Social Security Benefits to Increase in 2018

October 13, 2017 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: October 13, 2017

man and woman outside smiling When we announce the annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), there’s usually an increase in the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit amount people receive each month. Federal benefit rates increase when the cost of living rises, as measured by the Department of Labor’s Consumer Price Index (CPI-W).

The CPI-W rises when prices increase, making your cost of living go up. This means prices for goods and services, on average, are a little more expensive. The COLA helps to offset these costs. As a result, more than 66 million Americans will see a 2.0 percent increase in their Social Security and SSI benefits in 2018.

Other changes that will happen in January 2018 are based on the increase in the national average wage index. For example, the maximum amount of earnings subject to Social Security payroll tax will increase to $128,700. The earnings limit for workers younger than “full” retirement age will increase to $17,040 and the limit for people turning “full” retirement age in 2018 will increase to $45,360.

You can find more information about the 2018 COLA here.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Beverly L.

    since i received the 2% cost of living increased, which was 25$, I was told I lose all my extra help due to I no longer qualify because my income was over the limit of $25.00. So this did not help me it hurt me. any answers to how i can fix this. I am in poor health and can not afford my medicines with out the extra help, By the time I pay rent,utilities,phone and drug copays I am flat broke.

    • R.F.

      Hello Beverly. Unfortunately, and because of security reasons we do not have access to personal records in this blog and cannot answer your question at this time. One of our representatives should be able to provide you with an explanation. Please call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Generally, you will have a shorter wait time if you call later during the day or later in the week. Thanks.

  2. Tyler b.

    I hope someone kills you ///——B E N s stick your ass in an early grave pal

    • Kyle F.


    • Brent

      MAYBe someone will put a bullet in your head ——- B E N S

  3. Jenny w.

    Watch it the judges might be trying to screw you out of a once in a lifetime deal the 1st judge not helpful at all ??????

    • Jack

      Hay judge those are my fucking credits I’ve earned thru the years but you can suck my fucken dick pall you can give a shit those credits have nothing to do with you that’s why you can give a shit about it get your shit straight buddy?

    • Ben s.

      Judges can give a fuck at who you are )those credits are what I’ve earned thru out the years the Judges can give a dam they have no sweat to wipe off of denials so have Alil respect before you go shoving denials back into people’s faces——-that’s my earnings for all the years I’ve worked in the city which now days isn’t even worth putting time in for city’s that look like a shit hole anyway not worth the time of day when you turn and just get totally shitted on anyway —:;—-//://another demand keep this posted on your blog for 30 days for all viewers to see ///“”///. You working hard or hardly working. Ya let me shove my dick your butttt your honor?

      • Ben——s


  4. Kenney

    !!!!In our state we just wait for someone to say are you working u want a job or if someone thinks you should be working well just dump RAT poison in there food drink supply then tell em to fuck off that’s are way of doing business from state to state!!!!!!we don’t care who u r

  5. Todd

    Don’t tell us to get lost yet your honor I just want to CUM in your ass just once buddy

  6. Guy c.

    !!!! Well said !!!!!

    • Craigm

      ?Those judges suck Ass real ball lickers

  7. Jim

    We won’t tell you who we’ll shoot next but will tell you accidents can happen in broad day light??

  8. Ben s.

    K I L L A F R I E N D

  9. Ben s.

    K I L L A F R I E N D

  10. Elizabeth M.

    This is a good thing, except that every time you give a cost of living increase, you increase Medicare at the same rate. Technically, there is no cost of living increase in my pocket. I have the same SSDI net amount in my check for the last 6 years. even with the increases. What is the deal? Now, I loose the SSDI status because I reached 66? Do I loose all the ADA also?

    • Guy C.

      ? ? ?

      • Ben s.

        K I L L A F R I E N D

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