Social Security Benefits Increase in 2020

October 10, 2019 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: October 10, 2019

When we announce the annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), there’s usually an increase in the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit amount. Federal benefit rates increase when the cost of living rises, as measured by the Department of Labor’s Consumer Price Index (CPI-W).

The CPI-W rises when inflation increases, it makes your cost of living go up. This change means prices for goods and services, on average, are a little more expensive, so the COLA helps to offset these costs.

As a result, nearly 69 million Americans will see a 1.6 percent increase in their Social Security and SSI benefits in 2020.

January 2020 marks other changes that will happen based on the increase in the national average wage index. For example, the maximum amount of earnings subject to Social Security payroll tax. The retirement earnings test exempt amount, will also change in 2020.

Want to know your new benefit amount as soon as possible? In December 2019, we will post Social Security COLA notices online for retirement, survivors, and disability beneficiaries who have a my Social Security account. You will be able to view and save these COLA notices securely via the Message Center inside my Social Security.  You can also opt out of receiving notices by mail that are available online.

Be the first to know! Sign up for or log in to your personal my Social Security account today. Choose email or text under “Message Center Preferences” to receive courtesy notifications. This way you won’t miss your online COLA notice!

You can find more information about the 2020 COLA here.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner


  1. Herb I.

    Thank you for the update. As I reached full retirement age (66) in April 2019, I am anticipating my monthly benefit to increase in January. Is that accurate as I have not retired and have worked continuously since 1970.

    Thank you!

    • JOHN L.

      You should get a notice soon with your 1.6% increase included. Have you applied to get Medicaid to pay your part ‘B’ Medicare costs? Look into it. You may get all or part of the (I think it’s going up to $168.00 in 2020.I could be wrong more or less) paid by Medicaid.

      • S T.

        Why would anyone assume Herb might be eligible for Medicaid, if he has worked since 1970 and has not yet stopped working? The reply does not match the question.

  2. Ken R.

    CPI-W is a crock. Inflation rates on Food, Rx, Utilitiess, & Gas were far higher than 1.6%. No one buys & sells houses annually & My rental payment also increased more than 1.6%

    Then consider that no matter how much the SS increases, it is alll taken back with the increase iin Medicare premium. Effectively, have not had an increase in SS for a decade!

  3. Michael

    When I was a teenager and first applied for my SSN I used a nickname instead of my given birth name. Now, at
    79 years of age, I find that my nickname is an impediment to my getting a new federally required photo ID which is going to be required to enter federal buildings and get on airplanes. My question is, How do I get my name changed by Social Security to my legal name?
    Thank you.

    • S T.

      Visit a local office (haha if you still have one!) and bring your birth certificate and other proofs of both your names.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Michael. In order to change your name on your Social Security card, you must show us a document that proves your legal name change. If the document you provide as evidence of a legal name change does not give us enough information to identify you in our records, you must show us an identity document in your “old” name (as shown in our records) and another document showing your “new” name. To learn more on the process and what documents you will need to get a corrected card, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps!

  4. Vickie P.

    It is wonderful to see another increase in our SSDI. The only issue I would like to let you know about is when we receive an increase for Cola is that Medicare then raises the amount we pay for our Insurance. When we got the increase the last couple of years my total increase for Cola was $1.00. That helps in no way when you are on SSDI and can’t work and I am 58 and have really really bad health. I know nothing will happen to help us but I wanted someone to know.

  5. Richard E.

    I guess that means that our Medicare costs will go up one point six percent or more in 2020, thanks COLA

    • S T.

      No. Medicare premiums are going up by around 6.5%

  6. James G.

    After reaching the age of 67 I’ve come to realize there are MANY jobs given to people who are paid with (OUR) taxes and congress is included, yet they only answer to themselves therefore the flaw is very plain to see that the taxpayers have no control over who becomes millionaires in congress with the salaries they are paid by US. All my life has been spent working and raising a family and it is a hard pill to swallow when you see the GREED.

  7. Lawrence F.

    Our largest expense is home property taxes which are 20% of gross income and increasing by over 20% per year !

    • connie c.

      If you were lucky enough to have been able to buy a home.

  8. Paul w.

    If we get a little raise Medicare gets it hurts us more than it helps

  9. Gary O.

    Why is my comment not posted?

    • Robert G.

      I just read your comment.

  10. Mona

    Thank you for the update. Really nred it.

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