggle to keep our home and pay for our medicines and lights,heat,vehicle etc.
    We can’t afford to travel like we had planned.
    Around $900.00 a month we’ve lost to you (Why?)
    We were told at your office that it started in 2009 to pay for the Government losses you suffered with the housing market collapse. When will that be payed off???

  10. JJJ

    Sad to see that the agency is celebrating this event when internally employees are separated for medical reasons.

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